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Posts posted by GamerKate

  1. Jabberassik is such a loony awesome mashup I might even forgive the Spines/Fire powers choice, which I have an almost primal loathing for now due to the bad behavior of all the spines/fire toons I meet in the MA or AH with their AoE toggles blasting away doing nothing to any mobs but driving me crazy.


    And his suit is fantastic. That tie! thumbs up x million! :D I hope you've taken him to the Vanguard diplomatic mission where everyone's stood around being polite etc? Some awesome screenshot opportunities there :D



  2. Arc ID 5270


    The Echo


    Strongly story-focussed, long. 5 maps. Enemies are Freakshow and Crey and a custom villain group, The Crey Librarians!


    A simple kidnap rescue leads to a long-vanished hero turned evil. Can you unravel the mystery of why he turned, and prevent the end of the world?


    Heavily clue-dependent for narrative delivery, this one, and it contains a strong shift in tone so avoid if you don’t like your comedy mixed with bleak lol.


    And it’s not at all challenging so if you like challenge, you’ll be disappointed.





  3. I successfully scammed a famous ISK-scammer in EvE Online once. The amount was very small potatoes compared to her Billions, but I was very proud all the same.



    :o :o :o


    Lol details upthread!


    Happily, such scams are unlikely to happen in Paragon City due to our lovely community.



  4. I love that I have such a long and loving history with this game, and I was helped by so many people over the years...I enjoy paying it forward and using the things I've learned to help others enjoy the game even more.

    That's how you do it Healix, I've got the same philosophy. I remember being a newb and making bad choices back in the day (once 6 slotted health). I got a lot of help from folks until I learned it, and I'm always going to stick my hand out to help the next person up.


    Kudos to you.


    6-slotted Health? Ha what a noob!


    Everyone knows it’s Brawl you gotta 6-slot!



  5. I successfully scammed a famous ISK-scammer in EvE Online once. The amount was very small potatoes compared to her Billions, but I was very proud all the same.



    Details please...




    I forget what her name was, she was the one who was subsequently permabanned for having a special ‘bonus room’ where she and her horrible cronies would make noobs read Alice in wonderland and sing stupid songs and delete their characters etc over VoIP and laugh about it. Something-1 I think.


    She had an ISK-doubling scam where you had to ‘follow the rules’ written in her bio (or whatever the Eve equivalent is called, I forget now).


    One of the rules was that you could try this thing three times. And each time you had to offer her at least double what you got back the first time (maybe the maths was a little different but the gist was that the third time the mark would be offering huge amounts).


    I guess the scam worked like this: she’d give back double the ISk the mark put up twice, so they’d think it was legit and on the third attempt the mark would give everything. Then she’d claim that the mark hadn’t followed the rules correctly or claim she’d sent the ISk but he Mark was lying or some other bullshit response. But she'D Keep the ISK.


    I didn’t know how it worked, but it was obviously a scam because all

    Isk-doubling schemes are scams lol, so I figured the simplest explanation was that the first double and the second would work to fool the mark into trusting her. And then she’d simply keep the third.


    So I PMed her saying I thought I’d Worked out her rules and that I was in a 2-person Corp with my wife (who I totally made up, my Corp did just have two members but the other one was a good friend) and that I wanted to double our ISK three times so I could surprise my wife with an expensive ship for our anniversary.


    She jumped at the chance to ‘help’ me out.


    I told her we only had about 500million ISK, but that I’d worked out I could get that up to a few billion or so if I played the game right. I said I needed to be sure it wasn’t a scam first of course, so I’d start with 40million ISK. SHe said that was a good idea and I was obviously smart not to trust someone straight away. So I gave her 40 million ISK, and she immediately gave me back 80mil. Bear in mind that this figure is really pretty small in EvE, especially to a vet player like her.


    Anyway, then I paused for a few minutes without saying anything in chat, and she was ‘hello? Where are you?’ I went back to chat with ‘hello, this is John’s wife. He’s an idiot and he’s not playing your game anymore’


    Then I waited 30 seconds and typed ‘hi. This is John. She’s really pissed at me, I’m sorry but I can’t play anymore. She thinks you’re a scammer even though I just showed her you’re not, but she says if I keep playing your game I’m sleeping on the couch tonight :( ‘


    She was not happy, started ranting about reporting me for multiple people using the same account. I told her my wife had her own account and she had just used chat for one sentence, and apologised again and told her with an air of innocence that 40million was at least a little help towards our expensive ship and that I could now vouch for her isk-doubling scheme as it was clearly legit!


    And that was it.


    40million ISK for her was less than a drop in the ocean, she had multiple billions. I was never very good at making money In Eve, I was a miner, so it was a bit more for me. But the amount wasn’t the point. After reading about her frankly vile behaviour on the forums, the joy I felt at scamming her was awesome. And all that guff about my wife? As Henry Gondorff says in The Sting, “You gotta keep his con even after you take his money. He can't know you took him.” - I could have crowed about scamming the scammer etc but then she’d have no doubt gone the ‘pff, 40 mil is nothing!’ route, which wasn’t the point, and I’d have made a powerful EvE player pissed at me. But she left our chat thinking I was still a mark, albeit a lucky one, when in fact she was the mark this time.


    I saved the chatlog. Rereading it was to me riches beyond Space Rich lol.



    • Thanks 1
  6. Back in the day I think I did something with a Power Pool, Aid Other, and some sort of weird setup where an SG mate stood in some lace and my Blaster has Aid Other on auto cast and we left books on our keyboard to stop auto-logout, hen went to bed and left the game running all night.



  7. I am looking forward to the holidays and falling in love with the game all over again....and saving that annoying baby new year twerp.


    I took my NP to the Ski Lodge to show her how cool it was, but we couldn’t activate the mission - is it going to be like Live, activates at Christmas?



  8. My problem with having played CoX before is that it is shocking how much I have forgotten. I think being new to the game would actually better. Not a day goes by without me saying "Oh yeah, that's how you do that" "that's where she is" or "Drat, I shoulda..."

    I did a Katie Hannon TF last night. We were halfway through the first mission wiping spawns of witches before we realized that we were doing that because none of us could recall where Mary spawned and were all just following each other hoping that someone else remembered.


    Lol I love this. It makes me imagine a load of elderly heroes bumbling around like Dad’s Army going ‘Don’t panic! It’ll come back to me in a minute!’




    I’m one of those Dirty Vets and I absolutely LOVE that I’ve forgotten so much. The other day I was dozing off to sleep and I suddenly remembered Striga. “STRIGA!” I thought, “omg giant mech in a volcano base!”


    Ir’s Almost better than it was the first time because I can remember the sense of how awesome the content was, but he details are still awaiting me to experience all over again :)



  9. ...and still can't figure out how to get images to post, apparently...


    You need to host the image on an image hosting site like imgur and then save the url of the image, and then when you’re composing your post, click the leftmost icon on the bottom row (it’s a painting).


    You’ll see this:


    [ img ][ /img]  Although without the spaces in those square brackets. In the first one, change it to [ img width=600 ] so that your pic isn’t too big to be seen on the forum, and boom you’re golden.




    EDIT: I see you didn’t need my advice! Maybe it’ll help someone else :)



  10. Is that Superman chest logo photoshopped?


    I don't recall seeing that one.

    As noted in the original post, it's a client-side mod.  You can replace chest emblems with other chest emblems (or almost any texture with any other texture, really) in your files, but only you'll be able to see them.  Everyone else will see the original emblem.


    Thank the gods for that. It’s bad enough seeing the ripoff toons in game already without them actually sporting proper symbols etc.



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