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Posts posted by GamerKate

  1. Maybe you should demand they refund your sub, or visit one of the static i24 servers out there, or use the freely available code to make your own which wont make you "extremely mad".


    Oh and they were confirmed, they just were not released, oh and cost free toggles were here too so thats an expansion on a theme, they were also moved onto the exisiting ones such as Field Agent (cloaking device) for example and as for "doing way more than their official counterparts" not one of these sets is considered overpowered.


    If you get "extremely mad" when being provided with a free, long dead game with more content than live, well Im not sure what to suggest you do to "chill", perhaps look into medication?


    Ditch the snark.  I hate to be a frowny cloud in this sunny day, but someone has to stop and say "Is it actually a good idea to dump unfinished stuff into the game?"


    CoX was a well-balanced game.  I don't want to see that balance messed up by a green crew that, frankly, I don't trust yet.  And I wasn't exactly paying attention in the twilight hours of CoX, so I don't know what was or was not in development before the end, and seeing so many Blaster buffs at once was as alarming as it was worrying.  It didn't come across as "Paragon was going to do this," it came off as "Someone in the Homecoming crew is a Blaster main."  If I was mistaken, fine.  I still don't like the dump-it-all-on-live-as-is approach, and I still think some of the new Blaster stuff is overpowered, but fine.


    I may not be investing money into this incarnation of the game, but you should know god damn well how invested we vets are emotionally.  But I get it, I'm not allowed to express my annoyances, that much has been made abundantly clear thus far.  Free game no bitching, or whatever.  Also, you should realize that this is the internet, and hyperbole is as prevalent as it is unintended, "extremely mad" is more like "exceptionally grumpy."


    Nobody is disallowing you from expressing your annoyance, only the mods can mute you or whatever. You can post whatever you like. Don’t conflate disagreement with censorship.


    As for your odd definition of ‘extremely mad’, it’s not our responsibility to assume you don’t mean ‘I am extremely mad’ when you say ‘I am extremely mad’



  2. I’d like to remind people that if you  have [ img width=600 ] (without those spaces inside the square brackets) instead of the first [ img ] , your pic will be sized better for the forum and viewers won’t have to scroll left and right to see the whole thing. This is especially fiddly on a smartphone.



  3. Dr%20Alec%20von%20Chronite_zpswrmzftap.jpg


    Sadly I was somewhat length limited here so I had to trim the bio. One part I regret having to cut is an explanation as to why Paragon University didn't just send him back to Munich. You see they were also using the professor exchange program to get rid of an inconvenient professor and were worried that the University of Munich might send him back if they tried to get rid of Alec. Under the circumstances they decided that keeping him around but encouraging him to work off-campus was the easiest option.


    Also he's a Time/Electric Defender if that wasn't obvious.


    Awesome costume and I love the bio.


    Some great work here!


    I confess however that when someone posts like dozens of them in one go it’s a bit overwhelming, and difficult to comment on individual ones. But I have read them all.



  4. Woah guys!... I would love to read your awesome bios, but those images are waaaayyy too big!  lol


    You can resize your images in the forum editor by toggling the format view (the arrow in brackets), and adding a size parameter to the first image tag, like so - [ img width=600 ]  (without the added spaces at the brackets)


    Thank you. I didn’t realise mine was too big. Lunchmoney’s scrolls off he screen for me, but mine fits. I will edit mine




    EDIT: done, hope that’s better :)

  5. Inspired by Yipp's threads showing his Villains of the Day, I thought maybe a thread dedicated to showcasing our bios would be fun :D


    So let's see your bios!


    I offer one of mine to start with, my Mind/Psy Controller, The Psystem!




    I have more, lol, but I'm eager to see yours!


    If you dont know how to embed images, here's one way to do it:


    Look in the game options under keymapping for 'screenshot UI', and enable it.


    Take a screenshot.


    Look in your CoH screenshot folder, find the screenie, edit it in Paint or something to make it suitable.


    Go to https://imgur.com and make an account


    Drag your photo into imgur (it will be default hidden)


    Copy the URL of the photo.


    Use the 'insert image' feature of the forum.


    Boom, you're famous!






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  6. I write Bio's for my characters, though I do not think they are very good. Well, nobody has sent me tell or message saying that they are so yeah  ???


    My view is that ANY bios are better than nothing. If you need some advice or comment on a bio, feel free to PM me and I can offer some constructive positive  criticism :)


    But really, nobody is Shakespeare, and CoH is the poster child for anti min-maxers and I think that goes for creative writing too. If you’ve made a bio, I think you should be proud :)




  7. Oh well, in that case once they have all been reborn as it were maybe you should try find others who have written amazing bio's for their characters. Just a thought  ;)


    I want to reiterate here that I am very happy to see a player taking the time and emotional investment to actually write origins for their characters. I don’t like all of Yipp’s creations, lol, but it’s always a huge pleasure for me to click Info on a toon and see a bio rather than just the ‘first appearance’ entry.


    ItMs really cool to see someone remembering the RPG part of MMORPG :)


    And I’d love to see more of these, maybe a dedicated ‘hero/villain bio’ thread is a good idea?



  8. Awesome. This a million times.


    And I don’t even think that’s unbalanced. Other toons will have Cleared All, and this got more XP and inf than you did for it.


    I’ve never fought Frosty on a stalker, because I always start the ‘villain’ ATs redside lol, then if I want them to go blue, I redeem them the long way.


    At least, that’s what I did on Live. Maybe I should roll up a lowbie heroic Stalker.  Stalkers are really fun to play.



  9. 4 Kinetics/Radiation Defenders.


    Or anything else really :D


    EDIT my bad. I just noticed no repeat ATs.


    So 4 different ATs with various combos of Kinetics and radiation.


    Or anything else, really.


    Ok well maybe not literally any random AT 4-way. But asking for THE MOST synergistic is a bit like asking ‘what’s the best way to have a stroll in this park?’


    Maybe ‘can you recommend some good synergies across powersets and ATs I can think of when I and my 3 SG mates are creating our new super squad’ would be a better way to go about it. Because CoH has a lot of different ways to be ‘the best’ in all sorts of aspects.



  10. socalexile, when you move a macro from the tray to the custom.window it automatically turns into a bar.


    MrCaptainMan, is this what you are looking for?


    Then there's this... MAP hard to view? No problem flipp in and out of an enlarged map with ease:


    /BIND CTRL+F12 "window_hide chat$$windowscale map 2.0"

    /BIND ALT+F12 "show chat$$windowscale map 1.0"

    That looks perfect, thank you!


    EDIT: I should be able to tweak this so that it’s a toggle on one key, too, I think?



  11. I really appreciate the fact that you think up and write bios for your characters. I’m not a fan of all of your writing, but I often click on toons in game and look at their Info and am a bit dispirited to see the vast majority of players seem to not bother with this aspect of the game.


    It’s always nice for me in game to see a hero or villain with an interesting or amusing bio, and I wish more players would do this.



  12. My NP and I duo, she has a Dark/Fire scrapper and I have a Plant/Pain controller. I kind of loiter around healing her and Holding the mobs while she piles on.


    With a defender or controller you can treat your wife as a pet, if she plays a melee class or a blaster.


    Also, you should try not to play a new AT like you played your MM. Each AT and powerset combo has its own style. Learn about corner pulling and start to use the environment (hide behind pillars to break LoS etc) and run away more.


    Another tip is ALWAYS do the Outbreak tutorial with a new toon. It will give you an immediate easy feel for how your attack powers work and how long they take to recharge etc.


    Kin/rad Defender is great fun btw imo.




    The issue is not in the supposed difficulty of adding an adjective, it's that doing so changes the name you really wanted.


    I cannot fathom how someone would want to name themselves The Cockatrice when there is another Cockatrice fighting crime in Paragon. What if ten people wanted to call themselves the Cockatrice? It’d be ‘I’m Spartacus!’ only worse.


    “Hey, Hero! Why you must be the Cockatrice! Thanks for defeating the Hellions last week! You didn’t? Hm, I must have heard about another Cockatrice. Is there a Cockatrice Corps?’


    No thanks to this suggestion. I don’t sit on names, I make alts and play them. And I like that they’re unique. Thesaurus.com is my friend.



  14. CoH is an RPG, and in RPGS, a critical miss is a miss no matter how skilled the PC or NPC is. In Callmof CthulhuC for example, a player can have 100% skill level in say Fencing, but if they roll double zero on those percentage five they’ve missed.


    As it stands, the 5% chance to miss no matter what is fair because it applies to both parties in a fight. Your opponent is equally likely to fail and be surprised by whiffing.



  15. Not sure if this qualifies as a hack but I always switch the positions of the target window and the map window on every toon as soon as they enter the game at lvl 1. Why on Earth the original team thought having a large map in the Center of the screen obscuring your view and the smaller targeting window over on the left is beyond me.



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