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Posts posted by Psylenz0511

  1. I have played a variety of Electric Affinity defenders. I really like my first EA who has water blast. I think it pairs well with whirlpool, steam spray, and geyser which are all nice AoEs.

    I played sonic blast on one to 50, but sonic blast has a number of cones that require more jumping back and forth in and possibly out of the Faraday Cage. It works but I wouldn't call it perfect pairing.

    Electric is the most obvious pairing with the extra drains. Short Circuit, Ball lightning, and the electric ranged aoe nuke all play nice with being in the cage, supporting the point of attack.

    My most recent Corruptor is Radiation/EA and it's amazing how well the rad blasts work with the cage. I only skipped the cone in the primary blasts (corruptor style). Irradiate, neutorn bomb, and atomic blast are great. 


    The most clicky defender I have played is a kinetic / electric. That one with the self boosts from siphon speed and such can actually hit what I call the animation cap. Your recharge is so quick, you seem to wait more for the powers to recharge when you are perking at high recharge cycles.


    I have a love hate relationship with beam rifle. Love it on the team I amn in but it drives me crazy to play it.


    I  haven't alted that far yet but I am sure that EA/ice would be very handy with the holds and the rains to keep the foes bouncing or held.



  2. 6 hours ago, Doomguide2005 said:

         The entry (in CoD) is a bit confusing because the target of the power is you (i.e. Self).   Note also the entry of "Entities Autohit   Foe (Alive)"  So you place the toggle on yourself no accuracy needed.  The toggle then auto effects and auto hits the foes in the area.  Also worth noting that afaik there's no pseudopets involved.  


    Bottom line no accuracy needed for the power to work.  Endurance Reduction and Hold Duration are the priorities.  It's one of those powers I typically frakkenslot in this case with Endred/Hold IOs ×3 then if a favored frequently played i may get around to boosting +5.  There are other potential enhancement choices but as all other build decisions it is based on the builds goals and priorities.

    I agree with doomguide and I also suggest putting the Lockdown proc for mag hold increase. You will notice the difference.

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  3. On 4/10/2024 at 1:17 PM, arcane said:

    Thank you both, that settles it. 

    And I found the extra slot I was hoping for anyway; I completely forgot that Howling Twilight is AutoHit and doesn’t need an Accuracy IO.

    Yes, please do NOT forget that the stun and slow of  Howling Twilight are autohit B-) as well as that groovy rez aspect some folks use it for.

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  4. 4 hours ago, BrandX said:

    I honestly haven't felt like a my Corruptors, when solo, are doing that much more damage than my Defenders.  So, yes, Scourge may kick in and me of use on bosses, solo, for AV type of deals, if a Corr can get down to Scourge kicking in, then a Defender can get them down in health to.

    Defender comes with some better Defense numbers too.  I've enjoyed my Storm/Storm Defender more than my Storm/Storm Corruptor.


    No, on Kinetics, I thought the Corruptor won out.

    Better as defenders:




    Sonic (don't laugh, that hula hoop of doom is DEADLY defender sized on a teammate)


    Trick Arrow


    Thermal (I am a bit ambivalent on this one)

    Poison if you are a team player

    Kinetics if you are a team player

    Electric Affinity

    Nature Affinity

    Radiation Emission


    In the right hands of a Corruptor - better off:




    Trick Arrow if you tend to solo more


    What people forget about Kinetics is that all siphon powers: transfusion, transference, siphon power, siphon speed, and fulcrum shift are double edged weapons. Transfusion has -regen that is NOT enhanceable but performs better on a defender, Siphon power has +dmg for teammates but also -dmg on targets (this subtlety of -dmg is lost on the masses) siphon speed has a GLORIOUS irresistible secondary effect of -speed. (It can miss but AVs and hard targets in general do not resist). If you're a sapper, transference makes sapping easier for defenders. For all the lovely stack +dmg [hello damage cap 🙂 ] it also REDUCES DMG on all affected targets. On typical regular in-game content less than level 50, the nuance of a defender debuff compared to a corruptor debuff may be trivial, but in hard content this additional -dmg can be a lifesaver.


  5. 10 minutes ago, PhotriusPyrelus said:

    1. I don't really understand.  I know TP means Teleport, but I'm not sure what you're talking about; I've never used the teleport powers (unless you count other people teleporting me)  Start just out of aggro range where your presence alone won't cause the group to attack you.  Click your teleport power, place the target in the middle of the spawn. You will teleport into their midst and be invulnerable for a few moments while choking cloud takes affect. With this technique they can do their 'alpha' first attack on you in vain as choking cloud ticks pulses and holds more of the group. This will put you directly in the middle of the spawn - just where you want to be with choking cloud.

    2.  I have 1 End.Redux, 1 Rech.Redux and 4 Hold Duration at the moment.  It pretty much permenantly locks down minions, and about 90% on Lt.s.  Also, I haven't really messed with sets yet; I'm only 43, I think, and am still using regular IOs.  I think the ones in Choking Cloud (whose initials are hilariously CC, that had to be intentional), are 25. You need at least 2 level 30+ generic IOs slotted in Choking Cloud, then you need the Lockdown proc Chance for +2 Mag hold, and then fill your extra 3 potential slots with hold duration or even some accuracy enhancement. Because it is a proc, you can start using the Lockdown proc at level 27! Because it's an IO, the proc will be good until you are level 50++++ Because you want choking cloud in every group at every level possible, you want a level 30 or an attuned IO proc so that you may exemp down and have the proc available for content level 27-50++++ This proc is that important and it is the ONLY IO from the Lockdown (or any other IO hold set) that is required. This IO proc when you have it slotted is a game changer, trust me. You hit level 27 you get 2 enhancement slots, one slot is to be dedicated to choking cloud for this proc.

    3. What do you mean "The animation time on Radiation infection leaves [me] in a precarious position"?  I've been thinking about anchoring on Lt.s, but it seems more important that I be certain at least one of the bosses is covered in the aura, and since the debuffs don't deactivate upon death any more, but rather when the body disappears, this seemed like a better strategy to me.  I'm certainly not saying I know better, just my line of thinking so far. The animation time, the cast time of this action, grabs the attention of your targets within fraction of a second when you start casting. Radiation Infection takes 1.5 seconds to cast [I think it used to be longer] and actually affect your targets with to-hit debuff. Radiation Infection is NOT the best opening move. I generally will pre-emptively DETOGGLE on the anchor's death to give me the option to re-toggle where I need to next..

    4.  I have to admit, I have *ZERO* idea how threat works in this game.  I don't really understand how taunt works or how debuffs can pull threat.  @_@  Taunts in general come in AoE package or single target for scrappers, brutes, and other melee. The most number of foes you can target at one AOE application is 16, if you can hit 16 of 16 chances are someone is running Tactics or radiation infection, where you chance to hit the targets is increased. Some folks with taunt can easily cycle through 16 targets and retarget another set of foes. What this means is the taunter has aggroed over 16 targets, but he can only hold the aggro of 16 at a time. A radiation emission character can easily strip off 16 of the targets the taunter has initailly aggroed via choking cloud, radiation infection, enervating field, lingering radiation, etc which are all AoE and will break the aggro of any targer outside the last 16 successfully taunted. BIg raids, like the RIkti Mothership Raid, zone events, or situations where the taunter has more than 16 targets are DEATH TRAPS for radiation emission users unless they are knowledgeable of the risks.

    I went on too long, but I hope I enlightened you to better tactics. Strategy is still up to you 😉

  6. 13 hours ago, PhotriusPyrelus said:

    Back on live I played a Rad/Rad Defender and I loved it.  It was one of the best characters I ever played in any MMO.  I had decent DPS (less than a blaster, but still contributing), I didn't feel overly squishy in the rare case that enemies managed to hit me through my Radiation Infection.  I wasn't even using Choking Cloud back then because I thought it was dumb.  Admittedly, though, I didn't play very much at level-cap.

    Since I started playing again, I feel so much weaker.  My DPS is abysmal, if enemies hit me, I fold like a tower of cards.  I basically have no choice *but* to use Choking Cloud.  And that's just solo.  In teams I feel 100% useless.  My damage is non-existent, my debuffs don't seem to matter at all, and if I try to get in to use Choking Cloud, AOE puts me face down in the dirt.

    And last night some very experienced level 50 let me tag along with him.  He didn't need me there at all.  He was 100% fine soloing everything.  I appreciate his charity in letting me soak up XP, but damn did it make me feel useless and start wondering what's the point of playing a Defender?  ...and then a Blaster joined and started pulling (not sure what power set, he did some move where he charged in and did beaucoup damage) and he'd wipe out the minions instantly, and it looked like whatever wasn't killed outright was mezzed for several seconds.  I don't think I saw him ever fall below 75% HP.

    So yeah.  What's the point of playing the buffing/debuffing class when no one needs your buffs or debuffs...

    As an experience player in the long long ago. I can offer a few tips:

       1. Do not wade into groups running choking cloud. It's best applied using TP, not combat TP, because you get a few moments of invulnerability to lay down the smack, like EMP Pulse or Atomic Blast or both, even better.


       2. Choking cloud needs slotting: endurance is obvious but the +chance hold proc from [my mind went blank] EDIT: **Lockdown Chance for +2 Mag Hold proc - NOT a set bonus**  is also a requirement. frankenslot for sure because most set bonuses are wasted on choking cloud.


       3. DO apply the toggle debuffs in the order of enervating field FIRST and then radiation infection. The animation time on radiation infection leaves you in a precarious position. You get reduced foe dmg in an aoe on your target anchor (which is not enhanceable, sorry) right away, as well as reduced resistance of your foes. The groups tend to melt before giving radiation infection a second thought. Also, target lieutenants for anchors as they are crunchier and oftern the team focuses right away on bosses.


       4. BE AFRAID OF OVERZEALOUS TAUNTERS! Be very afraid. *Shivers* Taunters have the notice they can taunt every last Freak on the Dreck map. They could in Issue 1, but many still THINK they can. Your toggles: choking cloud, rad infection, enervating field can 'rip' targets off the taunter with ease because of the taunt's aggro cap! Especially if the taunter is running around the room/map inviting new groups into the 'murder zone'. The only thing you care about getting murdered is YOU.\


    That should help some.  

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Zect said:

    The answer to your question is IO's and incarnates. Once you properly leverage all the power creep that has happened between 2012 and now, you'll be enjoying builds that easily dominate anything on live.


    But in general, support is wasted in piss easy content like ITFs, PI radios, AE farms, MSR, whatever this week's strike target is, and so on. If you play content where support isn't needed, then obviously you're going to feel useless.

    ITF can be hard with the varying abilities of team members, but I agree with your post,

  8. 3 hours ago, MonteCarla said:

    I run PUG Task Forces with levelling characters, usually do the weekly task force and whatever else takes my fancy.

    I set the difficulty level based on how many support characters there are. I count the Defenders, Corrupters, Controller and Masterminds and look at their support powersets and can tell how hard it's going to be from that. 4 Supporters? We can probably run at +3 easy!


    Radiation Emission's an odd set. It doesn't have a big tangible benefit like others do. (Force Fields = yay! No more damage, Kinetics = yay! Free end for everyone!)

    But, it takes the edge off everything. Your teammates get some free end and recharge, which can make a Synapse or Yin much more bearable. You do provide layered safety via a -To Hit toggle, unreliable hold, -damage toggle and a weak but reliable heal. So its hard to feel your contribution.

    Solo, your safety's not guaranteed.


    But, every Defender (and other supporter) on a team is worth it. And if you ever get on an all-Defender team, you'll really feel it!

    Hello did someone mention the Everlasting defenders :-O 

    • Like 1
  9. On 4/18/2024 at 8:01 PM, 00Troy00 said:

    Yes, I understand the argument for a corruptor, but I want a defender so as to be able to exempt as far downcascpossible, and still have my core Kin powers.


    Any ideas how to build this w/o spending crazy money?


    When you say cheap, I am guessing you mean pre-50 when you want to gear up fast without the fancy purple/winter/SBB IOs.


    Actually many of the main buffs/DEBUFFS of Kineticism do not fit well with set bonuses of IOs

    Fulcrum shift needs 2 Acc and 2 Rech IOs of at least generic level 35+ IOs

    Same with Siphon Power, Siphon Speed while Transfusion and Transference do use accurate healing sets and end-mod sets respectively.

    Inertial Reduction, Speed Boost, and Increase Density can get away with one slot to operate, but picking up Resistance procs in Increase density, and end-mod features for speed boost is attractive but not required I opine until you 'trick out' a level 50.


    Remember to get tactics so your siphons hit more often and maneuvers for defense procs. Also remember: even with siphon speed and not tons of recharge bonuses, you will eventually hit what I call the animation cap. In other words, your dilemma will be waiting for powers to go off more than waiting for them to recharge. It's a delicious predicament.


    PIck a secondary with many short animation attacks. I love Kin/rad. Dual pistols is a good choice for the many AoEs for many fulcrum shifted targets. I cannot imagine beam rifle on a Kin, sorry, just my opinion. Kin/Dark is a classic build, too, with the cones/AoEs and who doesn't love the tentacles?


    Have fun. I hope to see you again soon on Everlasting, Troy. 


    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, Know1 said:

    I made a character, Scout R (Merk/Rad MM), on Torchbearer.  I started a base, put in my basic IO storage system I use in all my bases, and grabbed different Teleport systems, but I'll have to look into them to see how they work, and how many we need to set up to have access to everywhere. 

    Anyone who wants to decorate the base feel free, right now it is just a big open space. 


    Contact me at @Know1 and I'll invite you to the supergroup.


    After we get up and running, I'll make a post about it on the Torchbearer forums, and we will use that to keep in touch.  I assume that any set groups we make will also make a post there, and use that post to keep connected.  I found that that worked pretty well when we did it that way on live.


    I'll make at least 3 more Rads and bring them into the SG, that way I have one of each to play, plus any that get made for set groups.  I feel my altitus is acting up again.


    I replied in the defender forums. You might build a 'loose' coalition where if you have special events, characters from other servers could transfer to Torchbearer to be a part and then transfer back after the event to their home server/SG. I suggest a global channel "The Jolly Green Glow" for extra recognition to where members of the channel would receive communiques even when they were alting on non-AM and therefore non-SG characters. 😁

  11. On 2/21/2024 at 5:47 PM, Know1 said:

    I made a post in the cotroller forums about starting up a supergroup all with accelerate metabolism for group play.  If you would be interested, check out my post there.


    Joking aside, I am a member of an all defender/all corruptor cooperative group on Everlasting. We are a community built around a global channel "Buffed Up". We would welcome a coalition with an all AM - SG on Everlasting. Short of being both on Everlasting I have a Rad/rad defender at level 50 that does not get played enough I could transfer to the server of your all-AM SG. Hit me up @Psylenz in game or here.

  12. Caltrops are a slow, and a fear, AND DAMAGE. The slows can be 'procc'd' for decent aoe damage.


    Personally for the alpha strikes, I certainly endorse seeker drones, especially with a caltrops chaser, that gives you TIME to set up the other traps.


    Also, adding to fold space, and teleport target, regular teleport gives you a few seconds of invulnerability to lay down a Poison Gas Trap!


    I look forward to trying the new tier 9

  13. On 1/9/2024 at 8:38 PM, smnolimits42 said:

    alright i'm gonna try poison again, what would be your favourite secondary ???

    Take something with quick blast animations and good melee range damage, might I suggest the old Poison/rad combo

  14. 2 hours ago, Know1 said:

    I made a post in the cotroller forums about starting up a supergroup all with accelerate metabolism for group play.  If you would be interested, check out my post there.

    All AM, I prefer to play all PM 😛

  15. I heard in game, not in jest, is dark miasma really a  good secondary. I never heard that before!


    In short, oh yeah.


    For example I have a Fire/dark corruptor and she is hottt. Target AoE rain, Target Aoe Blast all on a tar patch? yes please. Starts early finishes strong.

  16. So much misinformation:


    First gale  in conjunction with steamy mist means most of the time you get the jump on them to knock them down. Even if you only hit a third of the spawn, that means the alpha strike from the spawn is 1/3 less. I slot for acc, KB>KD, and FF +recharge (that's 100% recharge bonus for the number crunchers).


    O2 at higher levels is a potent heal. I usually do not bother to try to buff the whole team for end drain resistance, but your blasters can appreciate that aspect.


    Snowstorm is much maligned. Yes it's a aoe slow, and it has -fly. What most non-storm users and many stormers themselves do not know is that snowstorm is the great interrupter. Spawns in snow storms do not self-destruct (Embalmed vahz, CoT mages) do not set up force field generators ( sky raiders) do not summon allies (rikti comm officers). There are more I am forgetting. Combined with a stray tarpatch or glue arrow, snowstorm is arguably a hold, and reduces incoming damage significantly.


    Like most powers, teams can get the most advantage to the team playing to individual members strengths, this includes corner pulls by tanks, fold space for blasters' nukes, and even stormies' hurricane. Why do tanks pull to the center of a room and not to a corner? pure laziness is my thought. Look at the Imperious Task Force. The standard operandi on Romulous at the last battle is to PULL to the doors.... why? It leverages, the taunts, the aoes, and the defense and heal auras and leadership boosts. Telling a stormy he cannot use herdicane is tantamount to telling a blaster he can't hover blast. It's simply vinidictive and arbitrary.


    IMHO, thunderclap isn't worth the animation time nor the placement proximity required.


    Freezing Rain, Tornado and LIghtning storm continue to be the big 3 even in a storm blast world of Homecoming.


    OH yeah, one last dig, all my stormies are defenders or trollers.


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  17. I have to vote for Electric Affinity. It buffs recharge, heals,  applies a degree of absorb, buffs tohit, buffs recovery, And then there is Faraday Cage for resistance, mezz protection and a myriad of status protections that sonic dispersion wishes it had. Kinetics is the king of damage buff; however, increase density won't protect a team of 8 from the statuses that Faraday Cage offers protection for. Radiation is a great debuffer, but in practice, powers like radiation infection only get proper usage against bosses and hard targets. I will admit the -regen in EA is weak, even dark miasma has trouble with heavy status attackers like Super Stunners and Gunslingers. That said, I still like the balanced support of an electric affinity on the team, especially if he has 7 defender cousins to team with >:)

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