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Posts posted by Psylenz0511

  1. On 1/5/2022 at 10:15 AM, MoonSheep said:

    something to add also is that the sonic shields last for 4 minutes, you may find that being a sonic/sonic support defender isn’t too bad as it’s not very clicky


    i main only 2 alts, one is a kin/sonic defender, even with full fulcrum shift i never feel that the damage is too great with sonic blast which is why i suggested considering a blaster. i feel sonic blast on a defender is mostly for the debuff, fire has much more potential to deal meaningful damage. a sentinel might live longer but the damage isn’t as good


    not knowing your CoH career, have you played blasters much? if soloing mishes you can KB or mez a few individuals in a group and make it out alive via killing things before they’re able to get back on their feet 


    The OP did say he likes to RP an odd character on Radio missions; therefore the additional -res for the TEAM from his attacks makes the TEAM do more damage.

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  2. 11 hours ago, Darkir said:



    4. You can proc your attacks out with damage AND stuns. Then you can go dark mastery for oppressive gloom and actually stack enough stuns to stun bosses for a few brief moments. Is it worth it? Maybe? Probably not? Is it hilarious and super fun? Yes, yes it is.


  3. Again, you have a point, if your insulation absorb is maxxed before hitting the spawn, it's very much like stealthing in and putting up the cage because with either absorb or damage resist your health bar should  look good, not so good if you draw aggro with an AoE without either the absorb shield or Faraday Cage. I appreciate the variety in successful tactics that CoH allows experienced players. 

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  4. I get the concept. I see one glaring omission in your offender teaming build. Your build craves sonic disruption. I know you need a teammate for the anchor, but it's a role-defining ability that cannot be measured in Mids. Trust me, it's not a team buff. Your anchor will soak up so much aggro, and you as well that stealth won't be an option to you when the anchor is in place. The debuff and hence the +damage is HUGE. It would resemble the -resistance in freezing rain that stays as long as the anchor is alive, and it's mobile. And, the -resist is unenhanceable so it only truly needs 2 +end redux IOs.


    I gave away which ability I would ditch in favor of sonic disruption. Stealth is adding to your non-defining defense. It does have +defense but it's not role-defining. You would also sacrifice some +recharge. Again, I would suggest this +recharge is not role-defining. You are only enhancing the ability of recharging the nuke, and with 4 LotG +recharge with your other recharge bonuses, the availability of your nuke will still be there.


    If you had to have stealth, my second choice to ditch would be hover. The extra(?) slot for +kb-protection could be shifted to a  +kb resist in tough! through the steadfast protection proc. That choice would be hard to choose between ability to ghost or ability to hover snipe. I myself would sacrifice the ghosting ability.

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  5. 13 hours ago, Bastille Boy said:

    Will you be soloing a lot with this toon, or will you be playing mainly on teams? Some defender powersets are a lot more solo-friendly than others.


    My favorite defender (largely for concept reasons) is Pain/Sonic. This is not a top-tier combination by any means, but Pain is not a "clicky" set, so I can focus on attacking. The debuffs from Sonic are valuable on a team. Soloing with this toon is possible but masochistic.


    My Time/Water and Nature/Water both solo well and contribute well on teams. Water is a great powerset for defenders if you're OK with not soloing AVs (due to the focus on AoE over single target damage). I'd recommend Time/X if you want a tanky defender.


    I used to be a big fan of Rad/Sonic, but I find Radiation Emission too slow-moving. I would take the Rad/Sonic over the Pain/Sonic for a really tough mission, but for a fast-moving team, the Pain/Sonic feels better.


    General principles:

    1. If you're playing a defender solo, you want a primary that has PBAoE buffs and heals. You probably want a secondary other than Sonic.
    If you're playing a defender mainly on teams, Sonic Blast is top tier (though by no means the only good choice). If you're playing a primary that wants to be in or close to melee range (e.g. Electrical Affinity), you probably want a blast set that doesn't rely heavily on cones.




    I myself have a top tier storm/water and an EA/water. Both are very survivable and fun on teams. If you try storm, don't skip hurricane. It's a tool that works well in the hands of a careful user. In Electric Affinity all power combos start with Faraday Cage, the ability is almost overpowered for the game.

  6. Kin electric is a classic build that hasn't slowed down any in 18 years. The endurance siphon has changed over the years, but the buffs have not diminished. Thank you for your build, but the link didn't work for me. Do you have a data chunk?


  7. I answered this before in another empath post. For maximum fortitude, regen aura, recovery aura, and adrenaline boost, you require maximum recharge. To do this I suggest a high recharge build with hasten, with IO set bonuses, and with Force feedback +recharge proc. To get all of the aforementioned you need Empath/ENERGY blast set. You will be able to decide which of the abilities you use most often to use the Force feedback procs. Your team will also want you to tone down the knockback with KB > KD procs as well. Leaving some of the KB in select abilities gives you the ability to push single targets back in to the kill zone/mosh pit. Torrent and explosive blast especially deserve the KB > KD proc to keep the peace with your  team.


    To summarize regarding Empath/energy blast:


    1. Maximum recharge

    2. Good secondary damage

    3. Knock down is a great damage mitigation



  8. On 10/27/2021 at 7:40 AM, Ruby Rocket said:



    I was looking into perhaps teleport team, but I'm unsure how well it might work.  Will it bring my pseudo pets as well?  The other thought I had was to acquire "Fold Space."  If I can't speed them up, then I might as well have their meals delivered.


    I'd love to hear some options for getting my Zombies to pick up the pace.


    Actually team teleport and / or Fold Space are not bad options. You would want to get experience in teleporting into groups so you do not overshoot your targets. I used teleport to good effect on my radiation defenders. Nothing like dropping a quick EM Pulse in the middle of a chewy group with a choking cloud chaser to mezz any missed foes or survivors.

    Unfortunately, the team tp does not apply to lightning storm or tornado, but tornado will catch up quickly.


    TP in, short range and then hit gale to knock down as many foes as possible in body guard mode. The zombies will react quick enough to the missed targets that reply to your gale. Necro/storm is NOT a weak combination at all with practice and advatageous use of hurricane.

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  9. 10 hours ago, Without_Pause said:

    Been thinking about playstyles and what works for today's end game. Needless to say I went looking and made a Fire/thermal and Cold/water. I had a Cold before but never got that far with them. Never tried out Thermal, and it looks good for what I want. In short, animation times matter. Even if the animation time is short, if I have to place something, it won't be as quick as I might want it to be. Yes, I know about Sleet.


    And yes, I named the Defender Tall Glass because, well, duh.


    Are there not macros  to place sleet at the feet of your targeted enemy?

  10. 2 hours ago, TrampMcghee said:

    If you respec at 50, you pick all your powers first, and then slot everything. So you can freely 6 slot anything you have, regardless of what order you picked it in. At least I think that's how it worked, it's been a few weeks since I did it last.


    I learned something today. Was it like that when Live ended in 2012?


  11. On 10/12/2021 at 8:43 AM, Without_Pause said:

    Tanks don't get EA. Inv has the likely highest ceiling of those listed in terms of being sturdy. I like Rad, but it is on the clicky side of things. Not listed, but Dark works well with it since Staff offers an end discount. 


    I rolled a Dark Armor/staff tank. I usually stick to buff/debuff archetypes but something about a fuzzball with a stick appealed to me. I really like the psi resists, although the goofy knockdown hole was surprising and annoying. 


    At the risk of hijacking this thread.  I am having a hard time keeping the spawns on me. I didn't take cloak of fear, but when I taunt a foe, so many times they turn away and RUN? Do tanks slot up taunt in 25% 50% 100%  of their attacks? Is there something in Dark Armor that makes them run? Do they run from Death Shroud's light damage DoT?


    Dark/staff seems pretty fun. I am comparing it to the TW/Willpower scrapper melee experience I recall foggily from Live days. I have a Brute on Excelsior that is Electric Melee/Shield Charge that doesn't worry a lot about taunt since I knock the foes on their butt before they get to ask questions.

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  12. 47 minutes ago, StriderIV said:

    Any specific secondaries you’d recommend to pair with it? Elec/Elec seems great for the full endurance drain, but just curious if there are any other secondaries that have good synergy with Elec Affinity!


    I love my Electric Affinity/Water Blast defender: Bathe with Toasters. I first rolled a sonic blast Elec Affinity, but the jumping in and out of Faraday cage to maximize the head count for howl and shockwave was more than I cared to bear. Water blast can be either in melee in a Faraday Cage with the melee damage dealers or you can babysit the squishies at range. I beg my blaster teammates to stay in the Faraday cage, and it helps me too, when I am looking for a teammate to blast a heal circuit off of.

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  13. 7 hours ago, Without_Pause said:

    Toggles, including Rad, sticking around was one of the first things I noticed coming back to HC, so yeah, Rad's has been fixed for some time. 


    This change was in Live and it was intended to fix when transfusion, twilight grasp, and other slowly animating abilities performed on dead or dying targets. Today, we have a lot less transfusions fail because the target died before the animation finished.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 11 hours ago, WitchofDread said:

    How would ice blast compare to sonic blast in terms of dps? Would the damage of ice out weigh the -res of sonic ?


    For teams if you switch to ice, your teammates won't see the -resist numbers in the targets affected. If those were the only values being compared, sonic blast would result in more team damage than ice blast.

  15. I would plug Thermal as a non-clicky primary. It has shields like sonic and cold, and it also has a single target heal and a PbAoE heal, too. It has two big debuffs: melt armor and heat exhaustion. Melt armor comes up quicker and is a target AoE debuff.

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