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Posts posted by KC4800

  1. I tend to favor missions vs. Skulls-Tsoo-Freaks-Crey-Carnies-Malta. Just sick of Council, Rikti, Nemesis.


    The new TF that starts in Kallisti Wharf was great until I got to the end and realized I forgot to turn off Solo AVs. Capt Castillo as AV just silly soloing.


    I like the DE as a  foe. The missions really need revamped. Those caves, after caves, after caves. Yeesh. Yes some are made of rocks, but some are plants that need sun, don't they? Outside, hint!


    Harvey M. and Indigo/Crimson I try to do their missions on every character.

    RWZ arc are so tedious. Except for Number 6.


    I have one character that like to do the FBZ missions and the Kora Fruit caves. My Ill/TA Controller has the tools to Battle the Rularuu.

  2. The games is not too easy, because I cannot solo +4/8 without inspirations. I can solo +4/8 with one character, using inspirations, but he is Tier 4 across the board.  That seems like it's just right. I cannot say he never dies, because if I do not keep up with my combining, and judiciously use my buffs and self heals I can die.

    Things have to go just right.

    With that said, I usually run that one character, when I use him as a farmer, at +3/8 because I do not need it to be THAT challenging. 


    It is challenging enough with my lesser characters, running at lower settings. I feel like this game is right at its sweet spot for most tasks. Some characters cannot solo well. I look at defenders, at least the sets I have chosen. 0/0 is a slow slog just soloing, but defenders really shouldn't solo. With that said, when the defender gets on a team of 8, I feel he looses his identity, he blows through content and doesn't need to use his powers correctly. So it's just not as fun for me. Therefore I just do not play defenders all that much. I dont know if this is a popular opinion, but it is what I observe. I play this game by feel, not by number crunching. 

  3. I only play one sentinel, he is beam rifle/ninjitsu, and I always thought he was quite robust. Got to 50 easily. Got his incarnate powers easily. Was always welcome on teams, and could also solo tough content. I wish he had more range, but other than that...he is near perfection. Can he survive a +3/8 moon farm? No. But he doesn't need to do that to be powerful. He knows his niche.

    • Banjo 1
  4. My Illusion Controller, Carmela Soprano has "Essence of Tony" as Phantasm, Car, Mel, and-La as Phantom Army. (Carmela splits into 3) But my favorite name change is for my Lore Pets (Cimeroran Soldiers) named Meatball and Baked Ziti.

    • Like 1
  5. My Alts
    1 Corruptor Peri-Dot Ice/FF 1 of 7
    2 Controller Carmela Soprano ILL/TA 1 of 11
    3 Tanker Phrendon Largo Rad/WM 1 of 12
    4 Stalker Quid Pro Quo SJ/Ice 1 of 17
    5 Sentinel Cayble Beam/Nin 1 of 30
    6 Blaster Radmental Boy Rad/MM 1 of 31
    7 Brute Schtick EnerM/Inv 1 of 39
    8 Dominator Krown Dark/Martial 1 of 57
    9 Scrapper Pork-Chop MA/Nin 1 of 101
    10 Defender Dee Fender Kin/Elec 1 of 155
    11 MM Anna Phylaxis Beast/Nature 1 of 296


    • Banjo 1
  6. I never noticed that he always goes to melee. But I don't keep him out constantly. I use him as emergency only if I think PA is going to time out. Once the group is finished I dismiss. Resummon later if necessary. I will try to notice that happening. He usually just sets the decoy to melee and he stays back. That's what I recall happens mostly when I call him out. 


    Just want to say I don't want to discredit what you are saying. I mean, we all have different play styles. Though I would never, ever think that Healing other a Phantasm Pet would be a good use of my time. 

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