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Posts posted by KC4800

  1. I've never in the life of this game needed to accumulate a billion influence. That said, there are some who do.


    I don't begrudge them at all. 


    I have an AE farmer. He's not a fire farmer. He's a tank. I make about 10 million in about a 1/2 hr. Not a record, I know.


    Its enough for me to do whatever I want to. 


    I join teams, be they radio, TF, RWZ, etc. for the interaction. Never for the inf. (Sometimes for the XP though)

  2. I have played ice armor into the 40s now on my stalker. Mostly disappointed in EA not giving enough defense boost(compared to what I was used to on my ice tank), and Chilling Embrace only used in certain situations. Ill probably respec out of it. Probably be safer taking the tough and weave route. 

  3. I dont set out min maxing a whole character, just individual powers. For example, I have decided to give 4 slots to Whirling Mace. How do I get the most acc, damage and lowest endcost with only 4 slots. That's the way I always thought about it. OR do I need 5 slots in Temp Invulnerabilty, how can I slot that with the same effectiveness with 4 slots? Then I have one free slot to move to another power that really needs it. Once I have done that with all the powers, I am min maxed. 

  4. Dark Ward missions with the Animus Arcana, Drudges and such seems like it could have been much better if they had more time to work on it. As it is now, not enough story to understand whats going on.


    The Carnies, the Malta and the Freakshow are the best. Is it still possible to fight Dreck? I haven't come across that mission yet on any of my alts. 

  5. I try to take a different path for each new alt. Don't settle in to the same pattern to level up. That sounds horrendously boring. Sometimes I just do tip missions and newspapers and never talk to a contact. Other times I pick a contact and just do the first mission until he/she wants to introduce me to others. Those early single missions are usually epic and end up giving you a badge at the end of the mission. When I feel things start to drag ill pug to get over the hump. I always seed money my alts. Then let them use WW to earn. it's easy. I never ask for PL in AE farms. I do solo AE farm with my main tank to make cash for big purchases. As I near 50 I tend to favor Malta or Carnie missions. Some of my alts never set foot in RWZ or Cim. Others do every MSR available. I have only done one ITF since Homecoming. 

  6. I started in 2005 as an Inv/WM tanker on Victory named Phrendon Largo. Did about everything wrong with that character I could. He survived because I had a good friend, a Fire/Fire blaster named Praxitas who helped murder things for me. War Mace was not as strong as it is now. But I was invulnerable, once I knew to take mez protection and not just eat break frees. Phrendon wore a baseball cap and blue jeans to start out, with a t shirt. His back story was an ex policeman(was forced to retire) who lost most of his hearing in a bomb explosion which gave him bad headaches and ringing in the ears. He still wanted to protect his town though. So he fought the good fight. 


    Phrendon Largo now plays on Indomitable. He is Radiation Armor/War Mace. Say hello when you see him. He likes that.

  7. My first Corruptor on live was Energy Blast/Traps. What a horrible first choice. I never could get synergy with that character. Very hard to play, took leaping instead of Fly. Just ugh!. Couldn't really play a corruptor until on HC I have an Ice Blast/ Bubbler which is easier to play. 


    I still have never created a dominator. The thought of having to get a power to Perma before it becomes good is just a huge turnoff. 


    On live I had a Warshade that I play human preferred. She was a struggle but when she was all done was quite a powerhouse.


    I played WarMace when it was considered the weakest tanker secondary, and still do. My main, namesake used to be Invul/WM on live and now on HC is Rad Armor/WM and I love him. He evolved to be superior mutant incarnate.


    I find scrappers boring, Brutes a lot of work. Blasters still squishy. Sentinels as awesomely overpowered but so what. MM are challenging but fun. Defenders a necessary evil. Stalkers are melee blasters. I always thought only stalkers could one shot foes in melee until I played my Energy Brute. He one shots everything. 


    Sorry for this really rambling post. But it kind of exemplifies why this game is so great and still is. So many options.

  8. The good thing about Ninjitsu is that you don't need to autofire the click status protection.  You can keep the Autofire reticle on Hasten, and just click antimez when and if you get mezzed. Facing a tough boss, you'll want to fire it preemptively, but against most content, the mez attack is not going to hit you anyway because of your defense. I just use it as a free on demand break free button. 

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  9. Now that I'm level 42, and just slotted up to 45s. Ice Armor is starting to come into its own. I was hoping for a stun proc to go into Chilling Embrace, but it doesn't look like one is available. That seems like something that thematically would work well. Perhaps the new devs could add it at a later date? Slow sets currently just have chance for recharge slow, and chance for smashing damage. 



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