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  1. You guys are all idiots arguing over dumb stuff in a video game its hilarious. You should just be happy to have COH back to play at all.
  2. I have every type of controller/dom with all sorts of secondaries. Each one is a powerhouse. Massive damage and survivability with or w/o my pet summoned.
  3. You don't build for the pets to do the dmg they are merely a distraction. You build so your controller/dom does the dmg. After all these years that CoX has been around you guys don't understand it.
  4. Nice, I have the installion CDs as well. I even have the CoX figurines.
  5. Exactly, why phine for a spiritual successor when you have the Original. the only reason I invested in any of them was because I didn't have COH. Now I do... I'm happy.
  6. One power I think is useless is Mass Confusion. Every other controller/dominator gets a pet class with their main power why doesn't Mind primary? There is a mind pet that Penelope Yin has why can't that be added.
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