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Zect last won the day on May 14 2023

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  1. This is, actually, nowhere as bad as I imagined it would be. Your build goals are reasonable, and key powers are all taken, although anguishing cry should really be earlier, and you want better rech on it, so you can use it every spawn and keep it perma on an AV. You should think about boosting the pieces with rech enhancement and/or changing the slotting to one with more rech in it. If you want aoe def, the most slot-efficient aoe def in the game is 6x frozen blast in a taoe for 7.5% aoe def. All fenders can hit 31-35% aoe def with this slotted (depending on how many +def pool powers they take), and from there you're just a small purple to the softcap. You should also look at your slotting in your healing powers. Slotting half of each set in soothing aura like this not only misses the best set bonuses from each set, you also get less set bonuses overall - you added 5 slots but get only 4 bonuses. This kind of frankenslotting has its applications, but should be used with care. When designing set IO builds, in general you should pay attention to the Big Five (in no particular order: rech, def, res, enhancement values, and procs) because these are typically the most impactful areas where you can improve your builds. Once you meet your build goals in these areas then you can start looking at other bonuses. A meta consideration is that the strong set bonuses in healing IO sets tend to be costly in terms of slots, such as of 6x preventive med, 6x numina, 5x panacea and 5x doctored wounds. On my pains, I usually only 2-slot some healing powers (e.g. share pain) and use spiritual alpha to make up the missing heal enhancement. Here's an example of how you can achieve better defenses with a minimum of set bonuses by choosing the most slot-efficient options. You can easily achieve permahasten if you take spiritual, or nearly permahasten if you take ageless, with the remainder of your slots. Instead of 6x preemptive optimization, you can take several sets of 2x botz instead since you have a lot of teleport powers. You'll activate and refresh the numina's proc naturally as you heal in combat, so it does not need to go in health. (Note that part of Stealth's defense bonus suppresses in combat. I have mids configured to count only the part that doesn't suppress.) Finally, I don't know how important soul storm is to your concept; but if you are willing to drop it, there are some more impractful choices you can take. Power boost is the star of /soul and increases the strength of your heals and -def, and it has a remarkably high uptime. Fold space is also very good and speeds up cleartimes significantly by grouping enemies that won't herd nicely.
  2. Excellent. When I run Yin I always tell people not to click the computers to ensure that someone will click them and I can enjoy my glorious sea of freakshow.
  3. In no particular order: Insps +defense IO set bonuses (usually +range, every set can softcap ranged now that they added Artillery) dps harder (you should be wiping +0's trivially with nukes, at least) controls/debuffs: most sets have some controls although I think blaster 2ndary mezzes are usually trash, fire epic has bonfire which you can abuse with a KB2KD although I think it is also overrated Turn down the difficulty level reroll as sentinel if you can't do any of the above. Sentinel damage scalar is now 1.100. Take your pick. I really think taking a blaster through the non-AE game and soloing a variety of enemy groups on the way to 50 is the best coh education one can have: it teaches you to use every resource and think about every situation you encounter.
  4. From bio you need to take everything. Paragon in its dying days tried very hard to make sure that no power was skippable, and in the case of Bio, they succeeded. From BA: the rule of thumb for a melee set is you take 3 ST attacks (typically the 3 highest DPA ones), as many aoes are you need/want, and your dps buff power (follow up etc.) There are sets that deviate significantly from this rule, but following it will always serve you well. Taunt has always been a polarizing subject. You will meet some people who have very absolutist views on taunt, and their rationale is always along the lines that if you don't take taunt you should reroll scrapper. However, modern tanks are extremely efficient dps toons when built correctly, and there is nothing wrong with playing them as a dps. You do not need a tank (the MMO role, not the AT) for 99% of this easy ass game.
  5. This being coh, the default answer is probably "well, why not all of them?" But stalkers and tanks have their own appeal on different ends of the scale. Stalkers are nice, because shield charge makes up for the loss of whirling sword. It is a big, hard hitting aoe attack on an AT that historically does not get access to a lot of big, hard hitting aoe attacks. Enjoy. Tanker shields are the ultimate stonewall, broadly comparable to stones and to SRs playing around their scaling res mechanic. Tanks are good enough at building for res that they can perma-90% resistances by running a 5 min cycle of otws > rune > melee core (even just owts > melee core > (gap) is pretty good, since rune has no minfx option so many people dislike it). Melee core is the weakest click in this triad, at 17% res all with 1 foe in range, so you're capped if you can get to 72-73% res in mids. And unlike brutes and scraps, tanker SD has around 88% -def resistance with 2x active defense, so they can opt not to take ageless radial and take barrier core instead, which further lowers the res requirement to just 68% - extremely achievable even without going out of your way to build for it.
  6. You can debate what build goals to shoot for, but assignable slots are a finite resources, and thus everything comes at the cost of something else. Wasted stats damages you by detracting from building for useful stats elsewhere. Ideally, everything in a build should be chosen with purpose - whether that be to satisfy a concept, to improve playfeel, to optimize build resources, etc. The better one can do this, the more one benefits in every way. Now, I don't expect to convince you because your mind is closed - you've decided what is what, and facts will not sway you. I leave this for the intrepid builder who stumbles across this decision.
  7. I’m on mobile, so I can’t look at the build currently. However, the best way to look at granite is to see it as way of trading off defenses for dps. You can get the majority of your mits from granite, then that frees up the rest of your builds to be devoted to damage (procbombing). If you aren’t doing something like this you’re likely better off with a non-granite build.
  8. If using the @Hyperstrike builds, you should note that they have a flaw in that they use a lot of reactive armor. Reactive armor is often a bad choice for invuln because the 2-piece set bonus is wasted - invulns don’t need SL res. It is very hard to beat unbreakable guard for invuln unless you need something specific. When you are not softcapped you may build in a way so that you can easily cap using temporary resources when necessary. This concept is known as “slack”. A common example is how some unarmored toons build for 32.5 ranged def. A small purple insp (+12.5 def) then puts you at the softcap. However, my personal build goal for invuln is approximately 40% with a single foe in melee. This is not an obvious breakpoint, but is based off my extensive real-world testing vs +4x8 Cimerorans (my benchmark for -def mobs). This is approximately the defense needed to prevent them from easily un-softcapping you when combined with ageless radial and causing a defense cascade failure.
  9. My take is there's always a very simple answer to this question, which is: the way you treat others is the way you'll be treated, and the measure you deal to others is the measure you'll be dealt. If you dual box on people's TF's without notice, then you should be fine with people dualboxing on yours without notice. And if you quit TF's, then then you should also be okay when other people quit yours. And as long as that's the case, you can do whatever you like, subject of course to the rules. As for tripleboxing specifically, I have nothing in principle against the concept, but it feels like a hassle to me. Why do I have to log in 3 toons just to get max loot? It irritates me because I do use character items a lot (where items from Super Packs go to, not the normal email folder) and the 3 accounts don't share the same email inventory. Just ban tripleboxing and give 300% reward rates, and this limited form of legalized botting will become unnecessary.
  10. elec/ss/mu resilient core tank. The fightingless, procbombing, end draining, double-rage stacking, hardcapped resistances dps machine. Just make sure they all get in footstomp range before dropping the mu immob (almost as much damage as dark oblit and much better rech).
  11. I think your build goals need more elaboration. Under what conditions do you want to solo AVs - are insps allowed, are temps allowed, how about lore pets, etc. There's a big difference in AV soloing to enlarge your e-penis and AV soloing because I'm triple boxing this week's WST.
  12. There are ways to further optimize your build for rech/def, but most nature builds do not have true perma-overgrowth. True perma-overgrowth requires no less than 325% rech in overgrowth. With a basic double +5 rech common slotting this is approximately +229% global rech, decreasing to +204% if you get 3 FF procs. This amount of global rech comes at the sacrifice of other build goals and generally isn't worth it. Most builds will settle for 5-10s of downtime.
  13. The answer to your question is IO's and incarnates. Once you properly leverage all the power creep that has happened between 2012 and now, you'll be enjoying builds that easily dominate anything on live. But in general, support is wasted in piss easy content like ITFs, PI radios, AE farms, MSR, whatever this week's strike target is, and so on. If you play content where support isn't needed, then obviously you're going to feel useless.
  14. Zect

    my kat/inv brute

    Invuln should try to hit 90% SL res and perma-dull pain. Kat should try to have dual -res procs. You miss out on a lot of powerful bonuses because you're not slotting a lot of unique IOs that give attractive boosts for few slots. However, it may be that you're constrained by budget. Try something more like this: Note the brute's fury ATIO split up into 2 sets of 3x, getting the 5% SL def bonus twice. Since we don't need the SL res, this is a better way of using it. The empty slot in invincible is for you to put a gaussian's BU proc. I don't put it in invincibility on my own builds since I know it will be fixed some day (same with putting it in Tactics), but this isn't about my preferences. Ageless radial is for the -def resist and endurance, since this build is not yet eps stable. You can add more defense, damage (procs/musculature) and the epic of your choice. Personally, I wouldn't go past 40% def or 50% non-SL res on a brute, but that's up to you.. Brute (Katana - Invulnerability).mbd
  15. No, because interface debuffs are flagged ignores enhancements and other boosts.
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