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  1. I think you're right based on the note on Proton's Cell in the spoiler'd text. Would be good to confirm though. Thanks, Booper!
  2. Beta Decay on Blasters provides a to-hit debuff, its one half of the power's usefulness. Is this an oversight or is it intended that we can no longer buff this effect?
  3. Not to hijack Basil's thread, but do you happen to have this build in Mid's and would be willing to share it? Your Savage/Bio thread was part of the reason I rolled mine.
  4. Pretty much. On my Sav/Bio Stalker I got similar DPA from Savage Strike/Maiming as I did from Hemorrhage and those attacks cost less end, and recharge and animate faster. I haven't tested an optimal ST chain on my Sav/Bio, but I typically open with Savage Leap at max range>AS>Maiming>Snipe>Maiming. It isn't always gapless, so Savage Strikes gets thrown in where needed.
  5. I don't have a Sav/Inv Stalker, but I do have each of those powersets paired with a different primary/secondary. I put them together and ended up with the below which looks to match the defense, resistance, health, end consumption, recovery, etc.. of your original build but eeks out another 30%-ish global recharge and moves more damage to AS rather than Zapp. There may be room to proc out AS more but when I tried to shuffle some of the slotting I couldn't see a clear path to soft-capping Nrg/NE (ended around 43%). I'll probably keep poking around to see if that is possible though. Edit: Figured out one way to get more procs in AS (and Zapp). It costs a fair amount of global recharge (-17.5%, down to 155% total) and Savage Leap is barely under 95% chance tohit at +4, but based on your original build neither of those things may matter as much to you. Stalker (Savage Melee - Invulnerability).mbd Stalker (Savage Melee - Invulnerability) - Procd AS.mbd
  6. I rock AS->Ablating->Sweeping->Ablating, repeat. It has the advantage of doing the Sweep Combo if you pop Build Up before AS. I believe that’s the best combo based on some other threads here.
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