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Night at the Opera

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Everything posted by Night at the Opera

  1. I'm a kin fanatic, and I've never tried arsenal yet, but I'm thinking of pairing both together to see how that goes. Kin is probably not an ideal secondary to most, especially from the comments I've seen on other forums, but who cares, what's there not to love about Kin? With stealth built in, I can just run in and fulcrum, heal & end sapp. I've already made a build in mids, it's got perma haste, S/L res capped at 75%, 45% on ranged def, and psionic mastery for Indomitable Will to avoid those annoying mezzes. I'm looking forward to it 🙂
  2. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with toggle powers being on? I run a fire/kin all the time and have 10 toggles on all at once. Last time it happened I noticed I had repel + hot feet on, going to try toggling those off and see what happens.
  3. Not sure if this has been reported before, but for a while now (extending back last year possibly further), grabbing the radio missions from the detective at Peregrine Island police building results in me getting stuck in the ground. Typically a /stuck would work in most situations, but not here. Even when I enable fly/jetpack or have someone TP to another location, I'm still stuck, and I have to completely quit out and go back into the game. Has anyone else experienced this, or know if this has been addressed?
  4. Oh wow, glad I'm not the only one - thanks for sharing! I hope it comes to fruition.
  5. Currently anytime someone gets mezzed, the only way I know is if they call it out or I happen to look their way and notice. Not sure how doable this would be, but it would be great for support players if the team window can have some indicator added to show when someone gets mezzed. Any thoughts?
  6. For some strange reason, when I enter into the PD headquarters building in Peregrine Island, I end up getting stuck in the middle of the floor. I can move around, but I can't zoom out to see my toon. Leaving the building does not fix the issue, at which time I have to log out and log back in. This is the only location in the game I've experienced this issue. Doesn't happen all the time, but it's been happening to me since last year. Anyone else?
  7. @metacore no worries - I was on the phone 2 hours last night with xfinity. I rebooted the modem twice, saw packets dropping while doing a ping test, *'s on traceroute, etc. I asked if they could check firmware and push out an update but they had no idea how to do that. They said I could get the modem swapped for another. After getting off the call with them, I turned on mobile hotspot on my cell phone and was able to run the game no problems. Then when I switched back to my home network, everything started working fine. So I have no idea what happened yesterday. The game (and internet) is running fine today. Who knows...
  8. So it turns out that it's my home network. I'm getting a replacement modem tomorrow. I tethered my laptop to my cell phone and had absolutely no issues loading into char list, zones, or rubber banding. I also noticed I was getting no dropped packets pinging google.com while tethered.
  9. few spikes but leveled out - i have another computer here, probably will test with that
  10. I never knew that was an option. I'll try it and let you know what I'm getting
  11. I'm still on the old launcher. TBH the game has never given me any problems since 2019, first time this is happening.
  12. Re-validate finished, load time from server options > char list > zone was improved but the lag is still awful
  13. Running a re-validate on tequila, will let you know what happens.
  14. I'm finding out that there were problems with reunion, and stuck it on one of the other servers, so possibly its that?
  15. @metacore - I tried what you suggested, rebooted - character screen to zone took about 30 seconds. Somethings def not right, and i'm rubber banding really bad.
  16. @GM AmonRa - hate to bother you but are you aware of any similar issues as described in this thread?
  17. Having the same exact issue Metacore is describing. Started happening yesterday or the day before but it's been absolutely terrible today. The transition from server select to character list is a good 20 seconds, and no matter what toon I choose, another 10 sometime 15 seconds to load into the zone. Rubber banding is terrible too. Coincidentally, I'm on Exelsior shard too, so I doubt this is isolated to a wifi/computer problem. I also noticed the problem occurring when I hop on the beta server as well (I tested with a wired connection & ran speed test). I also noticed that there hasn't been the typical Tuesday morning server maintenances for the past 2 weeks, maybe more?
  18. A while back I completed the requirements to obtain Call to Justice. I recently noticed when I switched from Hero to Villain and back to Hero again, I have to wait again for this to be available. If you've already met the requirements and completed the countdown timer to earn this power, why would this reset? Doesn't make much sense.
  19. For weeks now, I'll be playing any character and just randomly, my movement keys (AWSD) stop working. It seems to occur with any keys since it won't let me fire any of my powers with key commands either. My character sits there for about a minute maybe less, sometimes able to move, other times I can't, before all key functions start working again. I'll hold down the W key and I'm able to move forward in short spurts until I can't move at all. It's as if it's keyboard lag, even though the graphics don't appear to be lagging at all because if I start typing gibberish, it takes about 5 seconds before it shows up in my chat window. I know it's not my keyboard because as soon as it starts acting up, I pull up a notepad file or web browser and everything responds immediately, so something is going on in the game. I end up logging out and logging back in the game, even restart the computer, that usually fixes it but it starts happening again out of nowhere. Has this happened to anyone else?
  20. First off, I'd like to extend my deepest appreciation to the best GM's for bringing back the greatest MMO ever made. You guys made my dream come true. All of the improvements you've made thus far have taken the game to levels far beyond any of us experienced when it was live. There's a few enhancements I'd like to see in the near future. Apologies for the repetitiveness if these have been discussed before. More SG base storage options - Can we have recipe storage added? I currently have to email my recipes to myself to share across my alts. Would also like to be able to store influence and other items such as merits, currently also being shared by email. Note: this not a request to eliminate email since this is still highly utilized, especially for players who opt not to build bases. More autofire capabilities - Is it possible to have at least one more in addition to the only one I've been usually applying on Hasten? Skip cutscenes - I don't know how much of a problem this would pose on team play. Would it throw gameplay off that much? I wouldn't think it'd be a big deal - whoever wants to advance they can, those who for whatever reason want to see the cutscene can, they would just need to catchup. In solo, make this available, or at the very least, have it where each new scene you encounter you can't skip the first time, but you can skip anytime you replay afterwards.
  21. @GM Tahquitz -- The tray has everything in view and available, and they are numbered according to how I want them. All I'm trying to do is assign the Alt Tray Toggle to Left Control. It's assigned to Left Alt by default, which works fine, but it's not working with Left Control. Could it be that this tray option only works with alt keys?
  22. In Keymapping > Tray options, I'm trying to assign "Alt Tray Toggle" to another key. The default is Left Alt, and I would like to use Left Control instead. It lets me change it to Left Control, I hit apply, but nothing happens when I hold down Left Control. It works fine with Left Alt (or Right Alt), but again, I don't want to use the Alt keys. I've also tried Left Shift, Right Shift - nothing. Am I doing something wrong?
  23. I think that the drop rate on purples and amount of influence earned needs to improve across the board. I say that only because of AE farms. It really depends on what has greater priority - farming or exploring content? Luckily, either one you choose has great benefits, but I have to be honest, everytime I run missions outside of AE I'm always thinking, "yeah that was great, but I could have gotten more had I spent that time in the farm." It shouldn't be that way, but that's the truth: the rewards in terms of item drops and influence is vastly superior with farming versus anything outside of farming. I think this needs to change somehow.
  24. For whatever reason with my tanker, almost all of the emote options in the idle menu don't work when I select them. A few that come to mind are invent and drink coffee. It only happens on my tanker - with my other alts everything works no problem. They used to work at one point. Is there a toggle or something in options I may have mistakenly enabled/disabled? NOTE: I haven't dabbled in it yet, but I always have Tough and Weave turned on. Would that be what's causing it?
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