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Everything posted by Explodjinn

  1. Looks like the real hard part is how to proceed in regards to this specific project. I agree that a sharp shift in style can be pretty jarring, and there's definite value in waiting so that this one comic can all look the same. Having said that, you absolutely shouldn't stop drawing/sharing it. If materials continue to be the issue, yeah, switch to another medium or to digital for awhile depending on what you're equipped for. Is there another character in this universe that might have a cool backstory to delve into? Seeing the world from another's perspective in a spin-off can be a great way to justify a temporary change in style. Of course, if you opt to make something completely new then no justification is needed, but the point is keep going!
  2. Managed to get 5 folks to spell out 'SUPER' across their chests (capes were also allowed) for an influence prize -- ran it right after a CC ended so there were a few inf-hungry folks in the crowd. Wonder if it'll go so smoothly if it's done out of the blue?
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