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  1. @kaila Kaila Drayko + more excelsior now @Taila various characters now
  2. I am just wondering what the end goal is? Changing this making the emp merits not beable to change to merits must have an end goal. Are the devs finding out that people are complaining that there is no one for end game content? Are you changing in the future the end game to beable to be played by normal 8 man team size? if this is the case then on the first one it is cause people like to farm and change emp merits to normal merits. and surprisingly people like to farm. If the end game is changing to an opinion to have 8 man team size then you will see leagues go away entirely. So really there isn't no real reason to change this, as people who you think will change their minds and go play end game content just wont play that much any more. Hell I dont even know when people are on to play end game content. Doing things cause you do believe is a good thing doesn't mean its a good thing.
  3. oh nice. my dark/bio is on easy mode now . cant wait for this to go on live.
  4. I like to know what the original Team had going on. Like things they were thinking of doing. And do that. Cause that is the only thing i can think of that will make the game go forward. Other then that Architypes and powersets added. as well maybe a new enemy.
  5. Nice work. like the idea for the xp boost. For harassment and such stuff. If over offenders happen do you think deleting there account and toons would be the best way or just ip ban. So they can't join again. I mean the ones that get warnings after warnings then suspended accounts after that. 2 warnings 1 suspension and then account wipe then ip ban. you know over offenders
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