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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. From most powers, yes. The change only prevents -PowerBoost type powers from being enhanced by +PowerBoost
  2. Oh.... i see how that happened.... thanks for bringing it up.
  3. Even with the current change, it's doing too much AoE. It has 3 cones, on top of the limit i had to still hard-limit the first 2 cones to only 5 targets. Only the T9 and the PBAoE ended getting the boost. Claws and Spines are also over-performing in my benchmarks and will be looked at individually, but then again, they always overperformed.
  4. Because that limitation is specifically aimed at not giving much more AoE to Titan Weapons. The set has too many cones, and too many rule breakers on the AoE formula due to baked-in bonus range. When I ran benchmarks on the change, Titan Weapons became ridiculous. There are a few other problematic powers that got flagged to ignore the buffs, like Claws Shockwave. Almost every other power that had higher than 90 degrees or 15ft got the powers adjusted accordingly so they would not ignore the +radius.
  5. No, epic pool damage is not changing at all. As a mater of fact: nor is damage in PvP. Should had noted this in the initial patch notes, the increase in damage modifiers is only for PvE melee damage. Ranged Epic attacks used melee modifiers before. Now they use Ranged modifiers that have been set at the old melee modifier, if that makes sense.
  6. Because its the mandatory starting point for both, the Empower and Weaken combos.
  7. Due to the conditions needed to trigger Rending Furry boosted range version, that power gets an exception and does indeed benefit from the Radius increase. That being said: remember, everything here is subject to change.
  8. This is feedback better aimed to the other thread but a quick note on this: outside optimized farms, enemy saturation wont be constant. Minions die, single target attacks might be used, and enemies start dying in a non-equal timing. In tests, on more real world scenarios (simulated by waves of enemies that spawn after the whole wave is defeated) the brute damage starts out-shining the tanker as there are fewer enemies to kill. This has an interesting inverse effect to what a brute would expect out of Fury, where damage starts slow and ends on a higher note. The tanker will start on a higher note (by virtue of having many foes) and slowly taper down as there are not as many foes to leverage it. Again, optimized farms are a whole different ball game, and I have not stopped thinking about the impact of this there, but the game is not balanced around them.
  9. hmm yes, should give resistance. Will add to my notes.
  10. PvP Damage formula: ((CastTime+InterruptTime)*0.7+Recharge*0.04+0.4)/AreaFactor AreaFactor: Spheres: (1+(Radius*0.15)) Cones: ((1+(Radius*0.15))-(((Radius/6)*0.011)/5)*(360-Arc))
  11. I have considered a few things, but as a rule, any change can’t increase the dps of the power since that would just make the other t1/2 the useless one. It’s likely the powers will never be too desirable in the end game, but hope is they at least get some form of utility to make them at least situationally useful.
  12. If that was the goal of the power, it would come with a permanent survivability debuff, not only a crash.
  13. A note about the t1/2 swap: this only impacts new builds and respects. Existing builds are not forced to give up their Jabs unless a respec is done. Also as mentioned before: got plans to offer punchy versions of those weapon attacks.
  14. As stated by Sir Myshkin, this applies to the enemy -regen. Every -regen in the game is flagged to ignore all strength, the fact these two missed it was a bug. The Sefl +regen remains as enhanceable as it has always been.
  15. The radius increase is independent of the global proc thing. It applies to any power not specifically flagged to ignore radius increases (so far, any power the tanker has access to that is over 10ft) The rage message is a debugging popup i was using and should had been gone from this build... thanks for bringing it up.
  16. The taunt they have is about equivalent to what is provided by the gobal proc.
  17. I considered giving tankers a red bar that would fill as they get aggro/attacked, but that would had honestly changed too much the current flavor of the tanker, and make them feel way too brute-ish. Like i mentioned before, i dont want the feel of the tanker to change, or force, any new behavior.
  18. This actually means the tanker gets to leverage it's higher suvivability to solo more effectively (and even then, it does not exceed Scrapper/Brute killing potential solo even if you managed to keep a continuous supply of more than 16 enemies.) Powers like RTTC and AAO still have their Built-in taunt effects. Melt Armor? Check in game and let me know if it's not taunting.
  19. Yes. To elaborate: I didnt like the idea that Foot Stomp for tankers would be suddenly the smallest AoE, stuck at 15 when all other PBAoEs started at 16ft.
  20. Stalker damage is not limited by their caps, as criticals are for all purpose damage buffs that don't count toward any cap. When other stalker tricks are accounted for, the stalker has the upper hand. In fact, all other things being equal, stalkers do the highest amount of Single Target damage in the game, in group settings, due to a mix of assassin focus and their team-scaling critical rates.
  21. These changes have actually been brewing for years now. It was at least partially tested various years ago. HC data-mining didn't really impact this design.
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