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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. Moonbeam was always 1.3 seconds, the fast animation executed weirdly and blast came out almost instantly before due to broken sequencers but it always rooted for 1.3 seconds. Psi dart sounds like a bug.
  2. Rain of arrow cast time was cut to 2 seconds a while back, in this server.
  3. Combat Jump is an unaturally low end cost power that likely was never meant to cost that little. Stealth end cost should be lower now than before, and be in line with Hover’s end cost.
  4. The game operates under some strict damage formulas. The only way to increase DPS of a power, without ignoring these design formulas (that are a huge part of what defines the game) is by increasing the recharge of a power, reducing cast time or introducing complex special mechanics. Reducing cast time is not a trivial matter, and very often not an option at all. Special mechanics can drastically feel the way sets feel, and may force a new identity to sets. Although some people love special mechanics, others detest them, so I avoid it unless there is no other way to make a set work (there was no other way to get Energy Assault to be competitive without breaking the cottage rule.) Overall, the changes Icy Assault received were buffs.
  5. One thing at a time. Not promising the same changes, but the total focus animation cut was taken from a WIP energy melee revision.
  6. Yes that power was always intended as a passive, it’s state were rather on the low side because of it.
  7. Each power attribute and attribute group can have formula expressions. These expressions can check any stat on the target, or source, to evaluate if the effect is valid at that time or not. In this case, it just make sure the sleep "stat" is not above zero (that means, asleep.)
  8. Was not removed, was just missing from the patch notes. Should be back there. Should also note: the damage in Chilling Embrace will not hit sleeping targets. You tell me...
  9. Interrupt itself won’t go away. Six was referring to the enhancements, potentially, going away.
  10. There is something in the queue that may satisfy that kicking itch coming in the future. Can’t get into the details yet, though.
  11. There is no such penalty on pool attacks, they use the same recharge to damage formula all other attacks use. The only pool power penalty is in endurance cost, they cost 25% more endurance than equivalent native powers do. Epic pool powers do have a recharge penalty, all epic pool powers are supposed to have 2x the recharge of a native power, and 1.25x of the endurance. None of this is changing, as it’s quite baked into the power design (and some epic powers are way too good even with the penalty in place.)
  12. That’s easy to do, but not sure how many would agree with sleep powers suddenly suppressing their Interface damage.
  13. Previous cast time thorn changes were a bit too good, and had the set powers too lopsided. These changes were meant to distribute damage across the set, tone down dps just a bit, but more than anything have no “this is the obvious skippable powers” situation. Was easier to achieve in this set than others. in my tests, ice was still not doing well enough on the AoE front. Buffing the cone recharge was just not doing the trick, and didn’t want to load even more damage on the pbaoe, so decided to give a tad of damage to chilling embrace, that for the set to the desired point. May look for some option to make it not hurt sleeping foes. Martial was doing way too much aoe damage, and at the same time not kicking fast enough, so that helped address two issues at once.
  14. Think there will be one more justin patch, we may know after that.
  15. Go to a critter with Chilling embrace turned off, let the critter hit you. Look at the combat log. Turn it on, repeat.
  16. I hate that arrow too, but as Vanden notes, it's the blunt arrow. It's supposed to be that, it's basically an arrow with a rock glued to the tip. Dont ask me how that works out.
  17. To clarify: it will return to future testing, but all burn changes (including the patch fixing the pet ignoring accuracy) are not going to be in the finalized patch.
  18. Things to keep in mind: blaster mez (at least should) have a smaller radius and only hit 10 foes instead of 16, so they won’t compare one to one against a controller aoe mez. One of the biggest concerns, although not the only one, is that holds are on the same general uptime as stuns, they should have way lower uptime.
  19. No ppm change has been made to my knowledge in this last few patches, or the last year.
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