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Efficiency expert badge in Ouroboros


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 I can’t really see a good reason to not include this badge in the flashback system 


While I’m aware of the missions are relatively easy and getting the badge usually isn’t an issue, sometimes bad luck happens like unexpectedly getting disconnected from the  Map server because your local Internet went down for maintenance unexpectedly or any number of reasons you could think of that can just be chalked up to bad luck.


 It’s also especially crappy  that you have to get almost to level 50 to botch it. While  getting a toon to level 50 generally isn’t a hard thing to do, I would think that missing this badge on your toon that is supposed to be collecting all your badges is an issue. 


 Again I don’t see why something like this can’t simply be added in the flashback system,.   The badge  grants no game play advantage, it can only be used to  discourage people that are badge collectors from wanting to pick up the game for a while if they end up missing it.


 I haven’t missed the badge, I’m actually probably going to get it tomorrow. I can just imagine how much it would suck though if I got really unlucky and I missed it forever as a badge collector .


 End of rant 

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I completely agree. If I can go back in time to redo nearly everything else in the game, why can't I go back and retry a handful of timed missions? That said, I don't think it's as easy as just adding the missions to Ouro, since they're neither a proper arc nor a single mission. I have a few thoughts on how this could be accomplished...


1. Make an arc that just has all the missions in a row, and link this new arc in Ouro.


2. Make a brand new mission/arc that allows you a second chance at getting the badge. Either a new set of challenges, or a "revenge" quest of sorts where you go after Pither himself. Could be given by an Ouro Mender who's had as much trouble with the badge as the rest of us.


3. New option for Null the Gull, or some other similar NPC. Allow us to reset completion progress on Pither's missions, so that we can retry them normally without needing to use Ouro.

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