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My AR/DEV Build - Looking for Improvement


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Here is my AR/DEV build.  The build design was to get to softcap Range defense (current planned is 46.5%) and then focus on Recharge with the intent to use the Sorcery pool (Rune of Protection) and eventually Clarion to help fill the Mez protection gap.  I am thinking that between Rune of Protection and Clarion I should be able to get close to 100% Mez protection uptime if I have enough Recharge.  The build adds the Spiritual incarnate for the Alpha slot to help with Recharge and I will also leverage the Force Feedback proc. 


I am level 43 now and over time I decided to also focus on survivability, so planning on going with Force Mastery.  Since I am building for Recharge anyway for the Mez protection it seems like the Recharge would also help the uptime of Force of Nature.  I have never used Force of Nature before, but it looks pretty good in Mids Reborn.


Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated.


Some questions / thoughts:


  • I currently have Trap of the Hunter for 3.13% Ranged in Toxic Web Grenade, but realized it took damage and am planning to switch to Thunderstrike for 3.75% Ranged.  I was surprised that TWG is almost the same damage as Burst, so it seemed damage might be better than the Immobilize.  I am not sure it matters much either way.  Any thoughts?
  • Will the Forced Feedback proc in Trip Mine go off enough to help with Recharge?
  • Are there more optimal sets / slotting I could do? Example: I am thinking about moving the Ragnarok set to M30 Grenade and adding a Force Feedback proc and moving the Blaster Wrath set to Full Auto.
    • BTW, I did look at this adjustment in Mids Reborn and probably going to do it since it gives me 2 choices to get the FF proc.


Hero Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Burke: Level 50 Natural Blaster
Primary Power Set: Assault Rifle
Secondary Power Set: Devices
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Sorcery
Power Pool: Fighting
Ancillary Pool: Force Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Burst -- Thn-Acc/Dmg(A), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx(3), Thn-Dmg/Rchg(5), Thn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(9), Thn-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(11), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(17)
Level 1: Toxic Web Grenade -- Thn-Acc/Dmg(A), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx(37), Thn-Dmg/Rchg(37), Thn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(40), Thn-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(40), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(40)
Level 2: Slug -- Thn-Acc/Dmg(A), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx(3), Thn-Dmg/Rchg(5), Thn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(9), Thn-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(15), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(17)
Level 4: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(25)
Level 6: M30 Grenade -- SprBlsWrt-Acc/Dmg(A), SprBlsWrt-Dmg/Rchg(7), SprBlsWrt-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(7), SprBlsWrt-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(11), SprBlsWrt-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(23), SprBlsWrt-Rchg/Dmg%(36)
Level 8: Super Speed -- BlsoftheZ-ResKB(A), BlsoftheZ-Travel/EndRdx(50)
Level 10: Targeting Drone -- GssSynFr--ToHit(A), GssSynFr--ToHit/Rchg(43), GssSynFr--ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(45), GssSynFr--Rchg/EndRdx(45), GssSynFr--ToHit/EndRdx(46), GssSynFr--Build%(50)
Level 12: Sniper Rifle -- ExcCnt-Acc/Dmg(A), ExcCnt-Dmg/EndRdx(13), ExcCnt-Dmg/ActRdx(13), ExcCnt-Dmg/Rng(15), ExcCnt-Dmg/Rchg(21), ExcCnt-Stun%(25)
Level 14: Mystic Flight -- BlsoftheZ-ResKB(A), BlsoftheZ-Travel/EndRdx(48)
Level 16: Smoke Grenade -- ToHitDeb-I(A)
Level 18: Flamethrower -- OvrFrc-Acc/Dmg(A), OvrFrc-End/Rech(19), OvrFrc-Acc/Dmg/End(19), OvrFrc-Dmg/End/Rech(21), OvrFrc-Acc/Dmg/End/Rech(23)
Level 20: Field Operative -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A), ShlWal-ResDam/Re TP(43), Rct-ResDam%(45), PrfShf-End%(46)
Level 22: Spirit Ward -- DctWnd-Heal/Rchg(A)
Level 24: Rune of Protection -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(31)
Level 26: Ignite -- SprDfnBrr-Acc/Dmg(A), SprDfnBrr-Dmg/Rchg(27), SprDfnBrr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(27), SprDfnBrr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(31), SprDfnBrr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(34), SprDfnBrr-Rchg/+Status Protect(36)
Level 28: Trip Mine -- Arm-Dmg/Rchg(A), Arm-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(29), Arm-Acc/Rchg(29), Arm-Dmg/EndRdx(31), Arm-Dam%(34), FrcFdb-Rechg%(46)
Level 30: Caltrops -- PcnoftheT-Acc/Slow(A), PcnoftheT-Dmg/Slow(37), PcnoftheT-Acc/EndRdx(39), PcnoftheT-Rng/Slow(39), PcnoftheT-EndRdx/Rchg/Slow(42), PcnoftheT--Rchg%(42)
Level 32: Full Auto -- Rgn-Dmg/Rchg(A), Rgn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(33), Rgn-Acc/Rchg(33), Rgn-Dmg/EndRdx(33), Rgn-Knock%(34), PstBls-Dam%(36)
Level 35: Kick -- Acc-I(A)
Level 38: Tough -- StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), GldArm-3defTpProc(39)
Level 41: Weave -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(42)
Level 44: Personal Force Field -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A)
Level 47: Temp Invulnerability -- UnbGrd-Max HP%(A)
Level 49: Force of Nature -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Dmg-I(A)
Level 1: Defiance
Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- UnbLea-Stlth(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Health -- Mrc-Rcvry+(A), Pnc-Heal/+End(48), Prv-Absorb%(48)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-End%(A), PrfShf-EndMod(43)
Level 0: Freedom Phalanx Reserve
Level 0: Portal Jockey
Level 0: Task Force Commander
Level 0: The Atlas Medallion
Level 50: Spiritual Core Paragon
Level 50: Pyronic Core Final Judgement
Level 50: Degenerative Core Flawless Interface
Level 50: Longbow Core Superior Ally
Level 50: Assault Radial Embodiment
Level 50: Clarion Partial Core Invocation


| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Edited by Lockpick
Minor edits and typos
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TWG is a decent damage power now, the immobilize is just a plus with a sub 2 sec recharge for me.


I use it to pin AVs in the ITF because they love to run.


Everything I have read is that trip mine is a good source recharge and procs. It does not fit my playstyle, so I do not have it.


I put my force feedback: recharge in M30, because it recharges very quickly and still procs very well. You will have to slot KB->KD.


Also, I put recharge in my snipe, because I switch between my AOE chain FA->FT->M30 and Snipe->Slug->Burst or TWG. I want recharge procs in both chains.


I want to love ignite, but the fear factor is too high. Even tanker taunting cannot keep mobs in it. 


If you fight at range with soft capped range def. I do not think Rune of Protection is required. I rarely get mezzed for any dangerous length of time. You probably already have decent mezz resistance. Also, two slotting hover, fly, and afterburner will give you 4.5% ranged with Blessing of the Zephyr if you need the extra def.

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1 hour ago, KaizenSoze said:

TWG is a decent damage power now, the immobilize is just a plus with a sub 2 sec recharge for me.


I use it to pin AVs in the ITF because they love to run.


Everything I have read is that trip mine is a good source recharge and procs. It does not fit my playstyle, so I do not have it.


I put my force feedback: recharge in M30, because it recharges very quickly and still procs very well. You will have to slot KB->KD.


Also, I put recharge in my snipe, because I switch between my AOE chain FA->FT->M30 and Snipe->Slug->Burst or TWG. I want recharge procs in both chains.


I want to love ignite, but the fear factor is too high. Even tanker taunting cannot keep mobs in it. 


If you fight at range with soft capped range def. I do not think Rune of Protection is required. I rarely get mezzed for any dangerous length of time. You probably already have decent mezz resistance. Also, two slotting hover, fly, and afterburner will give you 4.5% ranged with Blessing of the Zephyr if you need the extra def.

I very rarely use Ignite as well, so maybe should look at something else.  I very rarely use Trip Mine, but I do occasionally use it right before I hit some mobs, so if they come after me they run through the mine.


I tend to use Rune of Protection right before combat with a mob that will Mez me or if I get hit with a Mez in combat.  It does seem like getting rezzed is rare for me at range, but I have found it pretty useful while leveling and in team combat.  I didn't think about a FF in Snip and that is a good idea, but I would lose 3.75% defense I would have to make up somewhere else.


Would you mind sharing your build?  I'll move some sets around on my build to see if I can figure out how to move a FF in Snipe.  Maybe I can drop Ignite and take Maneuvers or Combat Jumping to make up for the lost defense.

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This is very close to what I am running alive. I have too much defense, maybe... I might drop scorp shield to get resists in the future.



Hero Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Tactical Pixie: Level 50 Magic Blaster
Primary Power Set: Assault Rifle
Secondary Power Set: Devices
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Leadership
Ancillary Pool: Mace Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Burst -- Thn-Acc/Dmg(A), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx(5), Thn-Dmg/Rchg(23), Thn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(36), Thn-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(48), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(48)
Level 1: Toxic Web Grenade -- Thn-Acc/Dmg(A), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx(5), Thn-Dmg/Rchg(11), Thn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(15), Thn-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(15), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 2: Slug -- Thn-Acc/Dmg(A), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx(3), Thn-Dmg/Rchg(3), Thn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(9), Thn-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(9), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(11)
Level 4: Caltrops -- PstBls-Dam%(A), OvrFrc-Dmg/End/Rech(33), Ann-ResDeb%(33), ImpSwf-Dam%(34), OvrFrc-End/Rech(43), OvrFrc-Acc/Dmg(48)
Level 6: M30 Grenade -- OvrFrc-Dam/KB(A), FrcFdb-Rechg%(7), OvrFrc-Acc/Dmg/End(7), OvrFrc-Acc/Dmg/End/Rech(17), ExpStr-Dam%(17), PstBls-Dam%(25)
Level 8: Fly -- Flight-I(A)
Level 10: Targeting Drone -- RctRtc-Pcptn(A), RctRtc-ToHit(46)
Level 12: Sniper Rifle -- StnoftheM-Acc/Dmg(A), StnoftheM-Dmg/EndRdx(13), StnoftheM-Acc/ActRdx/Rng(13), StnoftheM-Dmg/ActRdx/Rchg(25), FrcFdb-Rechg%(27), StnoftheM-Dam%(27)
Level 14: Hover -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A)
Level 16: Smoke Grenade -- DscWrd-ToHitDeb/Rchg/EndRdx(A), DscWrd-ToHitDeb/Rchg(46), DscWrd-ToHitDeb(46)
Level 18: Flamethrower -- SprBlsWrt-Acc/Dmg(A), SprBlsWrt-Dmg/Rchg(19), SprBlsWrt-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(19), SprBlsWrt-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(29), SprBlsWrt-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(29), SprBlsWrt-Rchg/Dmg%(33)
Level 20: Field Operative -- PrfShf-End%(A), PrfShf-EndMod(21), PrfShf-EndMod/Rchg(21)
Level 22: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(23)
Level 24: Kick -- Empty(A)
Level 26: Afterburner -- Frb-Fly(A)
Level 28: Maneuvers -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A), ShlWal-Def(31), LucoftheG-Def(31)
Level 30: Tough -- StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), GldArm-3defTpProc(31)
Level 32: Full Auto -- SprDfnBrr-Acc/Dmg(A), SprDfnBrr-Dmg/Rchg(34), SprDfnBrr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(34), SprDfnBrr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(37), SprDfnBrr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(37), SprDfnBrr-Rchg/+Status Protect(37)
Level 35: Weave -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def(36), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(36)
Level 38: Gun Drone -- ExpRnf-Acc/Rchg(A), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg(39), ExpRnf-Dmg/EndRdx(39), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(39), ExpRnf-EndRdx/Dmg/Rchg(40), ExpRnf-+Res(Pets)(40)
Level 41: Scorpion Shield -- RedFrt-Def/EndRdx(A), RedFrt-Def/Rchg(42), RedFrt-EndRdx/Rchg(42), RedFrt-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(42), RedFrt-Def(43), RedFrt-EndRdx(43)
Level 44: Web Envelope -- TraoftheH-Acc/Rchg(A), TraoftheH-EndRdx/Immob(45), TraoftheH-Acc/EndRdx(45), TraoftheH-Immob/Acc(45), TraoftheH-Acc/Immob/Rchg(50), TraoftheH-Dam%(50)
Level 47: Assault -- EndRdx-I(A)
Level 49: Vengeance -- DctWnd-Rchg(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Defiance
Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Clr-Stlth(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Heal-I(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Flight-I(A)
Level 2: Health -- Prv-Absorb%(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-End%(A), PrfShf-EndMod(40)





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