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Electric vs Water


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I'm making a Bee themed Blaster and am thinking of Electric or Water as the primary.

According to the dps spreadsheet, Electric's damage is around the middle, while Water is at the bottom.
According to a different post, Electric has one of the lowest dps.  Water also has a lot more utility.

Does anyone have an opinion, or a suggestion for a different powerset that could be Bee themed?

I also don't have any real ideas about a secondary.  Probably Atomic or Plant Manip.

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Water, the DPS spreadsheet completely ignores combo points, and a lot of the Values on the last one I checked were actually wrong.

And Electric just sucks.

Plant manipulation sounds like a decent theme, but electric secondary is actually quite good. Is it like a half-bee, alien bee, 'bee protector', Robotic bee, or some chick just wearing a bee costume?

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5 hours ago, Frostweaver said:

Is it like a half-bee, alien bee, 'bee protector', Robotic bee, or some chick just wearing a bee costume?

A bee was altered by energy that was released by an enemy that destroyed the land around it.  The appearance will be a mix of woman and bee.

Thank you for  your reply.  That is interesting info.

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