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Dominate (Mind Control) vs Subdue (Psionic Assault)

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These powers seem similar to me based on the description/detailed info.  Dominate is more accurate and faster but does less damage and range.  And etc.  I think Subdue only has an 80% chance of Hold where Dominate seems to be automatic.


As a level 42 with no enhs, my experience is that Subdue hits far less often than Dominate.  It seems taht Subdue can be skipped if you have Dominate.  Anyone have any thoughts on this?

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

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Subdue is an Immobilize, not a Hold, and you're right, it has 80% chance to Immobilize while Dominate automatically Holds.

Dominate is a control power first and foremost since it has great control. Subdue is a damage power first and foremost, with a minor secondary effect of Immobilize. They're kind of different... Dominate is a must-take, period, for Holding mobs. Subdue is a decent attack but not so great that it's a must-take, so it's basically useful to fill out your attack chain if you don't have a full chain... and if you do have a full chain without it, it's not necessary to pick it up just to get an Immobilize effect.

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Subdue is mainly useful against Arch Villains, who have high mezz protection to all mezzes except Sleep and Immobilize. Its a harder hitting version of the standard single target immobilize most Control sets (but not Mind or Illusion) get in their first slot. Virtually everyone skips the standard control power. Most builds do take Subdue I believe.


IMO the power to skip in Psi Assault, usually, is the Tier 2 blast. I forget its name. Its basically identical to Subdue except it does not Immobilize. With Subdue you get a Tier 2 blast with Immobilize. The power replaces what would otherwise be a T3 blast, which is why Psi has lower single target damage than Fire/Ice/Energy. Annoying, buts the tradeoff of having access to Drain Psyche.

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How do I tell the difference between T1, T2, T3, etc?


This is my first MMO!


edit: Also, the only experience I've really had so far with Subdue is the word "Missed!" floating above the target.

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@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

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Tiers aren't an official system, they're just a general way to categorize the damage/recharge ratio at a glance. A "vanilla" blast set, like Fiery Assault, serves as a good example. Fiery Assault contains a Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 ranged single target blast. Each tier does higher damage but has a longer recharge.  (Note this structure is much more observable on Blasters/Corruptors/Defenders than on Dominators. Nearly all true Blast sets follow a version of this structure.)


Mainly we talk about this structure so we can discuss sets that deviate from the pattern. Psi Assault is one example. Instead of a T1, T2, T3 structure, it basically has a T1, T2, T2 (with side bonus) structure. Subdue does identical damage to Mental Blast. You trade away extra damage for the Immobilize.


Dark Assault is another set with this structure. The structure is T1, T2, T2 + self heal.


Electric Assault follows the pattern of Electric Blast: T1, T2, Voltaic Sentinel (i.e. a mini pet) instead of a T3.


Savage Assault is very weird and features only two single target blasts, but one of them features damage typical of a Tier 3 on a recharge schedule typical of a Tier 2.


The classification of a blast into a tier structure isn't formal. There are many exceptions to the rule. But it's a handy way to summarize how some sets work.

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But Mental Blast has -recharge.  I've heard many people like this but I can't seem to do enough -recharge to make a difference by myself.  And anyway, isn't that a side bonus?

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

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5 hours ago, Display Name said:

But Mental Blast has -recharge.  I've heard many people like this but I can't seem to do enough -recharge to make a difference by myself.  And anyway, isn't that a side bonus?


In theory but not in practice most of the time. -Recharge is't very useful on most Dominators since you'll be mezzing enemies anyway and their powers recharge while they are held/stunned/whatever. 


-Recharge is occasionally useful in a power like Arctic Air where there is a chance to Confuse the enemy (causing them to expend the power) and you don't have a lot of hard controls to keep them mezzed. 

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