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Restore Kheldian unique enemies via Null the Gull


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So, for the longest time I thought I had missed some sort of arc trigger or just had very weird luck. But then I found out that, in fact, Homecoming had actually totally removed the natural spawns of all special enemies bar the named faction Quantum Gunners.


Now, I get it; not everyone liked them. Running into a Shadow Cyst on a full team below level 20 was tantamount to a death sentence, I do remember. HOWEVER, having a bit of extra challenge for a SG team that habitually crunches x8 +4 with ease, along with un-breaking the Cysts in the Kheldian Story arc, would be really quite a nice option? I mean, we have Null the Gull, right? Please?

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Aside of quantum mobs spawning they have infact been removed aside of in select scenarios such as the ITF. I have a lvl 50 PB and WS that I run a lot and even requested an event to bring them back a while ago.


I might be a minority but I also miss Kheldian unique quantum damage almost 1 shotting me unless I was smart about it.

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I don't think I even remember them having un-typed damage before, and that particular aspect, IMO, can stay dead at least. I mean, if people wanted that as an option too, sure, I guess?

But if removing all the flavour from Kheldians was in the name of 'balance', then surely making their Inherent do something outside of teams would be a better place to start? As has been done before with Blasters and their old, useless inherent, Sentinel tweaks, Stalkers too I think?

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