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Island Rum has run and downloaded everything. It re-scans on opening the program but doesn't find anything it wants to download. I have a blue "Play" arrow.


Clicking the blue arrow gives me a green checkmark. After a minute the green checkmark goes away. Nothing else happens.


Thoughts from other Mac users?


The same happens to me often too. I keep clicking the arrow until the game is launched. Restart the system if necessary.


By the way, sometimes the launcher crashes too once you are logged onto the game and have started playing. I usually just ignore it as it does not affect game play.


I'm playing on a Mac and I don't use the island rum launcher, I just made a shortcut straight from the COH application itself and it works like a charm.  Here's the steps to do this:

1. Open up your drive

2. Open the Applications folder

3. "Drag" the COH icon to the desktop to create a shortcut

4. Use that to launch the game and use your game login


I get zero crashes and the game runs smooth. 

Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior


Thanks for reminding me that I should update this thread also not just the installation issues thread.


After a reinstall it is working fine with one oddity. I now start from the CoH (similar to your start although I don't use a shortcut). After that I have to open the City of Heroes file / start the terminal app. If I don't start Terminal nothing happens. As soon as I start terminal it runs the game.


I got this today. I open Island Run and choose homecoming and click Play then sometimes the loading screen will appear but nothing else. There is a coh icon open titled: CoH249741738wine 


Going to try re-installing and try opening via city of heroes application instead of island rum like the above poster suggested.


So I know this is an old thread I'm about to post, but the creator of Island Rum monitors it, so y'all might have better luck over there: https://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index.php?topic=9502.0


  On 5/16/2019 at 2:15 AM, Skyhawke said:

I'm playing on a Mac and I don't use the island rum launcher, I just made a shortcut straight from the COH application itself and it works like a charm.


Does the game know to patch when it needs to that way?  I ask because I know Tequila users need to run the launcher to get the patches.


Hmmm, I'm honsetly not sure. I just discovered and installed last Saturday. Do they patch often?  Wondering if I can just patch via Island Rum and circumvent the issues others are having by still using the main shortcut.

Sky-Hawke: Rad/WP Brute

Alts galore. So...soooo many alts.

Originally Pinnacle Server, then Indomitable and now Excelsior


I just want to add that Madmarcus, see quote, is not running this via Rum but rather a bottled version using tequila.    There's a "Installing made easy for MacOS users" post in my guide on page 7 and that's what Madmarcus is using.  Please feel free to test it out and let us know know how it goes.




As you can see others, peeps in discord too, have had success with it.

  On 5/15/2019 at 9:00 PM, Autumn said:

I was trying to use my old (2012) game client with Island Rum and its updates, and it kept either throwing errors or hanging on the login screen (I also tried downloading the game client from scratch that way). I downloaded your version of CoH as you prescribed, went through all the security protocols for High Sierra, and also installed the X11 emulator you suggested (required a reboot to start working). After that, Tequilla works great in the emulator and the only weird thing about launching the game for the first time was the 1080px screen default (easy enough to fix in settings).

Thanks so much.


I was insanely happy playing the game today, reincarnating my old ice/mace tank and getting all those free powers from the P2W vendor. So much fun.




Thanks for reminding me that I should update this thread also not just the installation issues thread.


After a reinstall it is working fine with one oddity. I now start from the CoH (similar to your start although I don't use a shortcut). After that I have to open the City of Heroes file / start the terminal app. If I don't start Terminal nothing happens. As soon as I start terminal it runs the game.

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