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Henchmen suck! (Advice needed thread with a hyped title)


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10 hours ago, RialVestro said:

I never noticed any significant difference in how much Punch or Kick does... Then again... I never actually USE those powers. They're just a stepping stone to Tough and Weave that I might use as an extra attack in the lower levels but it's never something I keep in my power tray. They're only a little bit better than Brawl.


I don't think the pool powers do adjust per Archetype, they always have the same base stats regardless of who takes them. I do think they may stack with other powers you already have though... like Scrappers can hit critical strikes with Punch and Kick that other ATs wouldn't be able to do...


So lets put it this way... MM pets actually leave behind a body when they die, same with Lore Pets. Makes it easy to potentially use Vengeance. But what about other pets that just immediately vanish when they die... no body, not Vengeance. Retooling that to work off dead pets would also require retooling Illusion, Dark Servant, and other such pets so those classes could also potentially solo the ability.


There's a big difference between just not being able to Critical hit with Kick if you're not a Scrapper and having a power that you can't even use solo if you're not a Mastermind.


Vengeance was always meant to be a team oriented power hence not for pets... I still think it'd be way over powered if they ever changed that.

Oh I never said it wouldn't be overpowered.  😄

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