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What are the pros and cons of engy-melee/ea/soul for pve game play

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I was wondering what are the pros and cons of a engy-melee/ea/soul brute. I looking for something dfferent and I have not played this power set yet so I was just looking for feed back on it. This toon will be only pve I was hoping after I hit 50 with this toon I could up my settings and play it on 2/8 or 3/8 with no problems  on most standard missions.  What powers do i need to avoid and which powers should get the most attention. I know this set only has 2 aoe with whirling hands and ea field. I know soul has dark obl so that is three. I know mu would be a better  for its ele fences and ball lightning, but soul has darkest night I would like try have  gloom, dark obl, and darkest night in my build to.


Speaking as someone who has taken an NRG/NRG brute to 50.....


Do NOT use Energy Melee until the dev team de-nerfs it.  Its strongest attacks take so long to land, your team has often killed the mob via AoE splash on other targets first....which is worsened by the fact that your T9 does self damage, EVEN IF you're left punching a corpse.


Energy Aura is very painful on the blue bar until you get Energy Drain, then it's amazing.  Plenty of defense, an endurance drain and a self heal...it's great.


Can't speak for Soul on Brutes, haven't done it yet.

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