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Fire/Kin vs Fire/Rad - Need Help Deciding


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With a Rad/TW Tanker almost finished, and a Time/DP Defender in the works, I'm looking for a build that will help me and others melt enemies.  Corruptors look to me like the best of both worlds on that front, and I like the pure DPS of Fire.  Where I'm stuck at is secondary, and I'm debating between Kinetics and Radiation Emission.  Kinetics has Speed Boost and Fulcrum Shift, which are very appealing, while Radiation Emission has Accelerated Metabolism and the three toggle debuffs.


In terms of telling mobs and AVs to go fuck themselves, which would you recommend between the two?

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2 hours ago, wheresmycow said:

In terms of telling mobs and AVs to go fuck themselves, which would you recommend between the two?

For mobs, fire/kins absolutely wreck everything in the game except for AVs. They'll wreck AVs too if they have access to fodder to fulcrum shift off of, but in practice this is hard to pull off and not worth the extra danger. 


Due to how resistances and debuffs work on AVs, combined with the lack of being able to effectively leverage fulcrum shift in these fights, /rad will likely work better for AVs. The -res and the -regen will likely give it a slight advantage over a kin using FS and power siphon on a single target.


On a team, I'd still go with the 🔥/🏃. The amount of damage you make yourself and everyone else do is super super fun.

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