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Usurper badge

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According to the Paragon wiki, the Usurper badge is only awarded to the person who "calls it in" at the end of the last mission.  In other words: only the team leader gets the badge.



The latest information I can get about it is that this is still the way it works.  Can this be fixed?

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

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The badge is obtained by completing the arc Time After Time.  I checked the Ouro crystal (redside) and found it in the level 50 list!  Neat!  I didn't know the Patron arcs were in there, too!  I'll definitely try that!  Thanks!

@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

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