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Phantasm Pet Illusion Control Always Melee's.


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I played Retail Issue 1-4 and Quit in 5 with Illusion getting nerfed to having less pets. With that The Phantasm always stayed at ranged he barely ever went Melee, But now all he does is Melee! And dies almost instantly. Illusion was always my fun build to play, I like it over all others. Is there a way to Fix the Phantasm to stay ranged like he should be? I can't recall having to take Aid other in retail just to spam heal the Phantasm 24/4, I used to solo AV's with my build because Perma Phantom Army and Phantasm would stay ranged slowly bringing the AV down.

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I never noticed that he always goes to melee. But I don't keep him out constantly. I use him as emergency only if I think PA is going to time out. Once the group is finished I dismiss. Resummon later if necessary. I will try to notice that happening. He usually just sets the decoy to melee and he stays back. That's what I recall happens mostly when I call him out. 


Just want to say I don't want to discredit what you are saying. I mean, we all have different play styles. Though I would never, ever think that Healing other a Phantasm Pet would be a good use of my time. 

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1 hour ago, KC4800 said:

I never noticed that he always goes to melee. But I don't keep him out constantly. I use him as emergency only if I think PA is going to time out. Once the group is finished I dismiss. Resummon later if necessary. I will try to notice that happening. He usually just sets the decoy to melee and he stays back. That's what I recall happens mostly when I call him out. 


Just want to say I don't want to discredit what you are saying. I mean, we all have different play styles. Though I would never, ever think that Healing other a Phantasm Pet would be a good use of my time. 

So I just summoned the Phantasm and watched what he does, Soon as he's summoned he will fire from ranged one attack than he will go right up to the mob in melee and fire another ranged attack. Thats his rotation it seems. Fire from ranged, run into melee fire ranged attack. In retail he always stayed at ranged, no reason he needs to run right up to the mob to fire a raged attack, seems bugged to me. I do have a Mastermind with Bots and those bots stay at ranged, but not the Phantasm.

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1 hour ago, Moirior said:

So I just summoned the Phantasm and watched what he does, Soon as he's summoned he will fire from ranged one attack than he will go right up to the mob in melee and fire another ranged attack. Thats his rotation it seems. Fire from ranged, run into melee fire ranged attack. In retail he always stayed at ranged, no reason he needs to run right up to the mob to fire a raged attack, seems bugged to me. I do have a Mastermind with Bots and those bots stay at ranged, but not the Phantasm.

This is a known issue with all ranged only controller pets and thankfully the Phantasm etc. will be looked at 'soon' to be updated to have the new and improved Ranged AI (that the HC devs implemented) that the ranged MM pets got.

Edited by DR_Mechano
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