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Sentinel - Beam Rifle | Reference to Penetrating Ray in Disintegrate description


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I'm not really up to date on what changes Homecoming has made to the official files, but I noticed that there was this inconsistency in the description of Disintegrate (at least for Sentinel. I haven't checked if the description is correct for other ATs with Beam Rifle). 


(And as an aside, does anyone know where I can find a running list of the changes that have been made to Homecoming as compared to the I25 beta servers? It seems like a lot of effort to try and read up on a whole year's patch notes.)

Edited by Ouroboratika
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Penetrating Ray is the long range (150') power in Beam Rifle powerset, that can be picked by Blasters, Corruptors & Defenders. This Sentinel Disintegrate tooltip is either leftover, or it states that you can fire this power in order to make its effect furthur spread by your Beam Rifle Blaster/Corruptor/Defender teammates.

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