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Psionic Melee - have you seen it act flaky?


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Hi all,


before opening a topic in the bug forum I thought I'd feel out other people. I've seen a few odd things happen while playing a Stalker with psionic melee and I'm unsure if I saw animation bugs, or if the heavy lag which Excelsior was been experiencing before the move was just fooling me. I'm primarily concerned about the assassin's strike power but was also curious if anyone saw anything similar. Of course the other versions of this powerset have a different attack than Assassin's Psi Blade.


I played a martial arts stalker back in the day and while I know there's an interrupt component to AS, I find in psi melee it's super duper touchy. Numerous times I've thought I had come to a complete stop, clicked it, my camera view pivots to center on the character, and then it doesn't go off and I have to click again and the foe has moved so I have to move and build up just wore off damnit and now I'm clicking and there it goes finally.


Additionally I've seen the power just conk out. Like I clicked the attack and the icon goes dark but my character does not DO anything. No animation executes and I so far have not seen a combat message like I missed (though usually I'm fighting furiously when this happens and I can't really stop and parse the combat log).  So it could be that I missed and the game just blew off the animation but I really am not getting the impression that happened. Again though this could be server wonkiness, which is why I'm surveying other players first.

See me on Excelsior as Eridanus - Whisperkill - Kid Physics - Ranger Wilde - The Hometown Scrapper - Firewatch - and more!

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Not specifically that or stalkers but I did notice on the old servers there was a bit of lag but was only noticed with certain things. Mostly clicking glowies. You would come to a complete stop , click and get interrupted. Then click again amd you would be fine. I just got used to double clicking them but will keep my eye out to see if I can click right away now that the servers are closer.

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I've never used the psionic melee  before Homecoming, so I don't really have a point of reference. But last weekend I leveled one up to around 14 or so. And there IS something wonky about the power set. The animations themselves are mostly fine, but the activation of them is delayed, or doesn't start consistently on the same frames.  I thought it was just latency due to weekend traffic overloading the servers, or something similar.  But now that you mention it, maybe it's something else?


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That does sound like what I've been seeing too, in general.


I think it's possible that it needs some animation corrections still. It wasn't a released powerset at the end of the game's life, I think it was on the test server for i24? If that's the case we'll just have to live with it being a little flaky. Honestly I'd rather have a set that's 5% wonky that's a lot of fun than not have the set. Then again it's possible there will be refinement development work on it at some point in the future.

See me on Excelsior as Eridanus - Whisperkill - Kid Physics - Ranger Wilde - The Hometown Scrapper - Firewatch - and more!

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