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Slotting Summon Demons


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Shows I can slot for resistance but says it's buffing resistance without slotting for it.  I put a 25 resist IO in there but doesn't quite reflect the enhancement amount.


What is the deal with slotting this?  And what does the +resist affect on this power, the resist passive, the ember shield or the ember shield bearer power?


EDIT: Also, what are enhancement values suppose to be looking like?

Edited by Naraka
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This is an extreme display glitch, perhaps due to tge way damage and resistance interact.


The values are total lies though; they give the benefit you would expect. Everything down to the detailed info is fooled, but the actual value of ember shield isn't affected by damage enhancements and the demons damage isn't affected by +res.

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+ Resist affects only ember shield. A better way to explain it is that the base resistances aren't affected by anything, +Resist affects skills that pets use. Ember shield is split into two parts:

+10% S/L(and a few other res) to all* pets and the MM.
+5% S/L(and a few other res) only to the MM.


Both of these are enhanceable. IIRC the ember shield doesn't affect the ember demon itself.  You can just look at the IO you are slotting to see roughly what enhancement you're getting. ED for +resist starts kicking in around ~45%, so you can just add their values until roughly that point.

At level 50 with 2 slotted IOs you can expect roughly a ~50% enhancement on the shield, meaning it provides ~22.5% S/L(+ a few other) to the MM, and ~15% to the demons. This is one of the strongest survivability tools for demons, as even without a +res secondary, it bumps their resistance from ~70% -> ~75%, an overall ~20% increase in survivability. If you have a +res buff it's even better, as pets can go all the way up to 90% res.

Edited by BGSacho
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