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Another Proc Question


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I have a Electric/Nin Sentinel. I have him built out and to my surprise I have him with soft capped Def and perma hasten. I still have not put any enhanments into Knock out blow from Mako PPP. So I would like to Proc out an attack. Should I proc out knock out blow? or Put ragnarock in ti and proc out Thunderous blast instead. Thunderous blast currently has a purple set 5 slotted with a -res proc. I can deal with missing on those 2 powers. And I have an end recovery power that will keep me going. Any advice is appreciated. And no i have yet to get mids actually working on my Mac, though i've tried.

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I'd agree with Caulderone. Having a nuke up often is awesome. My Water/Regen has his nuke slotted with full Sentinel's Ward, and it's up roughly every 36 seconds. For my playstyle that's acceptable. I didn't build for Hasten, so your build including a purple set prolly sees a quicker recharge on your nuke.


I have KO Blow fully procced out (I'm using FF, Neuronic, Ghost Widow, Touch of Death, Glad Strike & Glad Net) and that thing hits like a truck. (I'm also using a full procced Arctic Breath which is also quite wonderful - Posi, Jav Volley, Annihilation, Lady Grey, Impeded Swiftness & Shield Breaker - and considering duplicating that, minus ImpSwift, in Steam Spray too.)



So many alts, so little time...

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If you're only going to pick one power to put procs in from Electrical I'd go with Short Circuit. It only has just over a 40% chance to proc regular procs and 60% on the purple but it a target rich environment it should get you a pretty good return on investment.


Try Sirocco's Dervish Acc/Dmg and Proc, Armageddon Dam/End and Proc,  and the procs from Obliteration and Eradication (assuming you have your accuracy sorted).


It should average about 240 damage, which is about 100 more than a purple set and 130 more than an ATO. Just be wary that sometimes they just wont go off but it will average out.


At perma haste it should be around a 7 second recharge so you can open every encounter with Short Circuit (3 second cast), Thunderous Blast (4 second cast), Short Circuit which aint terrible. Anything that gets hit by all 3 and survives will be at -125.5% end too for whatever thats worth.

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3 hours ago, Knottewe said:

At perma haste it should be around a 7 second recharge so you can open every encounter with Short Circuit (3 second cast), Thunderous Blast (4 second cast), Short Circuit which aint terrible. Anything that gets hit by all 3 and survives will be at -125.5% end too for whatever thats worth.

Recharge begins after animation ends.  With a 7 second recharge, you can't immediately SC again after TB.  3 second gap.

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Thanks for all your ideas. I have a very different build when I can I'll post it. The point of TB being on  fast cool down is a good one. I 'll keep ragnarok 5 slotted with annihilation -res in it. Then slot KB with procs. 


I skipped short circuit cause I wanted to explore the experimentation pool. I wanted adrenal boost to see what it can do for me and I like it. I also took corrosive vial cause partly for the AoE mainly to mule sets. It actually can come in handy some times. KB is just a great power to push my damage to max on single target but it's not a crucial part of my attack chain. Also the -end works really well.

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