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Bastille Boy's rogues and heroes

Bastille Boy

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Here is a list of my level 50 toons. All of these toons are on Everlasting, except for the PVP stalker, which is on Indominable. Since the list has gotten long, I'm only listing biographies for select characters.


Many of my characters are in the same story, involving the world's only minimum-security prison for superpowered inmates.

From the rogue warden's point of view: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/20463-dear-ziggursky-correctional-officers-youre-doing-it-wrong/

Wikipedia-style article: https://fbsa.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Port_Oakes_Penitentiary


The blueside characters are residents of Paragon City, classified as "heroes." They're doing their own thing. Damon Glasseater is probably my best roleplaying concept. When he's not in the lab, he's confined to Pocket D. The huge windows are always a temptation, but DJ Zero keeps him well supplied with empty bottles.


Port Oakes Penitentiary: Corruptional Officers


Herocatcher Jake (Corruptor, Ice Blast / Thermal Radiation)

What drives a hero to inject a 5'5" property criminal with power suppressing drugs and throw him into a cellblock with violent people? Why don't heroes control their prisoners in a gentler way, like with damage resistance auras, operant conditioning, or stout irons?

It's not their fault that they're so cruel. They haven't experienced a loving home.

I'm the lead corruptional officer at the Port Oakes Penitentiary. It's my job to give captured heroes a good home. Better than the one they gave me.


Little Mikey (Defender, Empathy / Beam Rifle) (PVP)

Little Mikey wanted to be an archvillain like his mom, but he had no powers. Other kids in Port Oakes beat him up and stuffed him in lockers. He was always picked last for kickball.

At age 18, Mikey tried to sign up with Arachnos, but they said he was too weak. The police said he was too soft. But the warden of the Port Oakes Penitentiary decided Mikey would be a perfect guard. He had empathy!

The captured heroes in the Pen like Officer Mikey. He makes them feel fortified and regenerated. What's the harm in cooperating when he tells them what to do?

Also, it turns out Mikey's a good shot. He'd never aim a gun at a prisoner. But he just might be tough enough to disintegrate a Longbow intruder.


Herocatcher Eddie (Corruptor, Ice Blast / Nature Affinity)

Don't get me wrong. I like my job. After spending six years in the Zig for selling magic mushrooms, having heroes call me "sir" and mean it is really, really nice.

But it's not exactly challenging work. I'm not taming wild animals.  I'm feeding a kennel full of well-trained golden retrievers. Also, I have two boyfriends, and they're both opera queens, and they don't want balcony seats.

That's why I moonlight.


CareBot v.0.8 (Defender, Electrical Affinity / Electrical Blast)

Officer Bathtime (Defender, Time Manipulation / Water Blast)


Port Oakes Penitentiary: Part-time Prisoners


Robby Rulebound (Defender, Pain Domination / Sonic Attack)

He's dressed like an escaped convict, but he doesn't act like an escaped convict. He has the emotional energy of a little boy who got separated from his parents at a carnival and is trying very hard not to cry.

He addresses people as "Mr., "Ms.," or "Mx." He introduces himself as "Robby" and gets confused if anyone calls him "Mr." He speaks with perfect grammar and a childish lisp.

He did not have a lisp when he was an assistant district attorney in Paragon City. Then he decided to go after a  corrupt cop with connections to the Rogue Island Police.


Pit Bull Terry (Defender, Empathy / Sonic Attack)

He looks dangerous, but he won't hurt you. He's wonderfully friendly to most people. If he doesn't like you, he might howl at you. He might steal your bread.

Longbow tried to make him into a vicious brute. He ran away before his first fight. A lot of villains think his kind should be put down, but the Rogue Island Police officers who collared him saw that he was a docile, intelligent animal. He just needed proper obedience training.

Terry loves his new masters with the fierce loyalty of a rescue dog. He's not running away. He's playing fetch.


Jailbird Joe (Tanker, Willpower / Super Strength)

Growing up in Port Oakes in the 1990s, Joe Dell'Orso was a well-behaved child. The other Mook boys called him names he didn't understand.

He was 15 when he had a bike accident near the RIPD's minimum security prison. Two officers from the prison found him. Worried the fractures could stunt his growth, they took him to their infirmary to heal in the regeneration aura. He was there for a week. The guards and the captured Longbow soldiers who brought him his meals were kind, Joe thought. Nothing like the brutish men in his family. And they were all so strong, and so handsome in their uniforms...

Suddenly Joe understood the slurs he heard from the other Mook boys. He knew the slurs were true. And he knew he needed a new family.

On his 18th birthday, Joe went back to the prison farm and scaled the fence. This time there were handcuffs.

Full biography: https://fbsa.homecoming.wiki/wiki/Jailbird_Joe


Bastille Boy (Tanker, Invulnerability / Street Justice)

Full biography (which needs an update after i27p4): https://fbsa.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Bastille_Boy


Slammer Max (Tanker, Shield Defense / Super Strength)

Arthur Ward (Tanker, Shield Defense / Energy Melee)

Jailbird Jim (Tanker, Super Reflexes / War Mace)

reroll of Jailbird Jimmy (Scrapper, War Mace / Super Reflexes)

Ricky Staccato (Stalker, Street Justice / Super Reflexes)

Neatnick Nick (Brute, Staff / Radiation Armor)

Lockie Lockup (Scrapper, War Mace / Invulnerability)

Lucky Lenny (Stalker, Electrical Melee / Energy Aura)
Mikey Iodine (Defender, Radiation Emission / Sonic Attack)

Reckless Robbin (Corruptor, Psychic Blast / Pain Domination)

Shortbow Seamus (Corruptor, Shame / Shame, i.e., tinted Fire Blast / Electrical Affinity)

Nick the Felon (Stalker, Psionic Melee / Energy Aura) (PVP)

Mackie Mastiff (Brute, Super Strength / Super Reflexes)

Cinderfellow (Controller, Illusion Control / Radiation Emission)


Assorted Heroes


Damon Glasseater (Brute, Radiation Melee / Fiery Aura) (Farming) (known as Fireplay before shard transfer)

Browsing in a used book shop, Dr. Albrecht looked at the occult section on a whim. "Practical Summoning" looked fun. The scientist flipped the pages quickly. She read one of the incantations out loud, smirked, and put the book back on the shelf.

When she got back to the lab, a seven-foot tall person (was it a person?) with unnaturally red skin was sitting on the floor, playing gleefully with her glassware. He (it was obviously a "he") had somehow melted several of her test tubes and was turning them into some sort of sculpture.

He greeted her in perfect Latin. Then he started munching on a graduated cylinder.


Nuclear Sub Nate (Tanker, Fiery Aura / Radiation Melee) (farmer on alt account)

Nate's captain looked panicked, but Nate knew everything was okay now. He smiled as he saluted.

"The engines are fixed, sir."

"You're on fire, Nate!"

"Thank you, sir!"

"No, I mean you're flaming."

"Sir, if you have a problem with an out sailor on the..."

"Nate! There are flames. On the side of your face."

The captain pointed at a mirror.

"...HOLY @#$%!"


Tim Sundae (Scrapper, Ice Melee / Willpower)

Boy Sig (Tanker, Electric Armor / Electrictrical Melee)

Brother Badley (Tanker, Radiation Armor / Radiation Melee)

Supersoaker Steve (Defender, Nature Affinity / Water Blast)


Edited by Bastille Boy
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On 7/25/2020 at 9:18 AM, Patti said:

I think I got to see some of yous.  Do you have pictures to share?

I do now! In order:

  1. Bastille Boy. The lack of trouser pockets is a recent development, not unrelated to the pose he is in.
  2. Herocatcher Jake. He isn't usually this stern. He really dislikes having his photo taken. He likes this photo because you can't tell that he's really short.
  3. Jailbird Joe. The work release uniform suits him well. It is quite unflattering on some other characters. His glasses were specially made to withstand impact.




Edited by Bastille Boy
getting photos in a row
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  • 2 weeks later

In honor of Jailbird Joe's 40th birthday and the second anniversary of his appearance on Homecoming, I've given him a full-length biography on FBSA Wiki.


Of my many level-50 toons, he's the one I come back to most often. He has the best balance between a concept I like and game mechanics I enjoy playing. I'd rank his powers as "A tier." In addition to the vulnerabilities of having Willpower as an armor set, he has one of the worst possible weaknesses for an outlaw: a powerful subconscious inclination to trust cops. As long as he stays in the Rogue Isles, this mostly works out for him.


P.S. I used to have a Time/Sonic defender named "Jailbird Joe," but I renamed that character.

Edited by Bastille Boy
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