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Looking for any remnants of either triumph or freedom schools. Tried setting up on excelsior, but the name is in use.  Any info would be appreciated.


Old mains were Betty Bliss and Bloody Knuckles

New main is Bloody Knuckles on excelsior currently.


I was on the triumph server back around 2009 or so. Name was Naomi Rivera.

2009 was a dark period for me. I believe Icy Bubbles had control of the schools then. I went ahead and restarted "Girls of Nukem High" on excelsior to get things rolling again. If you are interested, the rules are the same for creation. No hurries tho, I'm still getting readjusted and leveled.


Global is @lolcaust. Main is Bloody Knuckles, blue side. :)


Did you folks also run a Girls of Hang'em High on the red side.  We had a relatively lively coalition with them and the Furioso's (sp?) back in the day.  I was part of the Revenants with Bloodhorn, Electraline, Phantom Cobra, Daughter of Diablo and others.  I started with Mr. Brownstone and the Slade family (Sebastian/Cassandra/Hannibal/Moria) but moved on to a ton of alts on multiple servers. Ran a lot of Tanker Tuesdays, Brutal Thursdays and the occasional Arachnos Friday Night Jamboree and Hootennany for all VEAT teams.

Playing on all the shards here but have the majority of my peeps on Torch.



Did you folks also run a Girls of Hang'em High on the red side.  We had a relatively lively coalition with them and the Furioso's (sp?) back in the day.  I was part of the Revenants with Bloodhorn, Electraline, Phantom Cobra, Daughter of Diablo and others.  I started with Mr. Brownstone and the Slade family (Sebastian/Cassandra/Hannibal/Moria) but moved on to a ton of alts on multiple servers. Ran a lot of Tanker Tuesdays, Brutal Thursdays and the occasional Arachnos Friday Night Jamboree and Hootennany for all VEAT teams.

Playing on all the shards here but have the majority of my peeps on Torch.


Yea, hangem was our redside school then. I remember the revenants as well. My mains were Nuclear Assault and Battle Royale. Don't have nearly time as much as I did back then. I'll roll on Excelsior and keep the school going. So far, I haven't seen any other Nukems. 


Lord I can't even recall my nukem/hangem toon names. Was working crunch on Mass Effect back then, dulls the senses. I freaking loved both groups though. If they're coming back I'm in.

  • 1 month later

I had alts in both Nukem and Hangem on a couple servers, Freedom and Victory. Active on Ecelsior now, and I just so happen to have a couple Nukem style alts already in play.

@mercymauser is my global.





Wings over Paragon sg was coalie with GoNH!! They  were a GREAT group, and a lot of fun to team with!

y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!
  • 9 months later
  • 4 months later

The Nukems on Excelsior didn't disband.  There are still a bunch running around.  I know with COVID a lot of people's hours got all mixed up, or just haven't been playing a lot due to RL Issues.  


Also will agree, great movie!

  • 4 months later

Hello Hang'ems and Nuke'ems!!! I used to run as Puppit on Triumph and as Alacritia Pandemonia on Freedom. It was a long, looooooooong time ago. So glad to see ya'll are still playing! I brought Puppit back and remade her (Bots/Bubbles MM) but haven't gotten around to Al (she was a sonic/kin). Anyway I hope you're all well. I'm on Excelsior too, and can easily be found in the RWZ every day at 3pm EST for the MSR, so hit me up if you're looking to team/commiserate/whatever.. I'll keep an eye out for you Hangem's and Puke'em... er... Nuke'ems as well. 

  • 3 months later

I ran on Triumph for a long time in Nukem in the Icy Bubbles days. I just started playing last week when I found out that the game was back up and running. I started my main character and my alt up again. I am running on Reunion, and I checked the SG list and there is a Nukem on Reunion. Anyone still active on that server? My main was Suzie Pict (fire/mace tank).

  • 2 years later

Hello all!
The Girls of Nukem High are very active on Excelsior now.  My toon is Candie Firestar and I was an SG leader alongside Icy Bubbles back on Live on the Triumph server.  One of the other girls remade the SG on Excelsior and I rejoined just recently.  My Global in game is @Candie Firestar. 

  • 2 months later

I was Sarah Belham. I stopped running with Nukem years before the old servers shut down. I currently play only on Indom and only with the LoC.


Aquacat Sig.jpg

Aquacat (Level 50+3 (Vet 99) Water/Regen Sentinel, Indomitable, 1117 badges)

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