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Partner/Conspirator Badge Farming

Glacier Peak

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The Cavern of Transcendence Trial is on the rotation for the Weekly Strike Target folks! Makes for a great TF to farm for the Partner/Conspirator badge (50 weekly strike tf/sf). With the right set up, you can get a really good time! (2 minutes, 46 seconds per run).




Edit: Forgot the How-To!

**Need Mission Teleporter/Team Transporter and stealth of some kind for fastest possible time.


Step 1. Open LFG tab in the Chat tray. Click Trials. Click "Cavern of the Transcendence (Karsis). Click "Lock the event for your group". Click Queue. Click Enter on pop-up.

Step 2. Click Karsis. Agree to form Task Force. Click the Mission Teleporter/Team Transporter OR proceed to the mission location.

Step 3. Make sure stealth power(s) are turned on (you can use the base machine to create an invis temp power if needed).

Step 4. Run to each off shooting cave in either a clockwise or counterclockwise rotation and click the Obelisk at the end of each.

Step 5. Proceed to the door where Sam Wincott is being held. Open it. Stealth your way past the Monster and mobs. Go to the two pumcites holding Sam Wincott hostage. Defeat them.

Step 6. Exit mission. Repeat Step 1.


Second Edit:

Using a second person (or account), you can have a teammate stand next to Karsis and reactivate the TF after each completion (nullifying the need for the TP powers I mentioned when solo). Just make sure they also have Karsis unlocked as a contact. Thanks @Lankey for the advice!


Edited by Glacier Peak
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Hi, am running for badge and have a mule at Karsis and am doing pretty much as above.

However when I complete I either swap to mule to complete which then puts me outside cavern door or I hit exit and end up outside door then swap to mule to complete. Same difference really.

But which ever way, I still have to exit the tunnel system before Karsis will talk to mule to allow a fresh start (not everybody is here, go away till they are)

So that means I have to travel outside of the tunnel area, mule starts new run, and I travel back to cavern door.

Mule cannot tp me from inside tunnel and if I go base and back to hollows I am a long way from tunnels.

I am womdering how you guys actually do the end/start again bit?

I have all the team assemble and team transport stuff but they all have a really long recharge time and no use for fast multiple runs.



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Yeah was working on getting my 2nd acct's toon to have Karsis unlocked last night, on the last mission when I went to bed.  Right now would be a perfect time for me as I have an all-hands company meeting for ~2 hours...so plenty of time to play but the servers are down. :(

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Hi guys, well 37 runs later and my badge goal collected I thought I would add a few bits of info from my personal journey which may or may not help those to come.

This is all aimed at fast multiple runs and not at a one run for the WTF awards.

I used an alt from second account levelled up and Karsis enabled so it could start/end the TF.

This alt was the team leader and stayed by Karsis at all times.

My badging alt who was the one in mish had fly and more importantly Super Speed with a Celerity stealth IO slotted, so more than enough invisibility to not worry at all about unnecessary aggro both in the tunnel section and inside the cavern proper. (Hover or any other of the available flight items ingame are  viable alternatives).

 It is as a Blaster, also more than able to clear the occasional mobs guarding the glowies. (If mobs were really close up to glowie would clear them first but if not would try and stealth click first. Clicking glowie will aggro them inspite of stealth levels if they are close by.)

As a badging runner I had ease and speed as my priorities, so all mission options were at a minimum foe level with no bosses. Makes clearing the occasional glowie mobs fast.


Pro’s and Con’s of using the Team method.


Need a second account and a suitable alt by way of level and Karsis unlocked if it is the mule member of team as leader

As non leader the action alt will not have access to the LFG tp to contact method.

The action alt will have to exit the Tunnels section into the Hollows proper to allow mule to talk to Karsis. (all members must be present in zone to start/restart TF)


Really fast completion times. No extra travel back and from Karsis for action alt. Mule alt also gets its share of rewards and progress towards mentoring badges et cetera. Absolutely no need to worry about the ridiculously long recharge times of your Mission Transport and Team Transport powers. Use for first mission only then forget them. I was running three missions in the time they would take to recharge! 
As each TF run has two travel legs even if you could use the LFG TP to Contact method to get back, after two runs you would then have to travel power back to tunnel entrance then through tunnels to cavern door.



Team up at Karsis or at least in Hollows with Mule at Karsis.

Mule starts TF

Action alt hits Mission/Team tp straight to Cavern door

Action alt enters Cavern and does the glowies and free the hostage bit. I go clockwise from entrance but your game your method np 🙂

Action alt hits EXIT back into tunnel

Tab to mule who turns in TF to Karsis

Tab to Action alt in tunnel now at the same level as mule team leader ( in my case a 38)

Action alt now flies/SSpeeds to tunnnel exit using the highlighted path to it as guide and exits into Hollows

Tab to Mule to restart TF

Tab to Action alt who enters same tunnel door and retraces path back to Cavern door and enters

Rinse and repeat for x number of runs to get badge (max 49)

Remember the first two runs will be the fastest as you will have the Mission tp powers to use to get directly to Cavern door but after this you will be under you own travel powers.

I was averaging 3 to 4 minutes dependant on number of glowies that had mobs around them which also included the travel time through the tunnels to and back from exit/entry doors.


Note re stealth: Whilst doing all this I was spotted by a new player who asked for guidance. They wanted to be able to solo this np. I talked through the routine and asked about stealth and yes they had all that.

A couple of hours later I had a PM from them saying all was going really well except for one major problem. Everytime they opened the door to the AV bit they were getting overwhelmed by an ambush and getting wiped out. I was really puzzled by that as I never had had an ambush or knew there was one!

So after a bit more chat it turned out that thheir stealth Celerity IO was in Sprint and they were running and jet packing around the Cavern. For the last bit they were running up the approach ledge from middle to AV door. In doing so they were running over the pile of bones just before the door and with just the IO this was aggroing those mobs who were getting to the player just at the same time as the door opened. No ambush at all. So just a heads up on stealth levels and mind those slumbering mobs!




Edited by Jacktar
missed wording added
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Here's two things I've been doing that speed it up:


Each time you click an obelisk it gives you a medium blue inspiration.  During my runs I combine these into a purple insp, and before the AV I use two purples.  It's enough def to make it through easily even without full stealth.  If anyone is dying on the last part this should help.


Also for clearing groups around the obelisks, you can click the obelisks from super far away, so far away the groups won't even notice you.  I wish I had noticed that a long time ago.

Edited by Sazerac
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22 minutes ago, Sazerac said:

Here's two things I've been doing that speed it up:


Each time you click an obelisk it gives you a medium blue inspiration.  During my runs I combine these into a purple insp, and before the AV I use two purples.  It's enough def to make it through easily even without full stealth.  If anyone is dying on the last part this should help.


Also for clearing groups around the obelisks, you can click the obelisks from super far away, so far away the groups won't even notice you.  I wish I had noticed that a long time ago.

Standing behind the obelisks to avoid line of sight works as well. 

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19 hours ago, Sazerac said:

Here's two things I've been doing that speed it up:


Each time you click an obelisk it gives you a medium blue inspiration.  During my runs I combine these into a purple insp, and before the AV I use two purples.  It's enough def to make it through easily even without full stealth.  If anyone is dying on the last part this should help.


Also for clearing groups around the obelisks, you can click the obelisks from super far away, so far away the groups won't even notice you.  I wish I had noticed that a long time ago.

I think this is probably the most important part of the whole TF exercise and cannot be emphasised enough. Thank you Sazerac.👍👍

I went and checked and literally if you can see the oberlisk you can click it. No need whatsoever to engage any mobs at all except the final two holding the hostage. See and Click, just brilliant info.

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I just finished mine off yesterday.  No real new tricks, I just did team teleport & mission teleport, did other things for 30 minutes and did another pair.

Normally did the hang out behind the obelisk though beating up the mobs worked just as well.


For the final room, just have to beat the two guys on Sam to finish the TF, but that does assume enough stealth to get there.  I did note that the rock guys did aggro on me even with invisibility if I was close to them.  (No aggro fields)


And the LFG tab even works from inside the mission if you want to save a small amount of time.

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36 minutes ago, Blazer said:

I just finished mine off yesterday.  No real new tricks, I just did team teleport & mission teleport, did other things for 30 minutes and did another pair.

You can reset the recharge for the teleport temps by starting an arena match.

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2 hours ago, Armour Gedden said:

You can reset the recharge for the teleport temps by starting an arena match.

Interesting.  No need at this point, but I'll remember it for future reference.  Thanks!

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