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This never made any sense to me. Why would claws be faster than martial arts? Having no weapon but your bare hands and feet you would think would be the "fastest" class with cooldowns between uses, but it's not the case.


Is this something our admins might consider looking into?


The only way to do what you're asking for is to create completely new animations.


Not Going To Happen.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


This would not require any animation changes at all. I have already tested the animations for martial arts and they do not take 3 seconds to complete per use. A simple change in how often the martial arts powers regen to be similar to that of claws is viable.


It may require slight dmg adjustments to compensate for the increased CD speed, but again, this is doable with making any code base changes to these powers.



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