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Kin vs Cold vs Rad


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Hello everyone! I've been going back and forth between making either a Ice/, Water/ or Rad/ with either /Kin, /Cold, or /Rad. (Have a ton of fire chars, spreading my wings lol)


The plan is to have the ability to run fire farms as well as general end game content.


A question I've seen unanswered in another post that piqued my interest: Can the -Res you get from /Cold and/or -Def you get from /Rad out perform /Kin's Fulcrum Shift with slotting in anyway, shape, or form? I've just dived into playing with mids myself and experimenting but I was curious to hear from more experienced players there if possible. I feel like the answer is no, but you never know lol.


Which of these secondaries has the most impact late game? The way players are slotted nowadays is /Rad really viable with the speed in which things move?


I know /Kin can farm +4/x8 with bosses and eb's nicely. Can /Cold and/or /Rad produce similar results?

    - I know the speeds will vary of course!


Do -Res procs work well within rain powers?


As mentioned earlier I'm new to playing within mids and creating builds and things of that nature. When looking at the "Totals for Self" under the Misc Buffs tab I see that Haste is currently at +152.5% with an Ice/Kin build I've cannibalized from various sources. I notice there is a black/yellow line inserted within it. Is that line an indicator for the cap? I see the same for Damage as well. Would love some insight there!


Thanks for your time in advance!

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I wouldn't go ice/ for farming - water will do much better for you.


That being said, I wouldn't go /rad either - toggles are not what you want. You can go /kin or /cold-  but /cold isn't offering you much compared to /kin.


So I would go Water/Kin, of which you can find several guides here 

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I'd second the vote for Kin on a farm build (with the caveat that I don't farm). Cold has some very strong debuffs but Benumb is single target.  And its buffs (shields) don't effect the user.  No self heal. Rads toggles while nice and now continue to work after the anchor dies are slow to apply each mob.  With Kin the buffs, the important ones while solo effect you (FS, Siphon Speed, etc) and you have both a heal and +end powers.  Pick your farm and build for those defenses and resistance needed against those mobs.  As for the blasts Kin can allow you to go heavy with procs while not loosing the damage that's not proc based (thank you FS).  Water though not very familiar to me has the AoE's as well as having -defense to help hit your targets.


And no I believe the consensus is Rain powers are generally poor choices for procs.


Edit:  the line in Mids is probably the baseline ... the starting point.  To account for debuffs which could reduce your recharge.  The cap is 500% (+400%) which even for a Kin is pretty close to impossible to hit solo.  Outside buffs are pretty much a give to do that.  Damage cap is also 400% on corruptor iirc.  A Kin can manage to cap their own damage

Edited by Doomguide2005
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