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It's Been A Long Time Coming


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As someone who has always been a huge comic book fan, even to this day, I'm happy that I finally have a chance to try this game out. I was an original Everquest player and was tied up in the game for some time. When COH came out, I was in between EQ and not having a functioning computer or time, so I never got to try it out. Then I took a break from MMO's altogether and when I returned, the game had been shut down. It was all wrong place, wrong time for me. And it is one of the two games I have great regrets never playing. The other one being Asheron's Call. Otherwise, I've pretty much tried them all( the good and the bad ). So needless to say, I am excited for this one, especially as someone who is back involved with EQ and just prefers the older style games due to the challenge and other nuances that don't seem to be a part of the modern games.


A few questions that I have and I know I can Google some of these but I do prefer to hear directly from active players. Sorry if any of these are silly questions but just asking based on my experience with previous games.


(1) - How is the population in the newbie areas? How about hero pop vs. villain pop?


(2) - I know it's a grouped based game for the most part but what are some good solo classes if/when necessary?


(3) - Is the storyline pretty easy to follow or should I hunt a guide of some type?


(4) - Is the world pretty involved? By that, I mean do you lose yourself in the world? I have played DC Online and I know not everyone loves it but sometimes I just enjoy flying around the city in that game. I find it quite soothing.


(5) - What classes should a new player avoid or does previous MMO experience pay off here?


(6) - Do mobs all drop loot for the most part? Are there random drops or does the good stuff only come from bosses? How do you know vendor trash versus something worth keeping or selling in auction?


(7) - Do items change your appearance at all?


(8) - The level cap is 50 I believe. Is it a slow grind there? I'm perfectly fine with that btw.


(9) - Server recommendations and why?


I'm sure I'll have a ton of other questions but that's a good start for now. Thanks in advance for any answers I get and I look forward to seeing some of you in game.

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(1) - How is the population in the newbie areas? How about hero pop vs. villain pop?

Server Stats (Live)


(2) - I know it's a grouped based game for the most part but what are some good solo classes if/when necessary?

Absolutely, it's a completely solo friendly game. It's super casual, and frankly easy if you don't try to push too hard.


(3) - Is the storyline pretty easy to follow or should I hunt a guide of some type?

The storyline is... convoluted. There's been SO many changes and retcons, and things left behind... frankly, I wouldn't bother trying to follow ALL of it. Just read the mission text, the character bios, and enjoy the ride.


(4) - Is the world pretty involved? By that, I mean do you lose yourself in the world? I have played DC Online and I know not everyone loves it but sometimes I just enjoy flying around the city in that game. I find it quite soothing.

Absolutely. And you can fly from level 4 on, which you can achieve in like two minutes of "intense playing" probably, so yeah... you can just do whatever you want in this game, pretty much. It's cliche, but the possibilities are endless.


(5) - What classes should a new player avoid or does previous MMO experience pay off here?

Play what looks interesting to you. If you find you don't like the playstyle, try something else. TRUST me, there's something for you here, it's just a matter of finding it, finding your niche. You shouldn't avoid anything as a new player EXCEPT MAYBE (big maybe), the VEATs and HEATs.... Anything that says Archnos, or Kheldian, Peacebringer or Warshade. Those were designed for players that already got at least one character to 50 and were already familiar with the game.


(6) - Do mobs all drop loot for the most part? Are there random drops or does the good stuff only come from bosses? How do you know vendor trash versus something worth keeping or selling in auction?

They all drop randomly. Lts, Bosses, Elite Bosses, and AVs drop higher rarity at a higher rate, of course, but even a minion has a chance to drop rare stuff. The rarity is easily told by the color of the salvage/recipe's name. ParagonWiki is your friend:




(7) - Do items change your appearance at all?

Not except for temporary powers, like raptor packs, and they only add stuff when they're being used. Aside from that, your costume and your powers are COMPLETELY disattached.


( 8 ) - The level cap is 50 I believe. Is it a slow grind there? I'm perfectly fine with that btw.

It is SUPER fast from 1-20 right now, and then from 20-40 it slows down (in my experience), then when you start to get your ancillary powers, it speeds up again.


(9) - Server recommendations and why?

Pick a server, any server, and go nuts. Right now, there's not a whole lot of difference between them. The resurgence of the game is still fresh, and the servers have only been running for barely a month now.


Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.


And, [glow=white,2,300]Welcome Home.[/glow]

I'm out.
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1. Not many servers so population is fine. Red side will have fewer players. There might be too many people in the newbie areas for blue side. *cough*

2. Scrapper, brutes, MMs, and sentinels.

3. There's A LOT of story content. There's only so many factions and they are broken via level ranges, but the game ran for like 9 years, so there's a ton of content.

4. Just go to a place like Croatoa at some point. Hint, it is the Halloween zone they made official.

5. MMs can be busier to handle although since the pets to the attacking, it might be boring. Peacebringers and Warshades were originally unlocked after hitting 50. Every mission there is someone there designed to kill you asap.

6. IO related salvage and recipes are worth keeping. Little else until end game content happens.

7. I'm trying to recall. Via missions, absolutely.

8. I never found it that bad. I've done a fair bit of soloing while taking heroes to 50. If you team all the time, you can get there at a reasonable pace.

9. Some servers are specified for EU, RP, PVP. I go where the people go so Torchbearer.

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

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You are in for so many suprises.

The easiest way I can say this is that the game does not work quite like you think it does in several ways.


Main advice - do not think you are about to make only one character.

Very little other than Bodytype, AT, and powersets cannot be changed later.


Population is good right now, cats been out of the bag for a month.

Lots of options to solo or group.

Several storylines and things exist. SOme are good, some are...good enough.

IMO, CoH is more like a comic and less like a simulation. It is a bit more divided up than DCUO.

All ATs are fun.

All mobs drop loot, it fall right into tyour inventory, no loot stealing, no kill stealing, they do not exist. Auction house is working great. Keep everything. :)

Nope - because there are no items. You place enhancments in your powers directly;

You can get to 50 as fast or slow as you want, IMO.


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Thanks for the quick responses. Some great info. One other question I have is, how long does this game take to DL? I have pretty solid internet and I'm maybe 10% through after about an hour. No problem if it takes away(I'm guessing it's 9 years of content, so it makes sense) but I'm just making sure everything is going as it should. Thanks.

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Thanks for the quick responses. Some great info. One other question I have is, how long does this game take to DL? I have pretty solid internet and I'm maybe 10% through after about an hour. No problem if it takes away(I'm guessing it's 9 years of content, so it makes sense) but I'm just making sure everything is going as it should. Thanks.

The Tequila launcher is notoriously slow due to the way that it loads the files from HTTP servers. You're better off using a magnet link from Silk's Guide and then running Tequila after the mass is downloaded via torrent.

I'm out.
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Thanks for the quick responses. Some great info. One other question I have is, how long does this game take to DL? I have pretty solid internet and I'm maybe 10% through after about an hour. No problem if it takes away(I'm guessing it's 9 years of content, so it makes sense) but I'm just making sure everything is going as it should. Thanks.


Game is only about 4,5 gigabytes. Tequila loader... in my experience it loves to get stuck on random files. During my own download i had to close it like five or 6 times. After restart it downloaded offending file, then several others... and then got stuck again  :(

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I'm a "mostly solo" player, so I can answer question #2 from a lot of personal experience... It's absolutely soloable with almost anything. Some ATs are just faster at it or have an easier time.


Personally, in the past I've had the most fun soloing with Stalkers, Scraps, Masterminds and Brutes. The New-to-the-Reborn-City AT called Sentinels are also very solo-friendly. I've been running a Fire/Bio and a Dark /Bio and have had a great time with both.

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice

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