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Well, actually I have one thing I can add to the ongoing story point - I really like Arachnos. I don't want them shuffled off. If anything I'd like to see a true clash between the Rogue Isles and Paragon City become more of a thing. That was always where I thought the story was going before time travel and dimension hopping (other than the Rikti of course) took center stage.


There is an immensely deep well of potential to tap when it comes to Arachnos, Lord Recluse, and the geopolitical forces of this game's settings.  I mean, we only see them for a split second in the level 10 to 15 range and again in the 20 to 30 range, but the Spetznaz ( https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Spetsnaz_Commandos ) demonstrate that there are other foreign powers working as shadow operatives in the Isles.  Just imagine how many other world governments -know- what's going on in the Isles, and actively funnel resources and information in to Lord Recluse's hands to fight a proxy war against the u.s.

Hell!  Maybe the reason the U.N. hasn't -truly- put a stop to Lord Recluse's activities is because many of the member nations are overjoyed at how focused he is on Paragon City.  I imagine there would be no shortage of world leaders who blame Paragon City for the Rikti Invasion; after all, that's where Portal Corp is located.

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