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Posted (edited)

As this is my character roster, I’ll include some details and notes about each one. This will help other players seeking connections, and even inspire others to create their own chars (or alts, as alternate characters, in the game lingo). I’ve even created each char’s own first issue comic cover!

If you wanna meet in the game, my global handle (aka username) is @Fermi. I’m not picky with themes and I like to play along if the roleplaying is good for all involved -- and, having said that, if you are still unsure, just send me a message.

Oh, by the way, if you see me in-game (on Everlasting) lingering beside you, I’m probably reading your character bio or admiring your costume. You are welcome to say hello and chit-chat.

Edited by Fermi

Tundra Girl

In a village in the lands of the north, the young Laura Lux was always considered the weird one by her friends, listening to the cold winds, talking to the fleeting snowflakes... And, as she reached womanhood, she discovered the very snow would answer to her will.


She was gifted. And she was also called a witch by her fellow villagers.


Forced to flee to the northern wastes, her survival was doubtful, and it wasn’t a surprise when she almost died alone... something prevented by a figure of local legend, the Tundra Witch, an old woman who was born with similar artic powers.


Taking the young Laura as a student, she helped her master the cold around her, harnessing the fury of the icy landscape. Yet there was a long way ahead of the girl.


Someday an oil company laid down huge pipes that torn the wastes apart. Tundra Witch fought them, but perished before the overwhelming force, apprehending the girl and sending her away, back to civilization.


Finding herself in the strange Paragon City, Laura decided to honor her savior by taking the name of Tundra Girl and fight against all oppression, hoping someday disrupt that oil company any way she could.


Looking for: fellow heroes, allies, villains as rivals, and even mentors.


Notes: Tundra Girl was my first character after returning to the game. I didn’t put much effort on the costume or even thought much about her powers, as I was simply trying to emulate a witch from a forgotten northern land.

Tundra Girl.jpg

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Jennifer Jensen learned the Druidic arts when she was just a child. Brought before a master of the Circle of Thorns, she became his apprentice, honoring the nature the best way she could.


Her life, however, changed when her master decided to make a sacrifice of her in order to appease the Old Gods and receiving her blessing. What she thought it would be her final initiation ceremony became, all of sudden, a macabre ritual.


Yet the forces of nature shouldn’t be tampered with, and the ceremony was interrupted by some kind of ancestral being who used thorns to kill everyone present but her -- Jennifer's innocence was enough to spare her life.


Alone in the woods, communing with nature, she was properly initiated in the ancient mysteries by forces beyond her comprehension, but one thing was clear in her mind: she needed to use her newfound knowledge to fight the good fight.


With nature as her main ally, Jennifer faced the task before her with pride and honor, becoming, that night, the heroine known as Seedsprout.


Looking for: heroes to serve as their sidekick, villain lackeys to fight against, and leads to defeat the Circle of Thorns.


Notes: After creating a Controller, I wanted something focused on melee to feel the thrill of the unrelenting fight. When I first wrote Seedsprout’s bio, I didn’t even remembered the Circle of Thorns was a thing, and I used a generic moniker to identify the “druidic order”, but as soon as I’ve fought some CoT, it was clear who her nemesis was.


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Daughter of a bank clerk, Tana Towner displayed athletic prowess since her earlier teens. This allowed her to enroll on a prestigious school due to sports scholarship, and she soon became one of the youngest Olympic-grade amazons, mastering horseback riding, unarmed combat, and her favorite: bows of all kinds.


She travelled all around the country to compete, but whenever she could she returned home to hug her father, as he was her model figure, even when all those superheroes received the attention of the press.


But during one of the most important archery events of the year, the bank where her father worked was robbed -- and as an act of heroism, the old man tried to fight the bandits by himself, before the PPD or even the heroes were able to reach the scene. The security cameras recorded everything, even the moment when one of the Hellions used flames to end her father’s life.


Tana’s father was a hero, even without superpowers.


Plagued by guilty, she abandoned the athletic event circuit and decided to use her skills to avenge her father. She wouldn’t be able to bring him back, but she could prevent crimes like those from happening. Choosing the flower her father liked most as her nom-de-guerre, Tana Towner took her bow and arrow and decided to patrol the streets, becoming the one and only Allium,the crime-busting amazon.


Looking for: fellow heroes to be allied with, nasty villains to fight against, maybe some romantic partner.


Notes: I’ve played little with Allium so far, as I was not that fond of the Archery / Martial Arts powerset I chose -- don't get me wrong, it’s a powerful combination, but I was expecting something akin to DC’s Arrow and the build didn’t reach that level yet. Oh, another thing: as I’m not a native English speaker, the original name I’ve chosen was Lavander, as I’ve erroneously mistyped Lavender. When I noticed the error, I’ve discovered Lavender was already taken, so I opened a catalogue of purple flowers to find the new name. Allium sounded good, and the flower reminded me of tiny arrowheads, so Allium it was.


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Colonel Comet

The Comet Federation was one of the most influential powers of the galaxy. Or it’ll be, since it’ll take a few centuries to become a reality. Its motto, “eternal vigilance is the price of true justice”, was the fundamental stone that supported all creatures who enlisted, trying to uphold justice wherever they were.


Colonel Sylvia Saxx was a noteworthy official of the Comet Federation ready to rescue some miners after an explosion on Laka III, but a teletransporter accident sent her to a strange and yet familiar world, one she would learn to be Primal Earth -- different timeline, different universe. -- Suddenly, she was stranded here.


As she sworn duties and vows applied wherever she was -- and, even, whenever she was as well -- she decided to join forces with the heroes of this world to promote justice and, generally, do good.


Someday, somehow, she’ll return to her own universe, once again helping the Comet Federation to fight against the Clockwork Rebels and keep the peace on the galaxy. Until then, as the superheroine known as Colonel Comet, she'll do her best to protect this reality.


Looking for: allies, rivals, and everything in between.


Notes: Inspiration for Colonel Comet came from watching Star Trek: Deep Space 9. There’s an episode involving Ezri Dax and a rifle (trying to keep this spoiler-free) that gave me the idea for the powerset. And Colonel Comet’s uniform came from Kira Nerys, as I couldn’t find a good match for a TNG uniform on the character creator.

Colonel Comet.jpg

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One of the decorated women aboard the U-328, a supersecret nuclear submarine, the scientist Madulina Raisa Ruslanovna was responsible for the plans to enhance the engine's power output.


During a test in international waters the submarine was hit by depth charges and the reactor was severely damaged. Trying to prevent an explosion, Raisa stayed behind with her comrades... but it was in vain: the radiation exposure quickly led most to their demise, followed by a massive explosion.


Raisa's body, however, was able to absorb most of the reactor's strength, and she -- the lonely survivor of the attack -- rose to the surface only to find the enemy destroyer. Blinking, she saw the flag high above it, and didn't think twice before sinking it with her newfound powers.


If the western countries showed no mercy to her comrades, she would do no less. That was the day Raissa became Plamya, the undying flame, a woman who would travel to the Isles to gather enough resources to avenge her motherland, her brothers and her sisters in arms.


Looking for: fellow evildoers to spread chaos, heroes to clash arms, farmers wanting to have a good chat while gathering inf.


Notes: Everyone needs a farming build (so I’ve heard), and I decided to create one as well. But a farming build doesn’t need to lack a good backstory, so how could I join Radiation Melee and Fiery Aura? Destroying a nuclear submarine. The rest, as they say, it’s history.


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Sarah Sanders was a xenobiologist interested in mixing alien DNA samples with Earth animals. Her research seemed to be years ahead the competition, yet her main interest was to find the sequences that allowed survivability and ferocity to coexist without dampening the basic social instincts. For this, her main test subjects were wolves, as the pack mentality was a good model for social behavior, albeit not the perfect one.


One night, however, operatives from Weng Foundation raided her laboratory while she was dealing with complicated experiments. Trying to escape during the turmoil, she was careless: the genetic engineered sample she was carrying fell and, trying to grab it, Sarah had it injected in her blood stream.


After the period of pain and sudden disorientation, she fell on her knees, aware of the quickly rewriting her own DNA -- it was infusing her with some mutated lupine force as her own body started to change.


As the old werewolves of legend, Sarah was not really human anymore.


She escaped, her laboratory destroyed and her research -- her life's work -- stolen. But she survived.


It took some time for her to master the changes and the newfound powers, but she decided to make the best of all that, fighting now on her own terms.


There won’t be more lab coats and experiments. From that day on, she would be Razorsharp, a she-wolf heroine.


Looking for: fellow heroes, fearsome villains, other shapechangers who understand the dual nature of the beast within.


Notes: As each hero may have up to 10 costume slots and there’s a good degree of customization, I’ve tried to create a werewolf. It works, the transformation is fun, and I can select powers that are active only when on wolf-form. However, I’ve also created a hybrid form to deal with thugs when fists are not enough.


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Bounty Huntress

Alex Dawson believed in the system. Her father held the Longbow tradition in her family, and he expected Alex would follow his steps. And, truth to be told, she tried.


Her father forced her to train harder and harder even as a child, and that was responsible for she losing part of her childhood -- she couldn’t even remember a good birthday party after beginning her training. -- Yet she was eager to please him as she never knew her mother.


The problem was during her admission test. It should be simple: raid a Skull warehouse. Some cadets, however, were nervous... and trigger-happy.


As the Skull resisted, bullets flew everywhere. It was a massacre.


Alex turned her back at them that day, as she wouldn’t take part on that -- in her mind, it was officially sanctioned murder, nothing more or less than that. -- Her father, as one should expect, was not pleased.


She left home and decided to put her skills to good use. If something needed to be done, if someone needed to be brought alive, she would take the job... for a price, since the bills were piling up since she left home.


So, as Bounty Huntress, Alex Dawson began a new life -- one that, sometimes, guided her to do the right thing pro-bono... but she'd rather be paid.


Looking for: non-evident supers like her to ally and to battle.


Notes: I wanted to create a “normal” char -- one who wouldn’t depend on obvious superpowers. -- So, no beams from eyes, no flight, no superjump... Punches, kicks, and raw willpower only. I may do some concessions in the future, as Alex’s story includes more than I’ve told above: her father used a nanite-serum on her when she was a child in order to improve her natural abilities, but he never told her a thing about it. When she discovers that -- i.e., when I’m forced to take an obvious superpower, Alex won’t like. At all. -- That could be a good moment for a face-heel turn, or, at least, turn her into a vigilante.

Bounty Huntress.jpg

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Kendra Keystone was a most successful assassin and relic hunter. Her clients usually trusted her in finding lone warlocks and hard-to-find witches, kill them, and return with some mystical trinket as a prize. Kendra herself didn't know much about true magick, yet she was certain a good placed bullet would do wonders to finish any spooky spellcasters she'd face.


Her life changed when she hunted a Circle of Thorns initiate. He was hard to kill, but fell in the end, still holding a large moonstone in his hands.


Yet, this time, that jewel was something she coveted to herself.


The gem, however, was more than a mere trinket -- it held the soul of an Azure Demon, a creature who was able to offer dark powers. -- If he was allowed to devour all souls Kendra killed with the powers he'd imbue her, he would make her more powerful than she'd ever imagine.


As it seemed it would be a win-win situation for her, she accepted. From that day on, she was known as Bluemoon, the azure mystical assassin.


Looking for: patrons to give her other assassination jobs, villains to form tenuous alliances, heroes to target, romance.


Notes: Concept and backstory came before choosing powers. Dual Pistols / Dark was the obvious choice, and this is a really fun combination. Bluemoon was one of the chars I’ve played the most.


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Taylor Tess was a young college student, average volleyball player, and flautist in the school’s marching band. Just a regular teenager having an ordinary life.


Everything changed when she was kidnapped by members of the Circle of Thorns. Bound and gagged, she was taken to Perez Park where they wanted to imbue her body with foul magicks. The ritual, however, was interrupted when a group of upcoming heroes appeared and disturbed the magick influx.


Stunned, she roamed alone, going deeper in the woods, only to find a strange sword laying by a large tree. There, under the moonlight, in the very instant she had the sword in her hands, she heard voices telling her to not be afraid -- something difficult as sand begun to spin around her.


She dismissed the voices as all but hallucinations and ran away, not even noticing she was carrying that weapon with her all the time.


But, before she got home, to make things worse, some Hellions ambushed her. She thought it was her demise... only to hear the voice again: "Arise, my knightess," and, as a sudden energy empowered her, Tess drew strength to wield the sword. With the magickal weapon in her hands, everything changed in an instant as she unleashed her true power, defeating her ambushers with swordmanship and sand magick.


On the next days, she studied the sword, learning it was a khopesh, a kind of Egyptian weapon. Her studies also led her to understand part of what she became that night, and, if she really had that power now, she would use it.


Taylor Tess would continue her ordinary life during the day -- school is important. -- But, when people need her, she would wield the khopesh once more, becoming the heroine known as Knightess.


Looking for: a supergroup of girls like her to fight evil under the moonlight and sunlight as well, a nemesis, romantic interest.


Notes: Circle of Thorns as antagonists again? Yes. But this time the idea was not something involving nature, but magick only. I could have chosen other enemies, but having CoT near Atlas makes everything easier. Oh, and if you haven’t noticed, this is my “Sailor Senshi” character -- I really wanted to have one.


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Posted (edited)


Kathryn Kane had everything a girl could hope for. Her parents were role model citizens in Cole's administration, even working hard behind desks to ensure the sun never set in Praetoria. Her sister was lovely, always present, and a real BFF.

But one never knows what life could bring...

And that happened when they were in college. A field trip, an ambush from the Devouring Earth, and they were separated from the rest of the students. Lost in those caves, they eventually came to a chamber where strange artifacts rested on a stone slab.

Kathryn found the legendary Hexbrand, the blade of the witch, a magical glove that quickly attuned to her, changing her body, mind, and soul, turning her into the artifact's mortal host.

Her sister, on the other hand, attuned to something else. And, even so, when they emerged, it was clear their paths led them to the Powers Division.


Notes: Okay, we have Hex, which refers to witch. We also have Brand, that’s related to blade. So Hexbrand is the blade of the witch, and as her costume reveals, it’s similar to a known character from a comics house. Similar, not equal. Inspired, not a copy. So, Witchblade fans, don’t boo me.
Also, remade her as a Praetorian, as there was more potential to good stories if she came from a perfect society.


Edited by Fermmoylle
Remade her as a Praetorian
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Page of Clubs

Page Potts wasn’t a loyalist or a resistance fighter when her parents were killed by an explosion blamed on the Crusaders. No, she was only 6yo and was at school when that happened. She, however, didn’t take the news so bad -- or so they thought, -- as she didn’t cry or something like that.


Truth to be told, her own world crumbled before her and she wasn’t even able to express her emotions. She was alone in the world from that day on. Alone in the so-called utopia that is Praetoria.


She thought she would live an unremarkable life, but, one day, the police entered the cafe where she worked as a barista and arrested a woman -- they said she was with the Resistance, and yet she didn’t even fight back. -- As soon as she was taken away, Page noticed a golden poker card where the woman stood. Curious about it, she took it to herself.


The item, however, was some kind of super device of sorts, as she felt a surge of energy enveloping her when, back home, she displayed it to the mirror. Transformed, she knew that was the beginning of a new life. One she could make it right. One no one else would lose her parents.


One she would live as Page of Clubs.


Looking for: people like her who came from Praetoria to Primal Earth to form bonds -- good or bad alike.


Notes: I like some super sentai shows. Changeman was the first I watched, even if kids nowadays don’t even know anything but Power Rangers and its all incarnations and variations. The Praetoria storyline has great writing, even if one should do all missions basically alone -- Praetoria has few players. Too few really. -- Yet Page now has reached Primal Earth, so she’ll need to adapt to a new reality. She helped the Resistance during most of her life back home, but the things she saw and had to do seem to indicate that even on Blueside she’ll probably go vigilante soon.

Page of Clubs.jpg

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Faye Kunz was a girl of two different worlds. As a child, she dreamed of faery lands, wondrous tales of gemstone castles, and magic. Her "real" life paled when compared to her dreams.


As soon as she reached puberty, that land of dreams became real -- she learned she was a changeling: she was brought to mortal lands to learn to live among them. – And, with that, her new life became full of wonder, magick, even dreamlike, or more.


From her kin, she received the gift of the Gemstone Faeries and discovered her true nature. In other words, from that moment on, blessed by the Sigil of Faerycraft, she was able to change forms.


Yet she was meant to remain on mortal lands, as the magicks of the Circle of Thorns and the Midnighters tampered with the faeric influx that allowed safe passage to the Faery Realms. So, to make things right, she decided to fight those who corrupted magick.


This, however, cost her: in her battles, her faeric nature was tainted by imp energy, and, when under too much stress, her true nature may succumb to it.


Woman, fae, imp. Wielder of the Kunzite Gemstone. Changeling. Heroine:

Faye Kunz’s life wasn’t the same anymore.


Looking for: nature friends, bestial enemies, people who understand the struggle of being far from home and not entirely sure of their own soul as this could lead to know a Changeling like her better.


Notes: Another take in changing forms, this time using a faeric theme. It’s also a kind of coming of age story, as everyone wants to become special in a given moment in life. All good names of gemstones were already taken, so I needed to choose something more esoteric, but it fit the bill. Oh, and I have a good idea for a villain -- one with similar faeric nature, but I’m still maturing the whole thing (to be honest, I’ve already created the villain and her backstory, sending her to Praetoria to learn how to be a Mastermind since I’ve never played one, but it’s not good enough to have an entry in this roster).


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Dr. Francine Forsithe was the leader scientist on a secret project involving plasma waves, hoping to generate clean and reusable residual energy. If everything worked as planned, Earth’s natural resources would last longer than it could be conceived.


During a late night test, however, the feedback mechanism wasn't able to dissipate the energy, and the notable scientist was hit by a wave that devastated her lab.


She was rescued and brought to the best military hospital in reach, but, miraculously, she was unharmed. The military then used her as a guinea pig to understand the effects of the plasma waves on human (and superhuman) body, and, as a scientist, Dr. Forsithe helped as much as she could...


...until she learned that it was not an accident: the very same people “helping” her were responsible for the failure on the feedback mechanism. The accident gave her mental and plasma powers, but it was a deliberate experience.


It didn’t take long for her to use the newfound powers and escape. And, to avoid being captured again, she promptly went public, saying she was saved by the military when her lab exploded, earning the empathy from the people.


But she has an ulterior motive now: to prevent military from using science to nefarious causes -- knowledge should serve mankind, not slave it.


Dr. Francine Forsithe  doesn’t hide who she is, but she also understand names have power over people. Choosing Plasmawave as her superpowered name and donning a uniform that could be recognized everywhere, she’s ready to make a difference in the world.


Looking for: heroes who understand the value of science, villains who will try to use science to bring doom to humanity, friends.


Notes: Controllers are regarded as heroic archetypes, Dominators are villainous ones. Yet there’s no barrier preventing you from being a Controller Villain, right? So Plasmawave is my Dominator Heroine, and, even if I do like her costume a lot, I’m learning Dominators are squishy and work better in teams.


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Posted (edited)

Dame Nyx

Cassandra Cook was the fruit of a forbidden love: a Widow and a Soldier. Her mother did her best to hide the child, but the Fortunatas found the infant anyway. Cassandra's parents were killed, and she would also meet the same fate, except she was gifted with latent psychic abilities.


She was raised to be one of Arachnos' pawns, conditioned since her early years to obey the Fortunatas, the Arbiters, and to fear Lord Recluse. She was also a remarkable agent.


After a failed bank robbery when she was betrayed, she saw herself in the Zig. There she was subject to mental probing -- something she consider akin to a mental violation -- and tried her best to survive. Fortunately she was only there for a few weeks and she had a chance and escaped.


Focused in regaining her honor and status, she decided to face a challenging task: she would travel incognito to Paragon City. There, she'd act of one of the city's heroines, under the alias Dame Nyx, doing the required tasks to earn the trust of her “peers” and those she'd save, only to betray them in the end to prove she’s still a good Arachnos agent.


Yet she didn’t forgot the names and faces of those who betrayed her, and, whenever they cross her path again, she’ll do what’s necessary to get her revenge.


Living in two words -- Isles and Paragon City -- has proven to be a little more complicated than she expected. And worse, there’s a risk of, being undercover for long time, changing her heart...


Or not.


Looking for: job connections and partnership, true love (in despite of her naivety in this area), people who understand Arachnos is trying to bring order to the Isles.


Notes: Nyx became my main character, and I have to thank the people who are playing with me for that. She found friends, a fleeting love (that ended with a text message on her phone -- how cruel for her!), and even more. She’s also my highest level char at the moment and I’me really liking the way she’s maturing from a late teen into a grown woman.

Dame Nyx.jpg

Edited by Fermmoylle
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Theophilus Thyme, AKA Chronaxie, saw what the Menders tried to do. That resulted in two possible outcomes in his own epoch: Lord Recluse fails and Arachnos is wiped out, or there's triumph and a new age of order unites humankind.


As he knew we lacked order to face the rising threat, there was only one option: he used the Ouroboros portal to return to the point of conflict to be sure Arachnos would become stronger than ever.


Navigating the flow of time was not an easy matter, however, and he was subject to the temporal scaling that affects most time-travelers. So, instead being able to do what he intended to accomplish in matter of days, Thyme will need to wait for the right moment to put everything in motion.


At the same time, due to knowledge of how things will develop (or, at least, how they should), he knows he needs to prevent some plots from happening, even if that means helping the so-called heroes now and then.


So, in this age, Chronaxie has a job to do. And he'll do it.


Looking for: contacts, friends and rivals, romance.


Notes: My newest char, and the first male one. I’ve created this to roleplay with a friend, and I’m finding interesting the contrast of the current age (“all these belong on a museum” is an apt sentence for him to say, even when looking at state-of-art technology) to his original age.


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1 hour ago, Grindingsucks said:

Your custom comic book covers are awesome!  Nice work!  😎

Thanks a lot! I've spent a whole day doing them.

  • Thanks 1
  • 3 months later
Posted (edited)

A few other characters I have at the moment, but still need their own comic covers:


  • A-L3X1S (Fiery Aura / Claws Tanker) taken to a lab by Dr. Aeon, she had her mind wiped and was injected with nanite to become a killing machine; eventually left at Mercy Island as a form to evaluate the experiment.
  • Lady Hedone (Illusion Control / Empathy Controller) after finding an ancient necklace, she became imbued with the powers of Goddess Hedone, needing to deal with the Divinity inside her now.
  • Dominicicle (Demon Summoning / Cold Domination Mastermind) fighting a prophecy, she made a pact with a demon in exchange for power (in fact, she's a Petless Whip-only MM).
  • Lady Nyxie (Psychic Blast / Devices Blaster) Praetorian counterpart to Damy Nyx, recently coming from Praetoria and still oblivious there's another like her here.
  • Brighidine (Fiery Aura / War Mace Tanker) surviving the Rikti attack on her monastery, this blacksmith priestess decided to wield her hammer for justice.
  • Mistress Amber (Demon Summoning / Nature Affinity Mastermind) searching for the gemstones that once empowered her homeland, she crossed the portal to Earth, but ended on the wrong one - Praetoria.
  • Brass Nails (Super Reflexes / Savage Melee Tanker) after an accident that took away her arms, she sworn vengeance against those who caused her harm.
  • Poison Wail (Poison / Sonic Attack Defender) bound to a demoness summoned by the Circle of Thorns, she accepted to live to her full potential and accept her most deep desires in the process.
Edited by Fermmoylle
  • 1 month later

As the recent events surrounding one of my characters (Lady Hedone) became a lot more involving that I've thought at first, I've decided to write her arc as a short story.
It's formatted to be read on a smartphone, so don't worry about the page count, as it's misleading. I hope you like it, and I'd appreciate any comments about it.

Falling From Grace.pdf

  • Thanks 1

Lady Hedone


Cybelle Carr considered herself a relic hunter, delving in ancient ruins and forgotten dungeons looking for treasure. In some cases, she even plundered a museum or two as she wanted a few extra pieces in her private collection.


Then she found that necklace inside the temple. It was a brass piece with an emerald, no other inscriptions.


She decided she could try that, certain it would look good on her.


She was right. It looked good on both of them -- the necklace was a conduit to Hedone, Goddess of Pleasure, daughter of Eros and Psyche, and now she became the Goddess's vessel. -- Inside her mind, mortal and Goddess coexist, and the necklace allows one or the other to take charge as needed.


Imbued by divine power, she can now achieve goals she didn't even thought she had, seeking in pleasure the tranquility of the soul, be it illusion or pure sensation.


D.O.B.: March 15th, 1999


Notes: Sometimes a character is launched to the top lists due to some action. It could be you finally learn how to play that archetype, or due to emergent roleplaying. I created Lady Hedone because I always wanted to have a full support char, even if in CoX one does not need a dedicated healer in a group. Used her once or twice in a few scenes as soon as she joined a SG, and then she was shelved... Until I took her for a few more scenes in the clubs and, suddenly, there was a renewed interest in playing her. Surely one of my top 3 chars right now, and as you can see it, she even has a short story of her own.

16Lady Hedone.png

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  • Fermi changed the title to Fermi's Heroes, Villains, and everything in-between

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