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Did the GM here do something regarding the awfull alignment merit?


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I put the original game on hold a few years before the end, so I didn't know the system before reading the wiki, but dear god, that put a serious dampening field on my respect for the original dev team. promoting a the whole "going rogue" things as big content update, when in fact it's just a  giant noob trap is one hell of a dick move, what's the point of going rogue if you cut yourself from one the most useful merit type in the game? you can buy purple recipe for alignment merit, that's huge.


I have seen the current dev team made quite a few change the standard merit system already, I hope they fixed that as well.


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alignments merits on the homecoming servers are really only useful for ease of mailing merits between characters (easier to mail one alignment merit than 50 individual merits)


it wasn't so much that going rogue was a 'noob trap' as it was without some sort of small incentive there was no reason to be anything other than a rogue/vigilante, forever. Lots of people on live were still grey alignments just for ease of finding groups.

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Heroes can get away with staying heroes, but villains need to go rogue if they want to do more than just paper missions or soloing.


Back on live servers I did a lot of soloing as a villain, true. But I also joined a lot of teams. The same was true with heroes too. Actually, I got on more teams after a while with villains then heroes because heroes felt like they didn't need a team.

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