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Multi-verse AT option


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TL;DR version: Have all powerset options for your Archetype available to swap, but each powerset levels individually (so you can't just hit 50 and be done with all power selections). 


I know this would pose problems with slotting powers when you change a powerset. 

Edited by nodnal
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I would really like something like this.


I don't know coding beyond keybinds, so I know saying "How I would do it," is tremendously presumptive, but...


How I would do it is to create something like a SG or SK-bond (not precisely the same, but similar) only with you're own alt... unlock the option when you reach Level 50 on both characters. Then, when you "activate" the switch, it's like changing characters, but doesn't require the full logout\select\login process, and the alt is logged in at your current location, in your current team, with your current quests, etc.


Sometimes Iron Man is a Tank, sometimes he's a Blaster, but he's always (well, except when he\she isn't) Tony Stark.

I can see how this might be abusive in some regards, the limitations of each archetype are there for a reason... switching between roles during a mission, even during a fight, would make that meaningless. However, once you're already 50, there's less significance to it. From then on you're just grinding Incarnate stuff anyway. However, as a QoL issue, this would be a nice alternative to "Hey team, we're not doing enough damage to this AV, should I switch to my Blaster?" Whether or not costumes match or how close the names line up would be up to the player to manage, but the QoL benefit would be bypassing the transfer and travel process.

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@Dragon Crush, yes alts, but limited within the Archetype (Scrappers, Tank, etc.). Costumes changes could differentiate them, but I can see how that come become limiting when you reach your final costume slot and still have over a million (theoretical) more costumes you want to make for each power combination. 

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@starhammer, I would like that feature to swap to anything. For this thread I was trying to convey within single classes, so the primary/secondary (mainly) for each (swapping the kind of tank you are, the scrapper, controller, etc.) with something different for the power pool selection (and epic/patron) criteria. Access to everything within your set class (for example) would be problematic in itself (Epic ATs would get scraps compared to the selection of every other archetype). 

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