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I join random invites - doesnt matter to me if they hit me up and ask first.

However, unless I'm on one of my lvl 50's - I immediately back out if the team is more than 1 or 2 levels higher than my toon.

Hate the feeling of being useless.


If they are a lot lower, I'll gladly help them through a few (sometimes more) missions.

For me, its all about playing 🙂

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On 2/1/2021 at 7:35 AM, Ultimo said:

In any case, as I say, I really came here to vent a little, and to remind people to be nice to each other.  Thanks all.


An honorable intention to be sure, but part of being nice to each other is not to stay on a team with which you are unhappy and to repeatedly state that you are not happy (expecting what? The team meet your needs? That's not very nice, is it?)--the result is spreading your negativity to otherwise happy team mates. That's not very nice to the established team you just joined, right? 


If you're not happy on a team, leave, that's the nicest thing you can do.  Frankly, if you've just joined an established team, no one really cares why you aren't happy, but if you really feel the need to say it, just say it once.  Twice at the very very most.  If no one responds, so be it, take that for what it is: no one cares.  In fact, by not responding, they are probably trying to be nice . . . until your repeated complaints put you on the wrong/un-nice side.


You wanted to run a Posi, joined the wrong team, then complained until the leader finally responded somewhat harshly.  You joined an existing team, even if by blind invite, and then stuck around to voice your unhappiness, over and over by your own account.   If your message is "be nice," let's explore what being 'nice' means in the game because it most certainly includes not repeatedly complaining, not expecting an existing team to do our bidding, and not spreading our angst to otherwise happy players.  'Nice' includes being personally responsible for our team choices and not trying to change--by being annoying--a team we just joined.  As I said, I would have kicked you after the second, probably, but definitely the third complaint.   No one likes a whiner, and if our ignoring your complaints didn't send the message, getting kicked would (and if it didn't, who cares, the team is already full again, and you are a distant memory).


Why not just start a team of your own? That will alleviate these problems, and you can model niceness to your own team rather than trying to impose it on someone else's.  Every time a new player joins your team, you can ask them how they are doing, if the content is too hard, and if it is, you can abandon your team's content to accommodate the lowest level, least experienced player . . .  if that's what you think makes an ideal team.  And I'm sure this would be appreciated (though not by me or anyone I know, but there's always someone who will like something no matter how repellent it sounds to others).  Or you can have a struggle session with your team over everyone's preferences and goals and feelz.  Whatever you like!  You're the team leader, so you get to set the rules, including forcing your team to do whatever the newest, least able, squeakiest wheel wants to do.  Be the change you seek.

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On 3/16/2021 at 9:00 AM, Aeroprism said:

You just need to assume your decision, be polite but firm, and leave. 


On one side, rude behavior is not acceptable, that much we all agree on, but then again, if a team is steamrolling stuff, you can't expect them to stop just because. 


It happened to me 2-3 weeks ago.  Was trying a new Ice tank, she was somewhere in her low tens. I asked in LFG if anyone was doing anything, I was immediately picked up by a team of endgame steamrollers.  I could not contribute to anything at all, heck, I'm not that skilled of a player so I struggled just to keep up with the group.  And levels were coming in so fast, I was mortified, I was not at all learning how to play my character, I was being powerleveled and this was NOT desirable.


So I just stopped, sent a group tell "Sorry, I was looking for a small group of people of my level to do radios or a TF, thanks for the invite, enjoy yourselves." I waited 5-10 seconds, the leader answered me in the lines of "No biggie, have fun".  I left, never played her since 😛 (i have too many alts)

So we were both at fault here.  I was not specific enough in my request and they sent me a semi-blind invite
without saying "PL group, want in?"  It happens.

Believe it or not, some people actually love small, casual mission groups and aren't looking to have their character PLed to 50 in two hours.


Communication is the key.


This is a good point.  When I'm in the lowbie mood, I love me some Hollows, so I will LFG a Hollows team.  This typically gets me on teams that are doing the Hollows, but on one occasion, I was invited to an AP AE farm.  I joined, not knowing that's what it was, but I just as quickly left (obviously not even entering the mish) explaining that I was looking for a Hollows mish team, not PL.  Communication is, indeed, key, even when you think you are being clear.  PL people can't fathom anyone who would rather enjoy (to them, slog through) low level content, so they seem the least likely to understand low level mish teams.

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