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mission levels in ouro mish


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Doing the level 1-9 Hero badge mission, Defeat All The Clockwork and Skulls.


It tells me my power will be limited to level 9.


But then the mission says level 10.


Then once I am Inside the mission it says level 11.


In addition I am on +1, so the mobs are actually 12 and 13.







Something seems off.

Screenshot (84).png

Screenshot (83).png

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Is it all the mobs spawning at +1 to the mission level? That would be really unusual, but not impossible; in door missions, all of the mobs in a room will spawn at the same level, which can be ±1 to the mission level. So in a level 10 mission, you would expect to see level 9, 10, and 11 mobs. Having the entire map spawn at +1 repeatedly is sufficiently low-probability to warrant looking at, but I have seen single missions spawn almost entirely +1.

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