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I am currently running a Dark Dark Blaster and am seriously considering Dark Dark Corruptor for a long term (months!) weekly grind fest through Goldside and wards


one of the things of note on the Dark Dark Blaster is the sustain kind of sucks.  On my ice blaster and temp blaster the sustain just works. On the Dark you have to pump it every few seconds and it still is meh.  Luckily there is a PB AoE end recovery power in the epic and i carry blues.  Also Dark Blaster kills so damn fast even if your end bar bottoms most times everything is dead


But Corruptors do not get a sustain...   and Epic powers are a loooooong way off.  

How bad are Dark Dark Corruptors End issues?   At a glance they look worse than Dark/Dark Blaster before a missing sustain is even figured in



Make a Dark/Rad corruptor and color the secondary black.  Then don't tell anyone!


"Gather for Accelerate... uh... Shadows... yeah!"


But seriously, is it really going to be worse than the Blaster?  I thought the whole reason that sustains got added was because activated powers tend to be more of a drain overall than toggles and blasters have a whole lot of activated powers in their secondaries.  Not so much  corruptors.  Yeah, you've got two toggles that are about 0.5end/s apiece I think.  So at least one endrdx there in each, I'd say.  But the rest of the secondary isn't composed of relatively fast recharging activated  powers.  The heal is 8 seconds and if you're spamming that, your team has other issues.  Yeah, it does a little debuffing too, but so do all your attacks.  If no one needs a heal, I'd leave it at the ready.


I have an AR/Dark and can't say it seemed like any more an issue than most.  I did what I usually do and put at least the Panacea and Perf Shifter procs in Health and Stamina respectively.  That and don't neglect putting an endrdx SO in attacks after acc and dmg slotting are done (until you are into IO sets) and you should be fine.

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Posted (edited)

Like yourself I too was on a dark theme kick trying different squishy AT combos. Regardless of AT the end issues felt "always there" (more so than the other power choices)  when first leveling up and assuming you are without a fully IO'd set build. It is only a temporary pain however. Fully built with with Sets (and more so the vigor alpha for when fighting 54/8 solo) endurance issues vanished. The AT builds I enjoyed the most were the Trollers (dark, earth, illy, plant), the demon/dark MM (necro wasn't as fluid as demons) and lastly the Corr. However prior to reaching 50 and all the tricks that come with it I have found a couple methods that helped offset End issues in early play.


1# Theft of Essence- Chance for +end in life drain (if applicable powerset) but mandatory in twilight grasp. Assuming not in a team the proc in twilight grasp is amazing often times bringing you from empty to full. I noticed it alone could often keep my end in top shape with the Troller and MM anytime it would "heal" the surrounding pets ( even if they are full health). If you are on a team with others players the "hit" by the heal will also contribute to this happening beyond the basic 10%.


2# Panacea HP/END proc in Spirit Ward. Some may not be aware that the proc  triggers on both the owner and the target you ward on. This works great assuming you have the slots to build into spirit ward (thus reducing the end cost and increasing the ward effect) and fluffy or any other pet you cast on becomes very tanky with the heal pulse plus absorb. Additionally if you cast this on another player it effectively gives them a double Panacea proc if they have one in their build already ( traditionally in the health power) or if you duo with a friend or a box account you can place a Panacea Spirit ward on each other giving you both the absorb and double Proc effect. 😉


Between Troller, MM and Corr.. I really have to say Dark Affinity really out shines Dark Miasma when it comes to End recovery due to soul absorb. End game solo 54/8 it doesn't matter as much but those early pre 50/IO levels it really pulls its own. I have not mentioned Blasters or Defenders. This is because I found the debuff/buff values overkill on the Def ( in regards to a D3 build) and scourge as a passive added more punch solo via Moonbeam. The Corr and Def both performed nearly identical but when playing the Corr Moonbeam with scourge was a very noticeable boost in single target boss spiking. (For added clarification I made a series of dark squishy themed builds for troller/mm/cor/def/blaster and played them extensively on Test. My "trial" of choice was their ability to handle roughly 3 groups/waves of Carnies rescue missions ( for the ambush) as well as Arach and Malta at 54/8. ) Blaster never made it to live servers either. I always have difficulty justifying my blaster builds when I can make a Corr counter part using soul drain. Soul drain plus your t9 and then tossing in things like judgement effectively clears out and neuters mob groups to the point you always have a large nuke for each spawn. ( Or ideally you are pulling 2-3 groups to get more bang from your AoE rotations) Scaling down in level 50 IO builds tend to smash through content and when on a team in raids or 54 mishes everything gets steamrolled as it is. As someone that enjoys the blasty feelz but values having a support secondary to contribute and support a team.. I haven't been able to feel the appeal to blasters. So its more a personal preference. They do shine however on teams struggling with DPS vs harder content and I always welcome and value having them on my own teams. Also forgot to add Dominator to the list. While I enjoy Dominators as a AT the dark/dark build i created in mids just didn't appeal to me and the other ATs just seemed to offer so much more in damage performance and utility. I did create a Dark/Earth one however that I may play with at some point though.

Edited by Plutoria
Forgot Dominator mention.
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I am having the same problem on my Dark/Storm corruptor. I'm only level 12 so IOs don't seem like a practical answer. I hate saying it, but I failed the Atlas Park/Kings Row Stop the bank robbery because I had no endurance. I haven't failed that since I was a noob. I was still fighting the first mobs when the villain Pyra showed up. They got away, I had to rest because I was out of blues and by the time I was done. They got away and I failed it. I was very disappointed. 

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