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Weird Lagging bug


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After the recent update I've been getting a weird lagging issue. Unlike regular lags, I can see my team mates and everything around me moving as normal i.e. no running in place, or idle animations, but my character is frozen for a period of random time. I can't type, or use my powers, but i can move like normal. then poof, i'm back several feet away in the spot i'm assuming i was in when the lag started.


I have never had such a lag in my online gaming life, my internet is fine, i can stream any movie no problem, my computer is fine, its only started after that last update. I haven't changed any of my settings.


any suggestions?

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25 minutes ago, Moonxtal said:

After the recent update I've been getting a weird lagging issue. Unlike regular lags, I can see my team mates and everything around me moving as normal i.e. no running in place, or idle animations, but my character is frozen for a period of random time. I can't type, or use my powers, but i can move like normal. then poof, i'm back several feet away in the spot i'm assuming i was in when the lag started.


I have never had such a lag in my online gaming life, my internet is fine, i can stream any movie no problem, my computer is fine, its only started after that last update. I haven't changed any of my settings.


any suggestions?

Are you using the Homecoming Launcher or the Tequila/Island Rum launchers?

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I experienced something similar shortly after Page 2 dropped.  Intermittent lag spikes where I remained connected and saw everything going on but couldn't interract with the game world.  Watching thr netgraph (/netgraph 2) showed a bunch of evenly spaced gaps throughout the whole lag period, and a massive influx of duplicated packets when it got back to normal.  And outside the game there were seemingly no problems.  The issue was either my ISP or my router as another person on my network also noticed some occasional problems with whatever they were working on.  It ended up resolving itself after a month or so, I don't know how or what changed, though I assume the router was reset at some point (I leave that to the other person as the router is hooked up to a whole bunch of other things I don't want to risk breaking).


Edited by ZorkNemesis

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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