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Im new to Coh and i was wondering if there is any guide for grouping with people? Like what all the abbreviation mean and what group can i join at which level? Are there any mission requirement? Are all announcement for heroes only? cause they don't specify. Does the LFG queue system work? If so how do you get more trial, incarnate, task force or story arc? And what are the difference between them?


Thank you.

Posted (edited)

 was wondering if there is any guide for grouping with people?


I thought there was but I could not find it. If someone knows of one please link it.



Like what all the abbreviation mean? 



LFG = Looking for Group
LFT = Looking for Team
LFM = looking for More
AE  = Architect Entertainment
AT  = ArchType
IO  = Invention Enhancement
AH = Auction House
Inf = Influence m- the ingame currency
P2W = Pay2Win - A npc available in Pocket D/Mercy/Atlas Park to acquire various items and powers. You can change your XP rate with       this vendor 

Null the Gull = A npc vendor in Pocket D that can change some game options but mainly known for changing your alignment. 

Hami = This is a level 50 Raid activity that requires a full league to fight and kill the Hamidon.



what group can i join at which level?


While it is possible to join almost any group that does not have specific requirements, it is best to play within your current level range. 
That said this game has a Exemplar system which will allow lower level to come up in level or go down in level to closely match the team leaders level. This will not grant powers and if lowering your level you will lose some powers temporarily while in that team.



Are there any mission requirement? 


Task Force have level requirements, however the exemplar system previously mentioned will allow you to join lower level Task Forces but NOT higher level ones.
There is sometimes a badge requirement, Imperious Task Force (ITF) requires you to have the Midnighter badge to enter the zone.
Some Incarnate trials require you to have Incarnate powers unlocked and/or slotted.



Are all announcement for heroes only? 


No, but most will be. 
Anything "Blue" is considered hero and "Red" is villain.
Hence you will see in LFG: "Level 15 blaster lft, redside"  <---that is a blaster "looking for team" Villainside 



Does the LFG queue system work? 


Not in the way you would think it does. It is used by the team leader to start a Task Force or Incarnate Trial.
But joining a TF/Trial already in progress or queuing does not work.



If so how do you get more trial, incarnate, task force or story arc? 


To get missions simple speak to a contact. There is a window you can open in the top center of you screen, in the Navigation bar.


And what are the difference between them?


Story arcs are normal missions. You can get these from a contact in your level range.


Task Force have a minimum level requirement and lock the team. By that I mean you can not join a TF already started. And if you quit a TF you can not rejoin it. Most Task Forces are more than 1 mission and can take a substantial amount of time so this should be considered before joining.


Incarnate Trial are, to put it simply, Task Forces for level 50 characters. They have more requirements and they are multiple teams that will form a league.





I hope this helps a little, I have tried to answer without getting overly complicated. You should note I have put various links to the  HomeComingWIki which while not perfect has a lot of useful information, especially for a new player.

Welcome to the game I hope you enjoy yourself.

Edited by SuperPlyx
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Posted (edited)
  On 10/16/2021 at 3:19 AM, NastyPig said:

Im new to Coh and i was wondering if there is any guide for grouping with people? Like what all the abbreviation mean and what group can i join at which level? Are there any mission requirement? Are all announcement for heroes only? cause they don't specify. Does the LFG queue system work? If so how do you get more trial, incarnate, task force or story arc? And what are the difference between them?


Thank you.



I don't know if there is a guide.

I know this :  your more likely to get on a team if you lead one versus looking for one to join. People are scared of leading; people will pretty much always join a team that you are recruiting for - especially if you  continue to recruit over time.


There is no minimum level for general mission teams! If it isn't a task force,  you can join any level team. You will be more likely to survive one that you are near the same level. You will be more helpful to others if the team is below your level. The higher the level the team is above your characters level, the faster  you will level (power-leveling can occur). Most people that recruit will say what level they are willing to have join their team.


There are so many abbreviations that people use that it is hard to keep track of them all to be honest.

TF - taskforce

LFG - a player that is looking for a group

LF#M - looking for # more members

DFB - Death From Below - a level 1 and up trial good to about level 20.

SBB - Summer Blockbuster - two part mini trail - A Bank Heist and a Gladiatorial event. Lots of badges and you get a pick of somethings at the end - the best of which is a universal damage enhancement from the Overwhelming Force Set

Radio missions - Missions given to heroes by the Radio scanner that can be picked up at a detective in any city area.

Newspaper missions -  Missions given to villains by the newspaper

Bank or Safeguard mission - a mission which heroes get every 4 scanner missions. Your team stops a bank robbery in a zone with side missions.

Bank or Mayhem mission  - a mission which villians get every 4 newspaper missions. Your team robs a bank in a zone with side missions including destroying as much of the City as you feel like it - lots of destructibles!


XP team - goal of the taskforce is to gain XP

Speed run - goal is to do whatever to gain the merits for completion

WST - weekly strike target - x2 merits upon completion

Farm - A mission that is run over and over again to gain influence (cash!) or levels (aka power-leveling) 


Often called Task Force Name Contact Min
Level Range Merits   Notes
Posi 1 The Rule of the Three (Posi 1) Positron 3 8 to 15 11    
Posi 2 Dam Heroes (Posi 2) Positron 3 11 to 16 15    
Synapse The Fall of the Clockwork King Synapse 4 15 to 20 58   Long
Yin Clamor and Destruction Penelope Yin 5 20 to 25 20   Short
Moonfire *The Kheldian War Moonfire 6 23 to 28 32    
Citadel Citadel's Children Citadel 6 25 to 30 40    
Hess *The MegaMech Cometh Ernesto Hess 6 25 to 30 19    
? Smoke and Mirrors Twilight's Son 1 25 to 34 4    
Katie Hannon A Tangled Plot Katie Hannon 6 30 to 34 9    
Mantiore Following Countess Crey Manticore 7 30 to 35 32    
Lazarus The 5th Column Overthrow Mender Lazarus 1 30 to 39 6    
Numina Soul of the Woodsman Numina 4 35 to 40 36    
Imperious *Time's Arrow Imperious 6 35 to 50 26   Takes place in Cimerora.
Quaterfield *Explorers and Exploiters Dr. Quaterfield 8 40 to 44 122   Majority of TF takes place in the Shadow Shard.
? *The Legend of Ruladak Sara Moore 8 40 to 50 64   Majority of TF takes place in the Shadow Shard.
? *The Saga of Faathim Justin Augustine 8 44 to 50 42   Majority of TF takes place in the Shadow Shard.
? *The Saga of Lanaru Faathim the Kind 8 44 to 50 73   Majority of TF takes place in the Shadow Shard.
? Ms. Liberty Task Force Ms. Liberty (Independence Port) 8 45 to 50 37+2+2   Reward table
? The Lady Grey Task Force The Lady Grey 8 45 to 50 37   Takes place in Rikti War Zone.
? Trading Places Mender Silos 1 46 to 50 14   Minor TF with no recipe reward option.


The LFG queue system can work to join think like the Summer Blockbuster. Otherwise, it is for the team leader to start something up once a group is assembled. I know some people use it to teleport to the contact for a LFG event. The LFG will only show things that are level appropriate to the character  you are currently playing.


Trials unlock as you level up

Incarnate is level 50+ end-game stuff

Taskforce options increase as you level up - check out the above for level ranges. you can always run a taskforce that is a lower level, but you can not join one unless you meet the minimum level requirement. These are given by characters standing at certain places in the city. They are generally for 8 player teams, but many can be accomplished with less than that. when you complete a taskforce you gain merits.

Story Arcs are given by contacts out of your contact menu. Once you complete a story arc you gain merits. There are options in the contact menu to find other contacts that are level appropriate.

Tips - there are various types of tips. Tips for alignment changing missions. Tips for finding exploration badges. Tips for holiday events. check the Tip tab in your contacts tab!


I can go on for days, but I should have gone to sleep 1 1/2 hours ago.

Good luck!


Oh, I'll add there is no reason for a hero to say they are recruiting for a hero team because there are generally 4-5 (or more) times as many heroes as their are villians on any given server most of the time.



Edited by UltraAlt
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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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