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New Epic classes


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Hello Dev's,

First of all, thank you very much for the work you do.
Thanks to you, we have found the "original" game that we love so much.


I don't know if my idea is feasible but if you could do it one day, it would be wonderful.


2 epic Praetorian classes ! (like Kheldian and Arachnos)


The first one would be a control/Domi mix with Penelope Yin's powers


The second one would be a corruptor/sentinel with the powers of the Praetorian robots/guards (the ones you fight in Maria Jenkins' missions)


I sincerely hope that this idea will come true and until then, thank you again!



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OK, but what part of the lore is it meant to explore, besides "it's praetorian?"

Epic ATs are named "Epic" in the vein of "Epic of Gilgamesh." They've got a storyline tied to them. They used to have it down to the point where you were forced into a specific origin. It's not just "powers mishmash." Kheldians, for instance, have 1-50 arcs which go into the Nictus involvement in the Council and the Kheldian wars. VEATs (poorly) explore the Arachnos "line trooper" view of Destined Ones and going in to compete in that (and being treated like a sucker.)


Ones that didn't get finished out -

Avilian - Not a lot of information, and probably the one which seems to go against what I said (as we don't have much info,) as it was initially seen as the only way to give players wings. That said, you discover (early on... I think in the Hollows, actually,) an odd, hollow skull which is supposed to be from one of these. When they figured out how to give players wings, this was dropped.


Blood of the Black Stream - I'd say, of the ones that didn't finally make an appearance in some way, likely the most touched on in game and game-adjacent materials. Tech/magic cult from Egypt that went back to the Pharohs, literally creating a world wide "web" of a sort of supercomputer. Shapechangers. Influenced some pharohs, but were defeated and driven back into the shadows. Old, old contest for the COH CCG had a player win a card made of them - and it was tied to this group. Also, if you hover over the sinking tanker in Port Oakes, you'll see the oil forms an Eye of Horus - also tied to this. Mr. Bocor mentions Gadzul Oil, which was a front for this group, as well. Lorewise, probably the closest to having gotten into game after the Coralax.


Incarnates - Yeah, was supposed to be an Epic before it got transformed into "NCSoft says we must GRIND at something, we'll use this for more powers and end game trials." Incarnate lore got changed around during live a bit. Yes, I still hate what the "well" is, now.


Coralax/Virtea - also supposed to have an epic AT. Virtea were a servant/slave race to the Coralax. The "weird thing" brought up in a mission in Striga (where you rescue some researchers from the Council) is supposed to be one of these.  We got the Coralax and hybrids as NPCs, so they sort of got into the game, just not as player Epics. (IIRC, the player epic would have been like Barracuda, a hybrid.)



The biggest difficulty I can see is - aside from creating the new AT - the way Praetoria's story doesn't go to 50, and potentially (though not necessarily a stopping point) how it interacts with the morality system goldside.


(Short version? Not against it, but they're more work, I'd want to see what lore it's tied to and exploring, and I think being Praetorian makes it more difficult on top of it.)

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Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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One thing i have to add there, Kheldian came with Issue 3 when Blueside had lvl 50 Content (issue 1).


Similar it was with VEAT, redside  got up to lvl 50 content before or at same time when they was introduced.


Part of the System was u had to have a lvl 50 Char on that side before u could create an EAT, that part has been removed for HC.


But still we should have the content for Goldside first (ending currently with Nightward) before we do EPIC ATs there, just my Opinion ^^.

Edited by SuggestorK
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Former Player on Server:

Protector, Guardian, Virtue, Liberty, Freedom, Union and Defiant (Hero Side) and part Time Infinity

Justice, Pinnacle, Victory (Villain Side)

Currently Reunion is the Main Server

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  • 2 weeks later

I’d like to see a Praetorian Epic Archetype, if not necessarily the powers you listed. I’d also like to see more development done with the Praetorian story wise, and it would be nice if the Loyalist and Resistance alignments were added to the game.

You pay to play, having fun is ok, kill Skuls or kill Crey, hunt at night or in the day, black or white or shades of gray, play it your way, we have no say.


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  • 3 weeks later

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