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Asymmetric Power Effect Customization Options


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It'd be cool if it were possible to customize powers to have asymmetric effects. I was thinking primarily of Energy Melee pom poms, but pretty much any of the elemental ones would benefit from the option (i.e., Darkness, Fire, Ice, Stone, etc.). Not sure if it's even feasible, but it'd definitely be a nice option for cyborgs, people with cursed arms, and the like.

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Would definitely be fun to have a toon with 2 different pom-pom colors (and use them alternately).  While we're on that subject though - left-/right-/random- (ambidextrous) handed options for a lot of the weapon / one-handed attacks would be great to have.  You can sort of fake being left-handed with certain sets (like dual blades, just put the big sword on the left), but most (all?) attacks have right-handed animations/stances. 

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5 hours ago, Akisan said:

Would definitely be fun to have a toon with 2 different pom-pom colors (and use them alternately).  While we're on that subject though - left-/right-/random- (ambidextrous) handed options for a lot of the weapon / one-handed attacks would be great to have.  You can sort of fake being left-handed with certain sets (like dual blades, just put the big sword on the left), but most (all?) attacks have right-handed animations/stances. 


I wonder if its possible to mirror a character to create left handedness.  Some chest emblems and emotes with text would need to be excluded from mirroring so they arent backwards though.  Of course im thinking something like mirror mode in mario kart or how the wii version of the legend of zelda: twilight princess were mirrored.  But that flips the entire game and not just specifically flagged characters.  If it were possible then a version of ambidextrous would be possible as well by swapping costumes.

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16 hours ago, TheZag said:

I wonder if its possible to mirror a character to create left handedness.


That could definitely work nicely for that purpose (especially since it removes the conflict for /Shield being on the left hand).  A full mirror may not be necessary though, just mirroring the animations may be enough.  (For the power animations that is.  For robot arms, they'd have to either mirror the entire toon, or make left-hand robo-arms an option)


As far as "ambidextrous" is concerned, I'd be more interested in being able to mix and match on a power-by-power basis (or have the animations randomly pick left- or right-handed).  For example, a Sword/ scrapper with a rapier, moving the sword between her hands to keep opponents off-balance and unable to anticipate where her attacks will come from.

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