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Psi/Time or Psi/TA... or any other suggestions


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I'm a blaster noob. I only had one ranged character back in live and it was a DP/Device Blaster that was only level 35 before shutdown. I always played melee characters. I have a few high level melee characters now and I want to give a blaster a shot. I want to stay away from fire and water because I already have corruptors using those. I am debating on Psi/Time or Psi/TA. My intent is to play both PvE and PvP with this character. I am also open to other suggestions. Thank you!

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The question you're asking is whether you want utility or higher power in melee.


Tactical Arrow's starter is a full-fledged T1 (and cheaper than it ought to be end-wise). Tac-Arrow offers NO melee attacks, but gives you Glue Arrow (it wasn't so hot in the 30-45 range especially due to the recharge but once IO procs become a thing you can spare slots on it's quite good), a good Sustain, 2 self buffs (Gymnastics and the auto-power Agility), Upshot(a +recharge Build-Up, did it even need that buch of a buff actually?) and the ever-handy smoke grenade analogue "Flash Arrow". And ESD's a devastating hold/end-drain that also does significant damage to freakshows and machines of all sorts.

No melee, but a strong set particularly valuable to those too busy with their primary like Beam users.


Temporal is actually a lot more 'standard'; an oldschool manipulation set. It offers a strong -recharge with mild -regen, an AoE stun with no damage but a (very mild, more for the ability to select those IOs really) to-hit debuff and more speed reduction, two PSIONIC melee attacks (one of which has Fear on it), and a Cold/Energy regen-reducing melee PBAoE with good damage and decent radius for a melee. Its sustain is an absorb type (but I find it noisy) that resists slows and regen-debuffs, but due to Absorb it's one of those things you'll want to slot up high to keep that mild shield layer on. You finally get a bit of energy resist once you become a Time Lord, to go with the recharge bonus.


So really; do you want to punch things in the face with time, or do you want to stand back with a little less damage and a bit more debuffing?

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