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Arcane Mastery New powerset for Blasters, Defenders, Corruptors and Sentinels


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This powerset has been needed in the game I took to make a set what do you think?

Thanks for the inspiration @Tyrannical

Arcane Blast


image.png.3fe0c86b79a74b520fe0d6fa4406dafd.png - Mystic Ball: A light damage/quick recharge blast power that deals energy damage. Uses the 'Translocation' animation with the 'Corruption' projectile FX.


image.png.c21aa5a045559dde876aafd9613e4931.png - Arcane Lighting: A moderate damage blast power that deals energy damage. Uses the lightning bolt FX & 'Arcane Bolt' animation and FX.


image.png.0e9aff157b91bbc2c19d11c19176a74f.png - Mystic Force: A simple Cone Energy High Damage blast. Uses the Telekinetic Blast animation, with the FX and added FX effect. 


image.png.d40fc50dfa653148adefd5f7faf8aaa7.png - Enchant: A power much like 'Ammo Swap', giving the 'Spirit Enchantment' (Dark), 'Demonic Enchantment' (Fire) and 'Eldritch Enchantment' (Psionic) powers. Like ammo swap, these powers add a secondary damage effect. Uses the 'Translocation' animation again with a hand rune FX like the costume aura.


image.png.1e893499cac044fb8351dc3769cf1965.png - Arcane Font: A Target AoE power that deals energy DoT. Uses a sped-up version of the 'Summon Demon' animation but without (without the lava/stone) FX . when placed it will use the deadly apocalypse spell circle just slightly smaller


image.png.696b30dfecbad2b55e18021b66418be8.png - Mystic Seal: A ranged DoT hold power with moderate energy damage. Uses the 'Enflame' animation, but traps them with the 'Translocate' FX.


image.png.d2005cef9a8fe790e9f330fed3332386.png - Reality Distortion: A short range blast that does High damage. Uses the 'Irradiate’ animation and FX.


image.png.251e47b51828ec25e03c6bb53da05e1d.png - Arcane Lancent: A blast with the Thunderous Blast fx with the overcharge blast FX, superior AoE energy damage.


 image.png.84f115b91c714b2ffd09d037eceb2f9e.png - Mystic Maelstorm: A PBAoE power with deals extreme energy. Uses the 'Gale animation and FX, but with the nova' FX as the explosion.

Edited by KingCeddd03
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Then what would you make for the Mutation Blast or Natural Blast sets? (Edit: The reason why the power sets are as generic as the devs could manage is so they work with all the origins. Even the weapons and devices sets can be magical devices/weapons.)

Edited by Rudra
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5 hours ago, KingCeddd03 said:

and you are right any power can be made because of magic but they are not pure magic energy that is what is needed the visual of pure magic not something like or related to magic

I don't think your conception of "pure magic energy" is shared by everyone.  IMO, "magic" is simply a means by which you bring about the desired effect, not the effect itself.  You use magic to channel and project negative energy?  That's dark blast.  You use magic to conjure fire?  Fire blast.  Energy blast is about as close as you can get to a "pure" set.  That being said, I think a category of "attack auras", which trigger when actually using attacks, could go a long way to selling a particular origin.

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we need an arcane magic powerset, not a pool. having a pool is sad when there should be a full sorcery set and what I have proposed is different from what we have out now, especially in look wise blast is boring and basic the game has evolved senses its release, it's time we add some new. and correction yes anything can be a magic power i mean arcane energy is what we need 

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No reason to be confused. What does arcane energy look like? You said we need a pure magic energy power set. So what does magic energy look like?


Also, would only magic origin characters be allowed to use the proposed Arcane Blast power set?

Edited by Rudra
Pluralized "character" to "characters".
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Boi you must be slow if you haven't watched dr. strange and saw him using arcane magic? but in his universe, it's called Eldritch Magic to think about it we could make an Arcan control, melee sure someone has made a defense set already this power has so much potential it can be used in so many ways, unlike other sets.





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Interesting concept.  I like the idea of a mage or warlock character.  You've focused on an Evocation style character and that's cool.  I dig the idea of being able to focus different elemental damage.  Sorry you haven't garnered any better feedback, but don't stop fleshing out your idea!   

Edited by Ignatz the Insane
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Because we don't have any mages in the game. Haven't seen a single one anywhere. Nope. No enemy factions that are all mages or mystics or arcane. No warlocks either. Not as NPCs or as PCs.


Okay, putting sarcasm aside.


Mages can be made as Blasters, Defenders, Controllers, Sentinels, Corruptors, Dominators, and Masterminds. (Necromancer anyone?) Unless you want a more melee focused character.


Warlocks? I'm going to guess that means something like the WoW warlock class. The one that summons demons. Like the Demon Summoning Mastermind. Except you can have 6 demons out at once instead of just 1.


If he wants a multi-element power set? Fine.


A magic origin specific power set? What about the technology, science, mutation, and natural origins? Weapons are not restricted to technology heroes. Devices aren't either. (Edit: Hello, technomancer.)

Edited by Rudra
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21 minutes ago, Rudra said:

If he wants a multi-element power set? Fine.

I and others have proposed this - some sort of "elementalist" blast set which either has fire, ice, lightning, water, earth attacks, or some mechanism, (think dual pistols swap ammo), that allows you to switch between them.  That being said, such a set could equally be of a tech origin as it could be from magic...

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On 10/11/2022 at 2:45 AM, Rudra said:

Because we don't have any mages in the game. Haven't seen a single one anywhere. Nope. No enemy factions that are all mages or mystics or arcane. No warlocks either. Not as NPCs or as PCs.


Okay, putting sarcasm aside.


Mages can be made as Blasters, Defenders, Controllers, Sentinels, Corruptors, Dominators, and Masterminds. (Necromancer anyone?) Unless you want a more melee focused character.


Warlocks? I'm going to guess that means something like the WoW warlock class. The one that summons demons. Like the Demon Summoning Mastermind. Except you can ahve 6 demons out at once instead of just 1.


If he wants a multi-element power set? Fine.


A magic origin specific power set? What about the technology, science, mutation, and natural origins? Weapons are not restricted to technology heroes. Devices aren't either.

To correct you, mages, witches, and mystics are in the game the list:

Mu Mystics: are in the game a version of a mage. 

Circle Of Thorns are warlocks 

The Cabal are witches 

Legacy Chain: mages again


Need I go on?

Edited by KingCeddd03
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I like that idea because arcane magic is not just a basic element like fire or ice. 

And it's based on the idea of symbolism and the mind mending of it to cast spells.


Arcane magic spells if it were added should be the most damage in my opinion.

Or at least when temporarily boosted.


You need to have a boost in your power set instead of just powers.

Add a arcane boost that boost dmg and to hit.

Arcane magicians always have a way to boost dmg for a bit.


But just thinking about this, Energy is basically arcane in a way.

The powerset Energy blast does a hell of a job looking like a arcane blast right out of the gate.

Also it has boosts you would expect a arcane magician to have.

However the use of the powers it self is more like a super hero.


I think in order to really make a arcane powerset they would need to use animations which look more like spell casting than blasting.

So if you just take the energy blast, change the animations, and tweak the powers. WALA you have arcane blaster.


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4 minutes ago, Sneakers said:

I like that idea because arcane magic is not just a basic element like fire or ice. 

And it's based on the idea of symbolism and the mind mending of it to cast spells.

What you are describing is the "HOW", not that "WHAT" - What I mean is that you are describing HOW someone might bring about an effect, not WHAT that effect is.  Someone can conjure fire through magic, but so could a mutant, (only via their mutations instead of magic).  Let me phrase it another way - what, within the game, would be the functional difference between a magic user's lightning bolt and one from some guy in a suit of Tesla power armor?

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1 minute ago, biostem said:

What you are describing is the "HOW", not that "WHAT" - What I mean is that you are describing HOW someone might bring about an effect, not WHAT that effect is.  Someone can conjure fire through magic, but so could a mutant, (only via their mutations instead of magic).  Let me phrase it another way - what, within the game, would be the functional difference between a magic user's lightning bolt and one from some guy in a suit of Tesla power armor?

Because Arcane magic is pure magic. It's not a element at least HOW I understand it. A lightning bolt is a part of nature just like fire or ice. Arcane magic is magical damage from magic as magic. Thats HOW it can achieve greater damage.

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1 minute ago, Sneakers said:

Because Arcane magic is pure magic. It's not a element at least HOW I understand it. A lightning bolt is a part of nature just like fire or ice. Arcane magic is magical damage from magic as magic. Thats HOW it can achieve greater damage.

How would you implement "pure magic" in game?  What damage type(s) would it deal?  What secondary effect(s), if any, would it have/impose?  Sell me on the idea...

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27 minutes ago, Sneakers said:

Because Arcane magic is pure magic. It's not a element at least HOW I understand it. A lightning bolt is a part of nature just like fire or ice. Arcane magic is magical damage from magic as magic. Thats HOW it can achieve greater damage.

You're correct. Arcane energy is not an element. Neither is it a specific effect, it is a specific source. Arcane energy as used in comics, anime, movies, novels, and video games is the background power through which the mage, wizard, witch, warlock, sorcerer, or any other different variant of arcane caster creates a specific effect such as fireballs and lightning bolts.


However, the power sets in CoX don't deal with the How of a power, they deal with the What of a power. So a lightning bolt in the Electric Blast set can be arcane energy, biochemical induced projection, capacitor induced, divinely granted, and so forth. So the whole idea of any character using arcane energy to do anything is covered by the How. And the How is defined by the character's origin (in this case, magic) and the character's bio (if desired). This can be further supplemented through the use of auras, specifically the Runes aura. And a request for additional options for the Runes aura to make it look more like Dr. Strange, World of Warcraft fan art, or whatever is definitely an option.


Edit: Also the claim that magic does more damage due to being magic is rather biased. The effectiveness of magic in any given world or setting is dependent on how the creator (writer) of that world sets magic to be. So it can range from so meager as to only be able to achieve some minor mostly unnoticed effects all the way up to "I am a god of destruction!" levels of power. (It is also dependent on the specific character's strength of magic in that world setting within the provided limits of magic's scope.)

Edited by Rudra
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Not sure I would be the best at selling you on it. Because it's not really my idea for the game, although I think it would be really cool. But since you asked I'll spout on it.


One could argue that in the ancient times there were indeed arcane magicians. 

Arcane magic while said to manipulate energy, isn't the same "energy" that would be the force from something like a shockwave.

Instead, it manipulates the fabric of existence causing magic to be possible.

Something about being able to understand symbols and using your mind and body to transfer your power into a new creation.


Once these magicians tap these powers, they can use them just like breathing. 

Using this magic to manipulate things wouldn't be much of a challenge.

I would think most all arcane magicians that use damaging spells would definitely be taxed afterward in a more realistic scenario.

So the more damage the spell does the longer it would be to recharge.


It could deal energy damage since that is a good fit. But I would call it magic damage or arcane damage.


There would be no secondary effect. Arcane magic is what it is once you learn the spell it would deal damage and thats all.

Traditionally arcane damage would pierce anything. something like a fire blast or a lightning bolt can be blocked. 

Higher tier arcane spells would pass right through and make a direct hit.

Thats why they would do more damage.


There basic spell would be a constant stream of light damage to a target that can be channeled.  Basically a direct damage beam of magic.

The next tier is a spike of magic damage.

They would have a boost with boost well.

Then a targeted aoe spikes of arcane damage.


Thats basically it. If that much destruction magic didn't drive them mad already. They could become a godlike mage and simply cease things to exist.

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1 minute ago, Sneakers said:

Traditionally arcane damage would pierce anything.

Even magic gets blocked. Even in CoX there is a Dispel Magic spell. And a Counterspell as well.


2 minutes ago, Sneakers said:

Arcane magic while said to manipulate energy, isn't the same "energy" that would be the force from something like a shockwave.

You are conflating sources with effects. A magically created shockwave is still a shockwave and can be dealt with as such. In every reference source of magic, magic creates specific effects.


You know what? I'm not up to dealing with your post line by line. Just look at my previous post for my response.

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3 minutes ago, Rudra said:

Even magic gets blocked. Even in CoX there is a Dispel Magic spell. And a Counterspell as well.


You are conflating sources with effects. A magically created shockwave is still a shockwave and can be dealt with as such. In every reference source of magic, magic creates specific effects.


You know what? I'm not up to dealing with your post line by line. Just look at my previous post for my response.

Ok. I was responding to biostem. But thanks for your interest.

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6 minutes ago, Sneakers said:

Not sure I would be the best at selling you on it. Because it's not really my idea for the game, although I think it would be really cool. But since you asked I'll spout on it.


One could argue that in the ancient times there were indeed arcane magicians. 

Arcane magic while said to manipulate energy, isn't the same "energy" that would be the force from something like a shockwave.

Instead, it manipulates the fabric of existence causing magic to be possible.

Something about being able to understand symbols and using your mind and body to transfer your power into a new creation.


Once these magicians tap these powers, they can use them just like breathing. 

Using this magic to manipulate things wouldn't be much of a challenge.

I would think most all arcane magicians that use damaging spells would definitely be taxed afterward in a more realistic scenario.

So the more damage the spell does the longer it would be to recharge.


It could deal energy damage since that is a good fit. But I would call it magic damage or arcane damage.


There would be no secondary effect. Arcane magic is what it is once you learn the spell it would deal damage and thats all.

Traditionally arcane damage would pierce anything. something like a fire blast or a lightning bolt can be blocked. 

Higher tier arcane spells would pass right through and make a direct hit.

Thats why they would do more damage.


There basic spell would be a constant stream of light damage to a target that can be channeled.  Basically a direct damage beam of magic.

The next tier is a spike of magic damage.

They would have a boost with boost well.

Then a targeted aoe spikes of arcane damage.


Thats basically it. If that much destruction magic didn't drive them mad already. They could become a godlike mage and simply cease things to exist.

What you have written is essentially a bio for a character, with a very specific interpretation or explanation for how their magic works.  You must think in terms of how to implement this within the context of the game's mechanics.  For instance, if this character's magic is able to pierce defenses, then you'd want a -def effect.  The game is far too long in the tooth to start introducing new damage types.

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