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BindControl - Keybinds Generator and Manager

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6 hours ago, Blackfeather said:

Oooh, this looks awesome! I've been finding myself drawn more towards controllers as of late - definitely will have to give this a whirl and see how that goes.

I've gone ahead and folded the controller changes into the main branch, and released an official 0.13.  Not completely sure that the controller changes are working as desired yet, but I'm needing to get more eyeballs on it to be sure, so I'm glad to hear you're interested.  Thanks!



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27 minutes ago, kenlon said:


Just FYI, I went to grab this to test out the changes, and it flagged in Windows Defender, as "Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml". I suspect this to be a false positive, but I thought I should mention it.

Oh ugh.


This is an occasional problem with Windows Defender and Pyinstaller, the "make a windows executable" system I'm using.  I'm going to investigate alternatives to that because that's just embarrassing.  Meanwhile, I've scanned the 0.13.1 exe, as downloaded from Github, with Windows Defender using today's virus/malware definitions (1/17/2024 11:01am), and it came up clean, so it's possible the pyinstaller people have their latest version of stuff correctly identified in the latest MS definitions?  I'll keep an eye out for this more, going forward, and look for alternatives to pyinstaller.  Thanks for the heads-up.

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I've just released 0.13.2, which contains a few under-the-hood changes here and there, but most importantly is packaged with a different scheme that shouldn't cause these malware/virus false positives.  BindControl lives in a folder in a ZIP file now, which will be the way of things moving forward.  Please let me know your luck.  Though I've done some basic smoke testing, it's not impossible that it simply doesn't work outside my environment, in which case please fall back to the nearly-identical 0.13.1 and open a github issue for me.  Thanks, all.



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I take that back - I had a messed up inspiration popper bind, and when I went to fix it, I discovered that I can no longer bind key combos - trying to bind Shift+Space results in it just binding Space.

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34 minutes ago, kenlon said:

I take that back - I had a messed up inspiration popper bind, and when I went to fix it, I discovered that I can no longer bind key combos - trying to bind Shift+Space results in it just binding Space.

Aah yeah something broke during the merge of the controller support.  I will get on it.  Looking forward to being able to test changes better, but that's going to be several weeks still.

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  • 2 weeks later

Heya! For some reason the software is just not launching for me anymore.

I've launched 13.4 a few times but it was very laggy to move the window around and for whatever the reason the keys in the software were not changing after I put my new key and clicked ok. Then I checked the github and there were some updates so I decided to download 13.6, but it was simply not launching at all. I've decided to downgrade it to 13.4 but now that's no longer working as well. I've tried anything in between 13.4 to 13.6 but now it seems like the software is just hell-bent on not running. It crashes immediately with no errors.

Sorry for writing like I'm texting with a support but wanted to be clear as much as possible. Thank you for your hard work!

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2 hours ago, Arionell said:

Heya! For some reason the software is just not launching for me anymore.

I've launched 13.4 a few times but it was very laggy to move the window around and for whatever the reason the keys in the software were not changing after I put my new key and clicked ok. Then I checked the github and there were some updates so I decided to download 13.6, but it was simply not launching at all. I've decided to downgrade it to 13.4 but now that's no longer working as well. I've tried anything in between 13.4 to 13.6 but now it seems like the software is just hell-bent on not running. It crashes immediately with no errors.

Sorry for writing like I'm texting with a support but wanted to be clear as much as possible. Thank you for your hard work!

Nono, no worries, wanting to hear peoples' luck with this.  I'd been working with another person offline who'd had some trouble like this, but I'd thought 0.13.6 fixed up that whole class of problem.  Clearly I was wrong.


First thing I'd ask is whether you are installing BindControl on top of itself, ie, unzipping the different versions into the same folder?  I'd like to say that shouldn't be a problem, but I don't think we're actually there yet.  Be sure you delete the BindControl folder between installs.  It doesn't keep any state in that folder by default, so unless you've explicitly saved profiles or binds in there, it should be safe to do.  Let me know if that helps, and if not, I'll move to roll up a version that does some spammy logging to a file so we can see what might be happening.  I'm also going to look into whether I can roll a proper installer that will do that for you instead of making people delete and unzip over and over.


Thanks for the report.

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51 minutes ago, emersonrp said:

Nono, no worries, wanting to hear peoples' luck with this.  I'd been working with another person offline who'd had some trouble like this, but I'd thought 0.13.6 fixed up that whole class of problem.  Clearly I was wrong.


First thing I'd ask is whether you are installing BindControl on top of itself, ie, unzipping the different versions into the same folder?  I'd like to say that shouldn't be a problem, but I don't think we're actually there yet.  Be sure you delete the BindControl folder between installs.  It doesn't keep any state in that folder by default, so unless you've explicitly saved profiles or binds in there, it should be safe to do.  Let me know if that helps, and if not, I'll move to roll up a version that does some spammy logging to a file so we can see what might be happening.  I'm also going to look into whether I can roll a proper installer that will do that for you instead of making people delete and unzip over and over.


Thanks for the report.

I completely deleted the previous versions before attempting to run any other version before making my report. I've also attempted to run them in different drives (C: and E: specifically) but sadly no changes have happened.

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On 1/29/2024 at 1:54 PM, Arionell said:

I completely deleted the previous versions before attempting to run any other version before making my report. I've also attempted to run them in different drives (C: and E: specifically) but sadly no changes have happened.

OK, that's strange but let's dig in and see what we know.  Sorry I'm being a little slow right now, real life is intruding a bit.  I'm going to try to roll up a version that will dump error output to file and see if that helps.  If you're comfortable trying it, you could use the "install python and wx, clone the repo, and run it from the command line" scheme to launch the app, and it should let you know right there what's happening, but no worries if you don't want to go down that rabbit hole.  I'll let you know if and when I get a test version rolled up;  please let me know if you do try the more complicated approach.

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One other thing worth trying - I suppose it's possible either the preferences file or your current profile has become corrupt in some way the program doesn't like.  I -believe- it should recover gracefully from that situation, but you might try setting those files aside to see if it suddenly decides to launch.  The preferences are in %APPDATA%\bindcontrol.ini and the profiles are, by default, stored at %USERPROFILE%\Documents\bindcontrol\


If you discover this is the case, please send me the file that causes it to misbehave.  Thanks!

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1 hour ago, emersonrp said:

One other thing worth trying - I suppose it's possible either the preferences file or your current profile has become corrupt in some way the program doesn't like.  I -believe- it should recover gracefully from that situation, but you might try setting those files aside to see if it suddenly decides to launch.  The preferences are in %APPDATA%\bindcontrol.ini and the profiles are, by default, stored at %USERPROFILE%\Documents\bindcontrol\


If you discover this is the case, please send me the file that causes it to misbehave.  Thanks!

The issue seems to be fixed once I've removed the bindcontrol.ini from APPDATA folder. Its running once more!

I've attached the corrupt .ini into this post as you've requested. Happy hunting.


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Finally got around to tinkering with this.  The .ini file itself is fine, but it did show me that if the prefs are set to load the last profile used, and something goes wrong with that step (like, say, the profile file simply not being there), bindcontrol will crash.  So it's possible your profile was missing or corrupt, then when you removed the ini file, bindcontrol no longer had the path to that missing/corrupt profile, and started up just fine.  That's all I can come up with so far.  I'm fixing that issue so bindcontrol will recover gracefully to a blank profile if something goes wrong.  Thanks!

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  • 3 months later
Posted (edited)

There have been several bugfixes and feature implementations lately, and we're up to v0.15.1.  Of note since I last posted an update here:


-- Rework of teleport logic, now offering "teleport to cursor instantly" and "teleport to cursor on key release" options

-- Better support for Mystic Flight;  incorporate its Translocation power into the new teleport logic

-- Resizeable window finally, (optionally) remembers size and position between runs.

-- Powerset / emote / etc changes through Issue 27 Page 7.

-- Help system and documentation updates, ongoing.

-- User-definable location for saving Profiles.

-- Automatic builds of Windows and Mac (experimental) binaries.

-- Bugfixes bugfixes bugfixes.


Please check it out, report bugs, give feedback.




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Quick question to anyone using BindControl -- if you use flight powers, do you use the (mostly undocumented) "Blast Off" behavior, where holding the "Flight Mode" key launches you upwards until released?  Blast Off continues to cause race condition problems when the Flight Mode key is tapped quickly, which I *suspect* is how most people use the key.


Anyone paying attention to this thread and have any thoughts on the idea of removing the Blast Off feature?

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I've released BindControl v0.17, which reinstates a nearly-complete version of CityBinder's Kheldian form binds with not-quite-complete support for the various travel powers.  I need to level a Peacebringer to do some testing to polish it up completely, but the form- and tray-switching binds should work well, as should the various teleport powers.  Check it out with your Kheldian toons:



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Oh goodness that's a new bug in the custom binds tab that I managed to miss.  I'll release a fix Very Soon Now.  It should be that you poke that button and the key select dialog comes up, but on the custom binds tab it seems broken by recent changes.  Thanks for the heads-up -- watch this space.

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OK, released v0.17.1, which incorporates some documentation changes I've been cooking on and fixes the Custom Binds tab keybuttons to work, ya know, at all.  Apologies for that, and thanks for finding it.  I'd been focused on the Movement Powers tab for several iterations now and hadn't noticed that broken behavior over on Custom Binds.



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