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Clathundra - Controller (Electric Control).mxd

Edited by KingCeddd03
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I've had a go at what this combo might look like if I built it. It's soft capped to ranged (more or less) and with 5 force feedback procs (all the empty slots) it should recharge plenty fast enough too. Not sure what I'd do with the last two power picks - they'd need to be one slot wonders.



This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn 3.4.7

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Level 49 Magic Controller
Primary Power Set: Electric Control
Secondary Power Set: Storm Summoning
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Sorcery
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fighting
Ancillary Pool: Psionic Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Tesla Cage -- Thn-Acc/Dmg(A), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx(5), Thn-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(5), UnbCns-Dam%(7), NrnSht-Dam%(7), GhsWdwEmb-Dam%(9)
Level 1: Gale -- SuddAcc--KB/+KD(A)
Level 2: Chain Fences -- Rgn-Dmg(A), Rgn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(40), Rgn-Acc/Rchg(42), Rgn-Dmg/EndRdx(43), Rgn-Knock%(43)
Level 4: Combat Jumping -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A)
Level 6: Jolting Chain -- Thn-Acc/Dmg(A), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx(9), Thn-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(40), Empty(40)
Level 8: Conductive Aura -- EffAdp-EndMod/Acc(A), PrfShf-EndMod/Acc(42)
Level 10: Steamy Mist -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(11), LucoftheG-Def(11), StdPrt-ResDam/Def+(43), GldArm-3defTpProc(46)
Level 12: Static Field -- SprWiloft-Acc/Conf/Hold/Immob/Sleep/Stun/Fear(A), SprWiloft-Conf/Hold/Immob/Sleep/Stun/Fear/Rchg(13), SprWiloft-EndRdx/Rchg(13), SprWiloft-Acc/Conf/Hold/Immob/Sleep/Stun/Fear/EndRdx(15), SprWiloft-Acc/Conf/Hold/Immob/Sleep/Stun/Fear/EndRdx/Rchg(15), SprWiloft-Rchg/Dmg%(17)
Level 14: Arcane Bolt -- Thn-Acc/Dmg(A), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx(17), Thn-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(19), Apc-Dam%(19), GldJvl-Dam%(21), Empty(39)
Level 16: Freezing Rain -- Artl-Acc/Dam(A), Artl-Dam/End(47), Artl-Dam/Rech(47), Artl-Acc/Dam/Rech(47), Artl-Acc/Rech/Rng(48), Artl-End/Rech/Rng(48)
Level 18: Mystic Flight -- BlsoftheZ-ResKB(A), BlsoftheZ-Travel(48)
Level 20: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(21)
Level 22: Synaptic Overload -- CrcPrs-Conf(A), CrcPrs-Conf/Rchg(23), CrcPrs-Acc/Conf/Rchg(23), CrcPrs-Acc/Rchg(25), CrcPrs-Conf/EndRdx(25), CrcPrs-Conf%(27)
Level 24: Boxing -- Empty(A)
Level 26: Gremlins -- ExpRnf-Acc/Rchg(A), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg(27), ExpRnf-Dmg/EndRdx(34), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(36), ExpRnf-EndRdx/Dmg/Rchg(37), ExpRnf-+Res(Pets)(37)
Level 28: Tornado -- ExpRnf-Acc/Rchg(A), ExpRnf-Dmg/EndRdx(29), ExpRnf-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(29), ExpRnf-EndRdx/Dmg/Rchg(31), OvrFrc-Dam/KB(31), Empty(31)
Level 30: Lightning Storm -- Thn-Dmg/EndRdx(A), Thn-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(33), Thn-Dmg/Rchg(33), GldJvl-Dam/End/Rech(33), SuddAcc--KB/+KD(34), Empty(34)
Level 32: Tough -- UnbGrd-ResDam(A), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx(37)
Level 35: Indomitable Will -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(36), LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(36)
Level 38: Weave -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(39), LucoftheG-Def(39)
Level 41: Mind Over Body -- UnbGrd-ResDam(A), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx(42)
Level 44: Psionic Tornado -- PstBls-Acc/Dmg(A), PstBls-Dmg/EndRdx(45), PstBls-Dmg/Rchg(45), PstBls-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(45), PstBls-Dam%(46), Empty(46)
Level 47: [Empty] 
Level 49: [Empty] 
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Containment 
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Health -- Pnc-Heal/+End(A), Mrc-Rcvry+(3)
Level 1: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Stamina -- PrfShf-EndMod(A), PrfShf-End%(3)
Level 14: Arcane Power 

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |


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Played this combo a lot but respecced it so many times i'm not sure what i run anymore (got 2 on different servers) My only aim was 45% ranged, dps isn't great but its very safe. Different builds/power picks depending on which epic i felt like playing with:



This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn 3.4.7

ELEC STORM LEVI: Level 50 Science Controller
Primary Power Set: Electric Control
Secondary Power Set: Storm Summoning
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Fighting
Ancillary Pool: Leviathan Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1:    Tesla Cage    
 (A) Apocalypse - Chance of Damage(Negative)
 (3) Apocalypse - Damage/Endurance
 (5) Apocalypse - Recharge/Accuracy
 (7) Apocalypse - Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
 (7) Apocalypse - Damage
 (9) Gladiator's Javelin - Chance of Damage(Toxic)

Level 1:    Gale    
 (A) Sudden Acceleration - Knockback to Knockdown

Level 2:    Electric Fence    
 (A) Superior Will of the Controller - Recharge/Chance for Psionic Damage
 (13) Superior Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Control Duration/Endurance/Recharge
 (15) Superior Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Control Duration/Endurance
 (15) Superior Will of the Controller - Endurance/Recharge
 (17) Superior Will of the Controller - Control Duration/Recharge
 (17) Superior Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Control Duration

Level 4:    Fly    
 (A) Winter's Gift - Slow Resistance (20%)

Level 6:    Hover    
 (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
 (19) Kismet - Accuracy +6%
 (21) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance
 (21) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)

Level 8:    Conductive Aura    
 (A) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Accuracy
 (11) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Accuracy

Level 10:    Steamy Mist    
 (A) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%
 (29) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
 (31) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
 (31) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance

Level 12:    Static Field    
 (A) Superior Overpowering Presence - RechargeTime/Energy Font
 (13) Superior Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Control Duration/Endurance
 (25) Superior Overpowering Presence - Endurance/RechargeTime
 (27) Superior Overpowering Presence - Control Duration/RechargeTime
 (34) Superior Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Control Duration
 (36) Superior Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Control Duration/Endurance/RechargeTime

Level 14:    Hasten    
 (A) Recharge Reduction IO
 (33) Recharge Reduction IO

Level 16:    Freezing Rain    
 (A) Achilles' Heel - Chance for Res Debuff
 (27) Tempered Readiness - Endurance/Recharge/Slow
 (29) Pacing of the Turtle - Endurance/Recharge/Slow

Level 18:    Paralyzing Blast    
 (A) Unbreakable Constraint - Chance for Smashing Damage
 (19) Unbreakable Constraint - Hold/Endurance
 (23) Unbreakable Constraint - Recharge/Accuracy
 (23) Unbreakable Constraint - Hold/Recharge/Accuracy
 (34) Unbreakable Constraint - Hold/Recharge

Level 20:    Maneuvers    
 (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
 (36) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage
 (36) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance
 (37) Reactive Defenses - Defense

Level 22:    Kick    
 (A) Empty

Level 24:    Tough    
 (A) Gladiator's Armor - Resistance
 (31) Gladiator's Armor - End/Resist
 (39) Gladiator's Armor - Resistance/Rech/End

Level 26:    Synaptic Overload    
 (A) Coercive Persuasion  - Contagious Confusion
 (40) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused/Endurance
 (42) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused
 (42) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused/Recharge
 (42) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused/Recharge/Accuracy
 (43) Coercive Persuasion  - Recharge/Accuracy

Level 28:    Weave    
 (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
 (43) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All)
 (43) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance
 (45) Shield Wall - Defense

Level 30:    Evasive Maneuvers    
 (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed

Level 32:    Gremlins    
 (A) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Damage
 (33) Expedient Reinforcement - Damage/Endurance
 (33) Expedient Reinforcement - Endurance/Damage/Recharge
 (34) Expedient Reinforcement - Resist Bonus Aura for Pets
 (37) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Recharge
 (50) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge

Level 35:    Tornado    
 (A) Sudden Acceleration - Knockback to Knockdown
 (45) Soulbound Allegiance - Damage/Endurance
 (49) Soulbound Allegiance - Damage/Recharge
 (50) Soulbound Allegiance - Chance for Build Up
 (50) Soulbound Allegiance - Damage

Level 38:    Lightning Storm    
 (A) Sudden Acceleration - Knockback to Knockdown
 (40) Superior Winter's Bite - Accuracy/Damage
 (40) Superior Winter's Bite - Damage/RechargeTime
 (45) Superior Winter's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
 (48) Superior Winter's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
 (49) Superior Winter's Bite - Damage/Endurance/Accuracy/RechargeTime

Level 41:    Water Spout    
 (A) Sudden Acceleration - Knockback to Knockdown
 (46) Ragnarok - Damage
 (47) Ragnarok - Damage/Endurance
 (47) Ragnarok - Damage/Recharge
 (48) Ragnarok - Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
 (48) Ragnarok - Recharge/Accuracy

Level 44:    Shark Skin    
 (A) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All)
 (46) Gladiator's Armor - Resistance
 (46) Gladiator's Armor - End/Resist

Level 47:    Hibernate    
 (A) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb

Level 49:    Hurricane    
 (A) Endurance Reduction IO

Level 1:    Containment    
Level 1:    Brawl    
 (A) Empty

Level 1:    Sprint    
 (A) Empty

Level 2:    Rest    
 (A) Empty

Level 1:    Swift    
 (A) Empty

Level 1:    Hurdle    
 (A) Empty

Level 1:    Health    
 (A) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance
 (3) Miracle - +Recovery
 (11) Numina's Convalesence - +Regeneration/+Recovery

Level 1:    Stamina    
 (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
 (5) Performance Shifter - EndMod
 (25) Power Transfer - Chance to Heal Self

Level 4:    Afterburner    

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |




This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn 3.4.7

ELEC STORM MU: Level 50 Magic Controller
Primary Power Set: Electric Control
Secondary Power Set: Storm Summoning
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Flight
Ancillary Pool: Mu Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1:    Tesla Cage    
 (A) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage
 (40) Devastation - Damage/Endurance
 (42) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
 (42) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
 (43) Unbreakable Constraint - Chance for Smashing Damage
 (43) Gladiator's Javelin - Chance of Damage(Toxic)

Level 1:    O2 Boost    
 (A) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb
 (37) Preventive Medicine - Heal
 (37) Preventive Medicine - Heal/Endurance

Level 2:    Chain Fences    
 (A) Superior Overpowering Presence - RechargeTime/Energy Font
 (23) Superior Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Control Duration/Endurance
 (23) Superior Overpowering Presence - Endurance/RechargeTime
 (25) Superior Overpowering Presence - Control Duration/RechargeTime
 (25) Superior Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Control Duration
 (34) Superior Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Control Duration/Endurance/RechargeTime

Level 4:    Maneuvers    
 (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
 (5) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
 (21) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance

Level 6:    Jolting Chain    
 (A) Apocalypse - Chance of Damage(Negative)
 (7) Apocalypse - Damage/Endurance
 (7) Apocalypse - Recharge/Accuracy
 (15) Apocalypse - Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
 (19) Apocalypse - Damage
 (21) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge

Level 8:    Conductive Aura    
 (A) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Accuracy
 (9) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Accuracy
 (9) Miracle - +Recovery
 (47) Miracle - Heal

Level 10:    Steamy Mist    
 (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
 (11) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage
 (11) Reactive Defenses - Defense
 (13) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance
 (13) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All)
 (15) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%

Level 12:    Static Field    
 (A) Superior Will of the Controller - Recharge/Chance for Psionic Damage
 (45) Superior Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Control Duration/Endurance/Recharge
 (46) Superior Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Control Duration/Endurance
 (46) Superior Will of the Controller - Endurance/Recharge
 (48) Superior Will of the Controller - Control Duration/Recharge
 (48) Superior Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Control Duration

Level 14:    Boxing    
 (A) Empty

Level 16:    Freezing Rain    
 (A) Achilles' Heel - Chance for Res Debuff
 (17) Undermined Defenses - Recharge
 (17) Undermined Defenses - Recharge/Endurance
 (19) Undermined Defenses - Defense Debuff/Recharge

Level 18:    Hasten    
 (A) Recharge Reduction IO
 (43) Recharge Reduction IO

Level 20:    Tough    
 (A) Unbreakable Guard - +Max HP
 (46) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance

Level 22:    Weave    
 (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
 (45) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All)
 (45) Shield Wall - Defense
 (49) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance

Level 24:    Hover    
 (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
 (29) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance
 (34) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range
 (49) Kismet - Accuracy +6%

Level 26:    Synaptic Overload    
 (A) Coercive Persuasion  - Contagious Confusion
 (27) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused
 (27) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused/Endurance
 (29) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused/Recharge
 (31) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused/Recharge/Accuracy
 (31) Coercive Persuasion  - Recharge/Accuracy

Level 28:    Hurricane    
 (A) Endurance Reduction IO

Level 30:    Fly    
 (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)
 (31) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance

Level 32:    Gremlins    
 (A) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Damage
 (33) Expedient Reinforcement - Damage/Endurance
 (33) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
 (33) Expedient Reinforcement - Endurance/Damage/Recharge
 (34) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Recharge
 (48) Expedient Reinforcement - Resist Bonus Aura for Pets

Level 35:    Tornado    
 (A) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge
 (36) Overwhelming Force - Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown
 (36) Overwhelming Force - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
 (36) Overwhelming Force - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
 (37) Overwhelming Force - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
 (47) Overwhelming Force - Endurance/Recharge

Level 38:    Lightning Storm    
 (A) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage
 (39) Devastation - Damage/Endurance
 (39) Devastation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
 (39) Devastation - Damage/Recharge
 (40) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge
 (40) Sudden Acceleration - Knockback to Knockdown

Level 41:    Charged Armor    
 (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance
 (42) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance

Level 44:    Power Sink    
 (A) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Recharge

Level 47:    Tactics    
 (A) Endurance Reduction IO

Level 49:    Evasive Maneuvers    
 (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed

Level 1:    Containment    
Level 1:    Brawl    
 (A) Empty

Level 1:    Sprint    
 (A) Empty

Level 2:    Rest    
 (A) Empty

Level 1:    Swift    
 (A) Empty

Level 1:    Hurdle    
 (A) Empty

Level 1:    Health    
 (A) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance
 (3) Numina's Convalesence - +Regeneration/+Recovery

Level 1:    Stamina    
 (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
 (3) Performance Shifter - EndMod

Level 30:    Afterburner    
Level 50:    Cardiac Core Paragon    

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |



Must have preferred mu, i really like powersink for those non incarnate levels but i still carry recovery serums




This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn 3.4.7

ELEC STORM MU 2: Level 49 Magic Controller
Primary Power Set: Electric Control
Secondary Power Set: Storm Summoning
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leaping
Ancillary Pool: Mu Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1:    Tesla Cage    
 (A) Superior Overpowering Presence - RechargeTime/Energy Font
 (7) Superior Overpowering Presence - Accuracy/Control Duration
 (7) Gladiator's Javelin - Chance of Damage(Toxic)
 (9) Unbreakable Constraint - Chance for Smashing Damage
 (9) Ghost Widow's Embrace - Chance of Damage(Psionic)
 (47) Gladiator's Net - Chance of Damage(Lethal)

Level 1:    O2 Boost    
 (A) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb
 (11) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime/Endurance
 (13) Preventive Medicine - Heal/Endurance

Level 2:    Chain Fences    
 (A) Bombardment - Chance for Fire Damage
 (13) Bombardment - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge/Endurance
 (15) Bombardment - Damage
 (15) Bombardment - Accuracy/Recharge/Endurance
 (17) Bombardment - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge

Level 4:    Maneuvers    
 (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
 (19) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
 (48) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance

Level 6:    Jolting Chain    
 (A) Apocalypse - Chance of Damage(Negative)
 (19) Apocalypse - Damage/Endurance
 (21) Apocalypse - Recharge/Accuracy
 (21) Apocalypse - Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
 (23) Apocalypse - Damage
 (23) Force Feedback - Chance for +Recharge

Level 8:    Conductive Aura    
 (A) Preemptive Optimization - EndMod/Endurance/Recharge
 (11) Preemptive Optimization - EndMod/Accuracy/Recharge
 (17) Preemptive Optimization - EndMod/Accuracy/Endurance
 (42) Preemptive Optimization - EndMod/Recharge
 (48) Preemptive Optimization - EndMod/Endurance
 (48) Preemptive Optimization - Accuracy/Recharge

Level 10:    Steamy Mist    
 (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
 (42) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage
 (46) Reactive Defenses - Defense
 (49) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance

Level 12:    Static Field    
 (A) Fortunata Hypnosis - Chance for Placate

Level 14:    Boxing    
 (A) Empty

Level 16:    Freezing Rain    
 (A) Achilles' Heel - Chance for Res Debuff
 (25) Tempered Readiness - Endurance/Recharge/Slow
 (25) Pacing of the Turtle - Endurance/Recharge/Slow
 (47) Annihilation - Chance for Res Debuff

Level 18:    Paralyzing Blast    
 (A) Superior Will of the Controller - Recharge/Chance for Psionic Damage
 (27) Superior Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Control Duration/Endurance/Recharge
 (27) Superior Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Control Duration/Endurance
 (29) Superior Will of the Controller - Endurance/Recharge
 (29) Superior Will of the Controller - Control Duration/Recharge
 (31) Superior Will of the Controller - Accuracy/Control Duration

Level 20:    Tough    
Hamidon Origin:Ribosome Exposure
 (34) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All)
 (37) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%

Level 22:    Weave    
 (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
 (37) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All)
 (40) Shield Wall - Defense
 (43) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance

Level 24:    Super Speed    
 (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance
 (43) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)

Level 26:    Synaptic Overload    
 (A) Coercive Persuasion  - Contagious Confusion
 (43) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused/Endurance
 (45) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused
 (45) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused/Recharge
 (45) Coercive Persuasion  - Confused/Recharge/Accuracy
 (46) Coercive Persuasion  - Recharge/Accuracy

Level 28:    Hasten    
 (A) Recharge Reduction IO
 (46) Recharge Reduction IO

Level 30:    Combat Jumping    
 (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
 (31) Kismet - Accuracy +6%

Level 32:    Gremlins    
 (A) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Damage
 (33) Expedient Reinforcement - Damage/Endurance
 (33) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
 (33) Expedient Reinforcement - Endurance/Damage/Recharge
 (34) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Recharge
 (34) Expedient Reinforcement - Resist Bonus Aura for Pets

Level 35:    Tornado    
 (A) Soulbound Allegiance - Damage/Recharge
 (36) Soulbound Allegiance - Damage/Endurance
 (36) Soulbound Allegiance - Damage
 (36) Soulbound Allegiance - Chance for Build Up
 (37) Overwhelming Force - Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown

Level 38:    Lightning Storm    
 (A) Superior Winter's Bite - Accuracy/Damage
 (39) Superior Winter's Bite - Damage/RechargeTime
 (39) Superior Winter's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
 (39) Superior Winter's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
 (40) Superior Winter's Bite - Damage/Endurance/Accuracy/RechargeTime
 (40) Sudden Acceleration - Knockback to Knockdown

Level 41:    Charged Armor    
Hamidon Origin:Ribosome Exposure

Level 44:    Power Sink    
 (A) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Recharge

Level 47:    Tactics    
 (A) Endurance Reduction IO

Level 49:    Hurricane    
 (A) Endurance Reduction IO

Level 1:    Containment    
Level 1:    Brawl    
 (A) Empty

Level 1:    Sprint    
 (A) Empty

Level 2:    Rest    
 (A) Empty

Level 1:    Swift    
 (A) Empty

Level 1:    Hurdle    
 (A) Empty

Level 1:    Health    
 (A) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance
 (3) Numina's Convalesence - +Regeneration/+Recovery
 (3) Miracle - +Recovery

Level 1:    Stamina    
 (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
 (5) Power Transfer - Chance to Heal Self
 (5) Power Transfer - EndMod

Level 24:    Speed Phase    

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |


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